
Terms for subject United Nations containing communications | all forms | exact matches only
augmentative modes of communication强化的交流模式
command-and-control net using non-vehicular-mounted HF communications equipment利用非车辆装载的高频通信器材提供一个指挥控制网
Committee on Shipping and Transport and Communications航运、运输和通信委员会
Committee on Transport and Communications运输和通讯委员会
Committee on Transport, Communications, Tourism and Infrastructure Development运输、通讯、旅游和基础设施发展委员会
Committee on Transportation and Communications运输和通讯委员会
communication and reporting通信和报告
communications and command posts通信和指挥所
communications equipment通信装备
communications vehicles通讯车
Declaration on the Launching of the Transport and Communications Decade for Asia and the Pacific发起亚洲及太平洋运输和通讯十年宣言
General Transport, Coordination and Communications Section一般运输、协调和通讯科
ICST Information, Communication and Space Technology Division信息、通信和空间技术司
Information and Communications Technologies Coordinators Group信息和通信技术协调员小组
Information, Communication and Space Technology Division信息、通信和空间技术司
Inter-Agency Consultative Group on the Transport and Communications Decade for Asia and the Pacific亚洲及太平洋运输和通讯十年机构间协商小组
line of communication bridge跨线桥
line of communication bridge交通线桥
Meeting of Ministers Responsible for Transport and Communications主管运输和通讯部长会议
minor equipment means equipment in support of contingents, such as catering, accommodation, non-specialist communication and engineering and other mission-related activities. minor equipment is divided into two categories: items designed to support major equipment次要装备分为两类:支助主要装备的物品
minor equipment means equipment in support of contingents, such as catering, accommodation, non-specialist communication and engineering and other mission-related activities. minor equipment is divided into two categories: items designed to support major equipment直接或间接支助人员的物品
minor equipment means equipment in support of contingents, such as catering, accommodation, non-specialist communication and engineering and other mission-related activities. minor equipment is divided into two categories: items designed to support major equipment次要装备是指支助特遣队的装备,比如伙食供应、住宿、非专家通信和工程及其他与任务有关的活动
NGO/Media Symposium on Communication for Environment非政府组织/媒体关于环境宣传的专题讨论会
office, communications and command posts办公室、通信和指挥所
oral-aural communication听说交流
Population Information and Communication Section人口信息和通讯科
programme support communication方案宣传工作
Regional Programme of Action for the Transport and Communications Decade for Asia and the Pacific亚洲及太平洋运输和通讯十年区域行动纲领
Subcommittee on Information, Communications and Space Technology信息、通信和空间技术小组委员会
Subcommittee on Information, Communications and Space Technology信息,通讯和空间技术小组委员会
tactile communication触觉交流
Transport and Communications Committee运输和通讯委员会
Transport and Communications Decade for Asia and the Pacific亚洲及太平洋运输和通讯十年
Transport, Communications and Tourism Division运输、通讯和旅游司
truck, communications light轻型通讯卡车
underwater communication systems水下通信系统
VHF/UHF radio for communication with forward medical teams可同前方医疗队联系的甚高频/超高频无线电台