
Terms for subject Environment containing commission | all forms | exact matches only
Alaska oil & Gas Conservation Commission美国阿拉斯加石油天然气资源保护委员会
Colorado Oil & Gas Conservation Commission美国科罗拉多油气资源保护委员会
Commission cxi Atmospheric Chemistry and Global Pollution大气化学与全球污染委员会
Commission for Atmospheric Sciences联合国大气科学委员会
Commission for Climatology世界气象组织气候学委员会
European Commission The European Union's administrative body, composed of twenty independent members appointed by the Member States for five-year terms and vested with powers of initiative, implementation, management and control according to the mandates established in EU Treaties or handed down by the EU Council欧洲委员会 (欧盟的执行机构,由20个由会员国任命的独立成员组成,任期5年,根据欧盟协定的委任或欧盟理事会下达的指令,赋有主导,执行,管理和控制的权利。)
Health & Safety Commission美国健康与安全委员会
Kansas Conservation Commission美国堪萨斯资源保护委员会
Ohio River Valley Water Sanitation Commission美国俄亥俄河流域水质卫生委员会
Oil and Gas Conservation Commission石油天然气保护委员会
Texas Natural Resources Conservation Commission美国得克萨斯天然资源保护委员会
Water Quality Commission水质委员会