
Terms for subject Economy containing commission | all forms | exact matches only
a fidelity commission system诚实信用佣金制度
a graded commission级差佣金
a half commission man半经纪人
a half commission man股票分佣中人
a missionary salesman's salaries and commission推销员薪金及佣金
a ship in commission现役船
a zoning commission城市规划委员会
accept a commission接受委托 (佣金)
agency on the basis of ... percent commission accepted同意代理按百分比…收取佣金
agent's commission代理手续费
agent's commission代理人佣金
agricultural commission农业委员会
Alberta Petroleum Marketing Commission加拿大阿尔伯塔石油销售委员会
an organization commission编制委员会
Anyway, your commission will not exceed 50%不管怎样,你方佣金不能超过50%
Bay Area Transportation Study Commission海湾地区运输研究委员会
booking commission揽货手续费
business on commission代客买卖
buying commission代购佣金
CIF and commission到岸价格加佣金价
collection commission托收费用
commission agent代销者〔商〕
commission agents委托代理商
commission business经纪业
commission house寄售公司
commission house merchant代办行商人
commission income手续费收入
commission merchant取佣金的代理商
commission merchant佣金批发商
commission mortgage loan佣金抵押借贷
Commission of Asian and Far Eastern Affairs of the International Chamber of Commerce国际商会亚洲与远东事务委员会
commission of control管制委员会
commission of finance财政厅
commission of inquiry调査委员会
commission of preinvestment studies投资前研究的酬劳金
Commission on International Commodity Trade国际商品交易委员会
Commission on International Commodity Trade联合国国际商品贸易委员会 (UN)
commission on international exchange国际汇兑调査委员会
commission on issue and public offerings募债手续费
Commission on Money Credit用委员会
Commission on Money Credit美国货币信
Commission on Standardization of Field Tests现场试验标准化委员会
commission on underwriting承销手续费
commission paid on discounted account应收账款贴现佣金支出
commission percentages佣金
commission percentages手续费
commission shop寄卖商店
commission survey鉴定费
commission ticket佣金票据
commission trade代售业务
commission trade经纪业务
Commodity Futures Trading Commission美国商品期货贸易委员会
conditional commission and bonus附条件的佣金和奖金
confirmation commission保兑手续
confirmed commission保兑佣金
Consumer Product Safety Commission美国消费者产品安全委员会
contingent commission佣金
cost, freight and commission货价、运费及佣金
cost, freight and commission成本、运费及佣金
cost, freight and commission成本、运费加佣金
cost, insurance, and freight and commission到岸价格加佣金价
cost, insurance, freight and 2% commission到岸价格加2%佣金
cost, insurance, freight and 2% commission含2%佣金的到岸价
cost, insurance, freight and commission成本、保险费、运费加佣金价,到岸价加佣金价
cost, insurance, freight and commission到岸加佣金价格[成本加保险费、运费及佣金后的 价格]
cost, insurance, freight and commission含佣金的到岸价
cost, insurance, freight and 3% commission到岸价格加3%佣金 (货价、保险费、运费加结关费用价)
cost, insurance, freight & commission到岸加佣金价格
cost, insurance, freight, commission and interest成本、保险费,运费加佣金及利息价,到岸价加佣金及利息
cost, insurance, freight, commission, and interest成本、保险、运费、手续费和利息、到岸价格加佣金及利息价
cost, insurance, freight commission and interest到岸价格加佣金及利息价 (货价、保险费、运费加佣金及利息)
cost, insurance, freight, commission and interest含佣金和利息的到岸价
cost, insurance, freight, commission & interest到岸价格加佣金及利息价
cost, insurance, freight, interest and commission含利息和佣金的到岸价
dead commission固定经济费
dead commission固定经纪费
del credere commission保付货款代理人佣金
del credere commission保证收取货物佣金
Development Assistance Commission经济协作与发展组织开发援助委员会
disbursement commission船舶驶费佣金
discount commission贴现手续费
distribute on commission按佣金经销
Economic and Social Commission for Asia and Pacific联合国亚洲太平洋地区经济与社会委员会
Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific联合国亚洲及太平洋经济社会委员会
UN Economic Commission for Africa联合国非洲经济委员会 (ECA)
UN Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East联合国亚洲及远东经济委员会 (ECAFE)
Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East联合国亚洲及远东经济委员会 (of UN)
UN Economic Commission for Europe联合国欧洲经济委员会 (ECE)
UN Economic Commission for Latin America联合国拉丁美洲经济委员会 (ECLA)
Economic Commission for Latin America联合国拉丁美洲经济委员会
Economic Commission for the Middle East中东经济委员会
UN Economic Commission for West Asia联合国西亚经济委员会 (ECWA)
Energy Regulatory Commission墨西哥能源调节委员会
Engineering Accreditation Commission工程认可委员会
engineering, procurement and commission contract工程设计、采购与投产合同
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission就业机会均等委员会
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission美国公平就业机会委员会
error of commission are just as deceiving as error of omission授权错误如同遗漏给予之错误
excess profit commission超额利润手续费
exchange commission汇兑手续费
export agent on a commission basis出口取佣委托商
Fair Trade Commission公平贸易委员会 (日)
Fair Trade Commission商品交易展览委员会
Feder al Recreation Commission联邦娱乐委员会
federal communication commission联邦通讯协会
federal communication commission联邦电讯委员会
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission美国联邦能源法规委员会
Federal Exchange Commission美国联邦交易委员会
Federal Maritime Commission美国联邦海事委员会
Federal Open Market Commission联邦公开市场政策委员会
Federal Power Commission美国联邦动力委员会
Federal Trade Commission联邦贸易委员会 (美)
Federal Trade Commission美国联邦贸易委员会
Federal Trade Commission美国联邦贸易委会员
Federal Trade Commission Act美国联邦贸易委员会法案
fee and commission received a/c佣金、手续费收入账户
fees and commission receipts佣金收入
For the goods listed in our catalogue, we allow a flat rate of commission of 5%对于我方目录单所列的商品,我们一律给以5%的佣金
foreign investment commission外国投资管理委员会
forwarding agent's commission运输代理佣金
free of charter's commission无租船人佣金
free on board and commission船上交货加佣金价
functional commission职司委员会
futures commission merchant期货委托商店
guarantee commission在寄售交易中代理商收取的保证手续费
handle sales on a commission basis佣金制下销售产品
If the yearly turnover doesn't reach $50.000, we will not pay you the overriding commission如果一年的成交额不到五万美元,我方不会付给你方超额佣金
In full settlement of your services we will pay you 10% of the total price as commission为了使你方的服务得到充分报酬,我们将付总价 10%的佣金
In your letter, you advise us that a Japanese company is offering us a higher commission and other facilities在刚刚收到的来信中,得知一家日本公司向我们提出较高的佣金及其他便利条件
International Commission for Rules for the Approval of Electrical Equipment国际电气设备核准规章委员会
International Trade Commission美国国际贸易委员会
Interstate Commerce Commission美国州际商务委员会
Interstate Commerce Commission洲际商务委员会 (美)
Interstate Commerce Commission美国州际商业委员会
Interstate Oil Compact Commission美国州际石油契约委员会
Labour Relations Commission美国劳资关系委员会
loan commission放款委员会
maritime commission海运委员会
Middle East Economic Commission联合国中东经济委员会
minister in Charge of the Commission of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defence国防科学技术工业委员会主任
Minister in Charge of the State Commission for Restructuring Economic System国家经济体制改革委员会主任
Minister in Charge of the State Economic Commission国家经委主任
Minister in Charge of the State Education Commission国家教育委员会主任
Minister in Charge of the State Family Planning Commission国家计划生育委员会主任
Minister in Charge of the State Nationalities Affairs Commission国家民族事务委员会主任
Minister in Charge of the State Physical Culture and Sports Commission国家体育运动委员会主任
Minister in Charge of the State Planning Commission国家计委主任
Minister in Charge of the State Scientific & Technological Commission国家科学技术委员会主任
mixed claims commission混合诉讼委员会
mixed commission混合手续费佣金
Monopolies and Mergers Commission西欧垄断兼并委员会
monopolies and mergers commission垄断与吞并委员会
national incomes commission国家所得委员会
no commission until paid讫前无佣金
no commission until paid付前无佣金
notary's commission公证人的酬劳金
Nuclear Regulatory Commission美国核管理委员会
Nuclear Regulatory Commission Authorization Act核能管理委员会核准法案
official commission brokers官方经纪人
Oil Mineral Producing Areas Development Commission尼日利亚石油矿区开发委员会
on commission受委托
Our agent in Tokyo didn't earn his commission我方在东京的代理人没有赚取佣金
Pan-American Commission on Technical Standards泛美技术标准委员会
payment commission兑付汇票手续费
payment commission兑付汇票的手续费
Philippines National Oil Commission菲律宾国家石油委员会
Please quote your lowest prices CIF San Francisco for each of the items below, inclusive of our 3% commission请就下列各项开报包含我方3%佣金在内的旧金山到岸最低价 (成本、保险费加运费)
Price Control Commission美国物价管制委员会
price including commission包括佣金价格
public service commission公用事业委员会
purchasing commission代理佣金
rebate commission回扣费 (多指运费)
reinsurance commission分保手续
renewal commission更新手续费
renewal commission续保佣金 (手续费)
rental agent commission收租代理人手续费
Rules of Procedure of the Inter-American Commercial Arbitration Commission 19691969年美洲商事仲裁委员会程序规则
sacrifice a part of commission to put the deal through牺牲一部分佣金达成交易
sales commission售货手续费
sales commission销货佣金
sales commission可扣销售佣金
scale of commission佣金率
Scientific and Technical Administration Commission科学技术管理委员会
Securities and Exchange Commission证券交易管理委员会 (美)
Securities and Exchange Commission美国证券交易委员会
sell goods on commission寄售商品
selling commission代销手续费
small holdings commission小农调查委员会
state import-export commission国家进出 口管理委员会
State Lands Commission美国加利福尼亚州土地委员会
Tariff Commission美国关税委员会
tariff commission关税委员会
The above quotation includes your commission of 2%以上报价包括你方2%的佣金
the acquisition commission展业手续费
the acquisition commission资产购置手续费
the address commission回载货物手续费
the address commission租船回扣
the address commission租船代理佣金
the advisory commission咨询委员会
the advisory commission顾问委员会
the agreed agency commission约定的代理佣金
the amendment commission修改手续费
the commission and expenses on capital shares股票发行费用
the commission on a sliding scale递加佣金
the commission on drafts sold出售外汇汇票佣金
the commission paid on foreign exchange外汇佣金支出
the commission trade经纪贸易
the commission transaction佣金交易
the commission transaction委托交易
The company was awarded its damage by the Arbitration Commission仲裁委员会裁决赔偿该公司的损失
the conciliation commission协调委员会
the conciliation commission调解委员会
the endorsement commission背书手续费
the factoring commission代理人佣金
The Foreign Trade Arbitration Commission of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade中国国际贸易促进委员会对外贸易仲裁委员会
The lawyer has submitted the statement of the defendant to the arbitration commission律师已将被告人的申诉提交仲裁委员会
The Maritime Arbitration Commission of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade中国国际贸易促进委员会海事仲裁委员会
The offer includes your commission of 5%此报盘包括你方 5%的佣金
the overriding commission代办佣金
the overriding commission转分保手续费
The price they offered any commission他们的报价不含佣金
the profit commission盈利佣金
the profit commission纯利手续费
the sell commission代销佣金
the stipulated commission规定佣金
the switching commission转手贸易佣金
the transfer commission过户手续费
the transfer commission转让手续费
They can allow less than 5% commission他们可以付给 5%以下的佣金
They hired salesmen to sell estates on commission basis他们以佣金报酬方式雇推销员出售地产
trade on commission委托交易
transfer commission过户手续表
transmission commissions转递手续费
undeclared commissions秘密佣金
United States International Trade Commission美国国际贸易委员会
Unless otherwise specified, we won't include your commission in our offers除非另有说明,我们不把你方的佣金包括在报盘内
Upon due consideration n., we agreed to grant you 5% commission经过适当考虑后,我们同意给予你方5%的佣金
We believe the commission has been figured out in error我们相信佣金算错了
We do the business on principal-to-~ basis, so there is no commission我们是双方直接成交这笔业务的,因此没有佣金这回事
We know that the commission on this small business is not sufficient to offset the advertising expenses我们知道这样一笔小业务的佣金还不够折付广告费
We would like to inquire your price including our commission我们想询问包括你方佣金的价格
You may deduct your 5% commission from the total amount of payment你可以从付款总数中扣除你 5% 的佣金