
Terms for subject Business containing commodities | all forms | exact matches only
adjust payment in accordance with the price index of certain commodities折实
adjust supply and demand for commodities调整商品供求
aggregate prices of commodities商品价格总额
aggregation over commodities商品集中
amount of commodities商品量
amount of commodities available可供商品量
ample supply of commodities商品供应充足
annual statistics of production of industrial commodities工业商品生产年度统计
application for exportation of controlled commodities管制物资出口申请书
available commodities可供商品
average velocity of the circulation of commodities商品流通平均速度
balance between supply and demand of commodities商品供求平衡
basic groups of commodities商品基本类别
Broad Economic Commodities Categories广义经济商品分类
buying and selling of commodities商品买卖
Canton Export Commodities广州出口商品交易会广交会
catalogue of commodities商品目录
centers of commodities concentration, distribution and exchange商品集散交流中心
chronic shortage of commodities长期商品短缺
classification and numbering of commodities商品分类与编号
classification of commodities商品分类
classified management of commodities商品分类管理
combined value of commodities商品复合体价值
Committee on Commodities商品委员会联合国贸易与开发会议
commodities inflation商品价格上涨
Commodity Credit Corporation商品信用公司农产品信贷公司
Commodity Exchange Authority〈美〉农产品交易管理局
Commodity Futures Trading Commision美国商品期货交易管理委员会
complementary commodities互补商品
concurrently sell commodities兼营
confront each other as commodities商品互相对立
criterion for classification of commodities商品分类标准
expensive commodities高档商品
export of commodities商品出口
exportation of commodities商品出口
exports of commodities商品岀口额
fast-selling commodities热门商品
faulty commodities劣质商品
fragile commodities易碎商品
free commodities自由商品指外贸中专营商品外,可自由经营的商品
free commodities免费商品
futures market for commodities商品期货市场
general ledger for commodities普通商品分类账
grade commodities and fix price accordingly按级论价
Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System商品统一分类和编码系统
hold-up in the sale of commodities商品高价销售
imitative and inferior commodities伪劣商品
import and export by commodities进出口商品结构即各类进出口商品在进出口贸易中的比重
income from commodities sold岀售商品收益
index of price parities between import and export commodities进出口商品比价指数
Index of Sensitive World Commodity Prices世界敏感商品价格指数
interchange of commodities物资交流
interchange of commodities商品交换
interflow of commodities between town and country城乡物资交流
international commodities physicals and futures国际商品现货及期货
international flows of commodities国际商品流量
international trade by commodities国际商品贸易
international trade on the exchange of commodities国际易货贸易
Kwangchow Guangzhou Export Commodities Fair广州出口商品交易会
licence for the import of commodities进口货物许可证
list of export commodities出口商品目录
market for commodities商品市场
market for international commodities国际商品市场
market-leading commodities市场领导商品
metamorphosis of commodities商品转形
method of differentiated management of commodities商品分级管理法
mineral commodities矿产品
name and classification of commodities商品名称与分类
normal classification of commodities商品标准分类
normal classification of international commodities国际商品标准分类
ordinary commodities日用商品
overproduction of commodities商品生产过剩
pattern of export commodities岀口商品结构
planned allocation of commodities商品计划调拨
range of commodities商品范围
range of commodities商品系列
rate of waste commodities商品损耗率
redistribution of commodities商品再分配
regulating export commodities structure调节出商品结构
Reuter's Index of Commodity Price路透社商品价格指数
specialization of commodities商品分类
Standard Commodity Classification标准商品分类
stockable commodities可存储商品
stockable commodities可储存商品
surplus agricultural commodities剩余农产品
time saving commodities省时商品
total volume of commodities商品总量
tour commodities旅游商品
traditional export commodities传统出口商品
travel commodities旅游商品
turns of commodities商品周转次数