
Terms for subject International trade containing commercials | all forms
ABC universal commercial telegraphic codeABC世界商业电码
Agreement relating to Application of the European Convention on International Commercial Arbitration1962 年关于执行欧洲国际商事仲裁公约的协定 (Paris, 17 December 1962)
banker's commercial credit银行商业信贷
banker's commercial credit银行商业信用证
Canadian-American Commercial Arbitration Commission美加商业仲裁委员会
collection of commercial paper商业票据托收
colonial commercial policy殖民地贸易政策
commercial abbreviations商业略语
commercial acceptance商业承兑汇票
commercial acceptance bill and bankers acceptance bill商业承兑汇票和银行承兑汇票
commercial account商业往来账户
commercial act商业行为 (transaction)
commercial advertisement商业广告 (advertising)
commercial age商业时代
commercial agency商行
commercial agency商业代理
commercial agency contract商务代理契约
commercial agent代理商
commercial agent商务代表
commercial agent商业代理
commercial agreement商业合约
commercial agreement商业协定
commercial and navigation treaty通商航海条约
commercial arbitration商业仲裁
commercial arbitration商事仲裁
commercial arbitration商务仲裁
commercial arbitration commission商业仲裁委员会
commercial art商业艺术
commercial articles报上的商品新闻
commercial articles商品
commercial attache商务参赞
commercial attache商务专员帮办
commercial attache商业专员
commercial attache to a legation公使馆商务参赞
commercial aviation商用航空
commercial aviation商用航空事业
commercial aviation民用航空
commercial aviation商用航空业
commercial banking商业银行业务
commercial bill商业票据商业汇票 (notes)
commercial bill商业票据
commercial bill of exchange商业汇票
commercial book-keeping商业簿记
commercial bureau商业局
commercial business商务事业
commercial capital商业资本
commercial car商业用车
commercial car商业车
commercial centre商业中心
commercial chestnut商业文件中的滥调
commercial circles商业界人士
commercial circles商业界
commercial code商法典
commercial college商业学校
commercial college商学院
commercial company商务公司
commercial company贸易公荀
commercial company贸易公司
commercial company partnership商业合伙公司
commercial competition商业竞争
commercial concern贸易公司
commercial concern商店
commercial contract贸易合同
commercial control商业控制
commercial control商贩控制
commercial coordination商业协作
commercial corporation商业公司
commercial correspondence商业信函
commercial correspondence商业通信
commercial counsellor商务参赞
commercial counselor商务参赞
commercial counselor's office商务处
commercial counsels office商务处
commercial credit商业信用
commercial credit商业信用证
commercial credit商业信用状
commercial credit agency商业征信所
commercial credit bureau商业征信所
commercial credit company商业信贷公司 (sales finance company)
commercial credit company商业信用公司
commercial credit insurance商业信用保险
commercial crisis商业危机
commercial custom商业惯例
commercial customhouse商业税关
commercial customs商业惯例
commercial customs商业习惯
commercial department商业部门
commercial department商务处
commercial depression商业不景气
commercial depression商业萧条
commercial director商务总监
commercial disappearance商业销售
commercial discount商业贴现.
commercial discount商业折扣
commercial distribution area商业销售区
commercial distribution center商业销售中心
commercial district商业区
commercial documentary letter of credit商业跟单信用状
commercial documentary letter of credit商业跟单信甩证
commercial documentary letter of credit商业押汇信用证
commercial documentary letter of credit商业跟单信用证
commercial draft商业汇票
commercial dust不纯的沙金
commercial dust商用沙金
commercial education商业教育
commercial employees商业雇员
commercial energy resource商业性能源
commercial enquiry agency商业征信所
commercial exchange商业汇兑
commercial expense业务费用
commercial expense商业费用
commercial express and storage商业贮运
commercial farm商业农场
commercial federation商业协会
commercial finance商业资金
commercial financing提供商业资金
commercial firm贸易公司
commercial firm商店
commercial fishery商品'渔业
commercial forgery policy商业伪造保险单
commercial free ports商业自由港
commercial free zones商业免税区
commercial frustration商业上的落空
commercial girl商业电视节目的女广播员
commercial grad商品级
commercial guild商业公会
commercial guild商业协会
commercial house商行
commercial inquiry office商业征信所
commercial instrument商业证书
commercial instrument营业执照
commercial instrument商业票据
commercial intelligence商业通信局
commercial intercourse通商
commercial intercourse贸易往来商业关系
commercial investment trust company商业投资信托公司
commercial invoice发货单
commercial law商法
commercial letter商业函件
commercial letter of credit商业信用状
commercial leverage商业杠杆
commercial leverage商业上的调节手段
commercial loading商品装载
commercial loan商业放款
commercial loan rate商业贷款利率
commercial management商业管理
commercial matters商务
commercial message商业产吿
commercial message商情
commercial message商业文件通讯
commercial message美国总统向国会提出的商业咨文
commercial mission商业代表团
commercial morality商业道德
commercial museum商品陈列馆
commercial museum商品陈列所
commercial natural gas商品天然气
commercial negotiable instrument商业可流通的票据
commercial network商业网
commercial notes商业禀据
commercial notes market商业票据市场
commercial operation交易
commercial operation商业行为
commercial organization商业组织
commercial orthodoxy商业正统
commercial package商业包装
commercial packing商业包装
commercial pact商务条约
commercial paper发行期票
commercial paper house商业票据承销公司
commercial paper house商业证券经纪行
commercial paper market商业票据市场
commercial par商业平价平均价
commercial par商业平价
commercial par of exchange商业汇兑平价
commercial partnership商业合伙
commercial partnership and company商业合伙公司
commercial pledge商业上的抵押
commercial policy商业政策
commercial practice商业措施
commercial practice商业实务
commercial practice商业惯例
commercial processing商业加工
commercial procurement商业采购
commercial profit商业利润
commercial psychology商业心理学
commercial pursuit商业
commercial radio收音机广吿
commercial railway营业铁道
commercial reciprocity互惠贸易
commercial register商业注册
commercial register商业登记簿
commercial registration商业注册
commercial registration商业登记
commercial regulation商业规章
commercial regulation商业法规
commercial relations商业关系
commercial relationships of a private law nature私法性质的商业关系
commercial rent商业租金
commercial representative商务代表
commercial reprocessing商用回收处理
commercial residential buildings商品住宅
commercial risks商业风险
commercial room商人房间旅馆的,专供商人谈生意的房间
commercial rules for import and export trade进出口贸易商用规则
commercial school商业学校
commercial science商业学
commercial secretary大使馆商务秘书
commercial service通讯社所发的有关商情专电
commercial service商业专报
commercial service商业服务
commercial shipping通商航行
commercial society商业社会
commercial standing商业地位
commercial standing商业信用
commercial statistics商业统计
commercial storage transportation network商业储运网
commercial struggle经济战
commercial struggle商战
commercial symbols商业符号
commercial system商业方式
commercial system商业制度
commercial tariff商务运价表
commercial telegrams商业电报
commercial terms贷款商业条件
commercial terms商业用语
commercial transaction贸易 (commercial act)
commercial transaction commercial act商业行为交易
commercial transaction买卖 (commercial act)
commercial transaction商业交易
commercial traveler旅行商人 (C. T.)
commercial traveler旅行销货人 (C. T.)
commercial traveler商业推销员
commercial treaties and agreements贸易条约和协定
commercial treaty商务条约
commercial treaty通商条约
commercial treaty of enslavement奴役性商约
commercial undertaking商业机构
commercial usage商业惯例
commercial usage商业习惯
commercial use商业用途
commercial value交易价值
commercial vocation商务行业
commercial voucher商业传票
commercial war商战
commercial warehouse商用仓库
commercial warehouse营业仓库
commercial weight原量
commercial weight纯量
commercial weight正量
commercial world商界
common commercial policy共同商业政策
conditions of commercial sale货物销售条件
Consulate, Economic, Commercial Sections领事馆经济商务部
Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgements in Civil and Commercial Matters承认及执行外国民事和商务判决公约
customary commercial practice例行商业做法
customary commercial practice商业惯例
Customs Convention on Temporary Importation of Commercial Vehicles关于商业公路车辆暂进口的海关协定
directorate of commercial aid商业援助局
documentary commercial bill drawn at short sight商业短期押汇票
electricity commercial lighting营业用电
eligible commercial paper合格商业票据
English commercial correspondence英文商业尺牍
European Convention on International Commercial Arbitration国际商事仲裁欧洲公约
European Convention on International Commercial Arbitration Geneva, 21 April 1961 1961年关于国际商事仲裁的欧洲公约
index numbers of domestic final consumption of commercial energy国内商业性能源最终消费指数
Industrial and Commercial Finance Corporation工商业金融公司
Inter-American Commercial Arbitration Commission美洲洲际商事仲裁委员会
Inter-American Commercial Arbitration Commission美洲商事仲裁委员会
international commercial terms国际商业条件
Interstate Commercial Commission美国州际商务委员会
New York Bankers Commercial Credit Conference纽约银行业者商业信用会议
no commercial value无商业价值
non-commercial accounts非贸易账户
non-commercial energy非商业性能源
non-commercial expenses非贸易开支
non-commercial foreign exchange division非贸易的外汇部门
non-commercial payment非贸易支付
non-commercial reserves初级商品的非商业储备 (of primary commodities)
non-commercial transaction非贸易业务
non-commercial transactions非贸易业务
non-eligible commercial paper不合格商业票据
office of commercial attache商务专员处
office of commercial counsellor商务参事处
office of commercial representative商务代表处
over-borrowed situation of commercial banks商业银行借入过多
Oversea Chinese Commercial Bank华侨商业银行
Pan American Convention on Commercial Aviation泛美商业航空协定
Philadelphia commercial museum费城商品陈列所
prime commercial paper最佳商业票据
registration of commercial enterprise商业注
restrictive commercial practice限制性商业措施
restrictive commercial practice限制性商业做法
Rules for International Commercial Arbitration and Standards for Conciliation of the United Nations Economic Commission for Asia and the Far Esat, 19661966 年联合国亚洲与远东经济委员会国际商事仲裁规则和调解准则
Rules of Procedure of the Inter-American Commercial Arbitration Commission, 19691969 年美洲商事仲裁委员会程序规则
special commercial privileges商业特权
subsidiary commercial transaction辅助商业交易
supply of primary commercial energy商品性初级能源供应
third-class commercial paper三等商业票据
transaction undertaken for other than purely commercial consideration不是纯粹商业的交易
Treaty on International Commercial Law Montevideo, 12 February, 1889 1889年关于国际商法的蒙得维的亚条约
Treaty on International Commercial Territorial Law Montevideo, 19 March, 1940 1940年关于国际陆地贸易的蒙得维的亚条约
trust savings & commercial bank信托储蓄商业银行
undue disruption of existing commercial market使现存商业市场受到不应有的扰乱
Uniform Commercial Code美国统一商法案
uniform customs and practice of commercial documentary credits商业银单信用证统惯例习惯与做法
uniform rules for the collection of commercial paper商业票据托收统一规则1955年国际商会颁订
uniform rules for the collection of commercial papers商业票据托收统一规则
yearbook commercial arbitration商业仲裁年鉴