
Terms for subject Electronics containing communications operations | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
army communications operations center陆军通信作战中心
communication operation station通信作业[工作]站
communication operation station通信操作台
communication operation van通信作业车
communication technical operations center通信技术操作中心
communications and data processing operation通信与数据处理作业
communications and data processing operation system通信与数据处理操作系统
communications electronics operation instruction通信电子设备操作指南
communications satellite operation center通信卫星运管中心
communications spacecraft operations center宇宙飞船通信操作中心
coordination of atomic operations communications network原子作战通信网络协调
Defense Communications Agency Operations center国防通信局作战中心
joint European operations communications network欧洲联合作战通信网
national communications system operations center国家通信系统运营中心
operations communications作战通信
operations support system for optical fiber communications光纤通信运营支持系统
satellite communications test operation center卫星通信试验运作中心