
Terms for subject Economy containing commercials | all forms
a commercial communications satellite商业通讯卫星
a commercial concern贸易公司
a commercial concern商店
a commercial embargo贸易禁运
a commercial representative商务代表
a commercial traveller商业推销员
a commercial treaty商务条约
a commercial treaty通商条约
a commercial voucher商业传票
a commercial war商战
a non-commercial enterprise非营利企业
a non-eligible commercial paper不合格商业票据
approximately commercial value概算的市场价格
approximately commercial value概算的出售价格
Automated Commercial System美国海关的自动商务系统
basically law-abiding private industrial and commercial units基本守法的私人工商户
Canadian Commercial Corporation加拿大商业公司这是一家从事政府间贸易的头号加拿大商务承包公司
China Commercial Relations Committee美国对华贸易关系委员会
collude to commit commercial misdeed勾结进行商业舞弊
commercial abbreviation商业略语
commercial account厂商价款 (账项)
commercial accounting经济算制
commercial activity业活动
Commercial Activity Report美国的商务活动报告
commercial agent商务委员
commercial agent商务代理
commercial agriculture商业农业
commercial agriculture商业性农业生产
commercial and industrial law and regulations工商法规
commercial and industrial representative工商业代表
commercial arrangement area商业布置
commercial assistance商业性援助
commercial attache商务参赞【专员】
commercial bank loans商业银贷款务
commercial benefit tax商业利润税
commercial bill汇票
commercial bill商业汇票
commercial blockage商业封锁
commercial borrowing商业性贷款
commercial break电台或电视台的商业广告时间
commercial business商业事务
commercial campaign商业运动
commercial code商法
commercial colony商业殖民地
commercial community商业社会
commercial concession商业上的让步
commercial consumption of materialized labour商业物化劳动耗费
commercial contract商业合约
commercial convention商业公约
commercial coordination商业协调 (协作)
commercial correspondence商业函电
commercial credit agency商业信用咨询公司
commercial credit and discount companies商业票据贴现公司
commercial credit company金融公司
commercial department商业机构
commercial deposits有工业价值的油藏储量
commercial depression不景气
commercial distribution商业经销
commercial distribution centre商业销售流通中心
commercial document商业单证
commercial dry weight商品干重
commercial economy商业经济
commercial efficiency经济效率〔效果〕
commercial efficiency商业经济效率
commercial electronic device商业电子设备
commercial enterprise商业企业
commercial expense商业用费
commercial facility商业企业的房屋和设备
commercial facility商业企业
commercial farmer商品生产农民
commercial farms, by type商务农场,按生产类型分组
commercial finance商业金融
commercial form商业形式
commercial geography商业地理
commercial holding商品牧场
commercial holdings of federal securities美国企业持有的联邦证券
commercial house商号
Commercial Information Management System美国商务部商业信息管理系统
commercial instruments商业票据
commercial intelligence商业报告
commercial intelligence商业情报
commercial law商法 (mercantile law, business law)
commercial letter of credit商业信用书
commercial letter of credit商业信用证书 (L/C)
commercial loan theory of banking银行业务的商业放款理论
commercial management商业经营
commercial message广告
commercial multiple peril policy商业综合保险单
Commercial News USA美国商业新闻
commercial officers商务官员
commercial orchard acreage果类经济作物耕种面积
commercial organization商业部门
commercial package商业一揽子方案
commercial paper house商业票据商号
commercial paper house证券交易所
commercial paper names公司发行"商业货币" 的名称
commercial papers商业票据
commercial partnership company商业合伙公司
commercial policy staff美国国务院 商业政策课
commercial poultry商品禽类
commercial poultry商品鸡
commercial poultry商品家禽
commercial power营利能力
commercial production商业性生产
commercial profitability商业盈利率
commercial profitability商业上的可赢利性
commercial quality商品质量
commercial railway商业铁路
commercial rate商业汇率
commercial reciprocity贸易互惠
commercial representation商业代表
commercial reprocessing商品回收处理
commercial residential building商品住宅
commercial room旅馆专供商人会谈的房间
Commercial Sale Rooms伦敦糖、茶、咖啡等商品的商业交易所
commercial sample商业样货
commercial scale process大规模〔工业规模〕生产法
commercial scale process大规模生产过程
commercial secretary大使馆的商务秘书
commercial set整套商业文件
commercial speculation商业上投机
commercial staff商业人员
Commercial Standard商用 【工业】标准
commercial storage and transportation network商业储运网
commercial transactions商业部门售货额
commercial traveller跑生意的
commercial traveller旅行推销员
commercial trend商业动向
commercial trends商业动态
commercial value经济价值
commercial value市场价值
commercial value经济价
commercial value出售价格
commercial value商业价值
commercial weight纯重
commercial weight原重
commercial weight商业质量
commercial worker商业人员
commercial year商业财政年度
Companies should abide by the commercial decrees enacted by the government公司应该遵守政府颁布的商业法令
conditions of commercial transaction货物买卖条件
consolidated industrial and commercial tax工商统一税
customary commercial law商业习惯法
exempt from commercial and industrial taxes豁免工商税
final demand for commercial energy商业性能源的最终需求
financing on commercial terms按商业条件提供的资金
first-class commercial paper最佳商业票据
For our business and financial standing, we may refer you to our banker n., the Commercial Bank of Tokyo, Head Office, Tokyo关于我们的业务和财务情况,请向东京商业银行东京总行查询
Foreign Commercial Service美国商务部外商服务处
fundamental commercial transaction基本商业交易
fundamental commercial transaction基本商业行为
handle industrial and commercial registration办理工商登记
He entered upon a commercial undertaking n., and his undertaking was financed by his brother他开始从事商业,资金是他兄弟提供的
He worked in the Commercial Counsellor's Office in London ten years ago10年前他在伦敦商务参赞处工作过
industrial and commercial circles工商业界
industrial and commercial consolidated tax工商统一税
industrial and commercial tax工商税
industrial enterprises run by commercial units商办工业企业
integrated agricultural, industrial and commercial complex农工商联合企业
integration, manufacturing and commercial conglomerate农工商联合企业
international commercial bank国际商业银行
International Commercial Terms国际贸易条件
joint undertaking by industrial and commercial departments工商联营
L/C payment is the customary commercial practice in foreign trade在外贸业务中,信用证付款是商业惯例
long-term commercial paper长期证券
Many commercial organizations have been formed已经组成了许多商业团体
medium and large industrial and commercial enterprise大中型工商企业
middle scale commercial farmer中等规模的商品生产农民
National Commercial Bank全国商业银行
national economic networks with the advanced industrial and commercial cities as their centers以工商业比较发达的大城市为依托的全国经济中心
near commercial近似商业的
no commercial value无商【工】业价值
non-commercial contract非贸易合同
non-commercial contract非商事合同
non-commercial contracts非贸易合同
non-commercial contracts非商务合同
non-commercial reserves非商业储蓄 (of primary commodities)
non-commercial well非商业性油井
office of commercial attache商品专员处
Our commercial practice should not be injurious to the public interest我们的商业行为不应该损害公共利益
Overseas Chinese Commercial Bank华侨商业银行
point of connection in the commercial network商业网点
prices set by industrial commercial enterprises through consultation工商企业协商定价
primary commercial energy初级商业能源
primary commercial energy初级商品能源
Rules of Procedure of the Inter-American Commercial Arbitration Commission 19691969年美洲商事仲裁委员会程序规则
sample of no commercial value无商业价值商品
second-class commercial paper二等商业发票
semi-commercial farming半商业性耕作
senior commercial officer高级商务官员
social industrial and commercial capital社会工商资本
State-partnered commercial banking institutions国家参与的商业银行机构
steal secret commercial information盗窃偷听秘密商业情报
sub-commercial farmer亚商业农户
The bank attached a condition to the promise of the investment in the commercial real estate银行在允诺商业房地产投资同时附加了一个条件
the commercial paper商业票据
The commercial product has a proprietary name该商品有专利商标名
the commercial registration商业注册
the commercial reprocessing商用回收处理
the commercial room商人房间
the commercial vehicle商运车
the commercial vehicle货车
The English-Chinese Commercial Dictionary will be published in an dition deluxe in 2003 with the Commercial Press这本英汉商业词典将在 2003年由商务印书馆用精装本出版
the non-commercial value无商业价值
The office is in the commercial area of the town这家公司在该城镇的商业区
the undue disruption of existing commercial market使现存商业市场受到不应有的扰乱
They are putting out a series of prime-time commercials他们正在电视的黄金时间里播送一系列的广告
They have obtained our address from the Commercial Counsellor of our Embassy in London他们从敝国驻伦敦使馆的商务参赞那儿获悉敝公司的地址
Three copies of commercial invoice are attached附寄商业发票三份
thriving commercial and financial conditions金融活跌
transaction undertaken other than purely commercial consideration不是纯粹商业的交易
TV commercials电视台的广告节目
Uniform Commercial Code美国统一商法法典
Uniform Commercial Code统一商法法典 (美)
uniform commercial code美国 统一商法 (法典)
Uniform Commercial Code美国的统一商法典
uniform commercial code统一商业法
uniform customs and practice of commercial documentary credit商业跟单信用证统一惯例和做法
uniform industrial and commercial tax工商统一税
uniform rules for the collection of commercial paper商业票据托收统一规则
United States and Foreign Commercial Service美国与国外商业服务处美国商务部的一个机构
We leased several offices from a commercial building我们在一幢商业大厦租了几间办公室
You have no right to enter into commercial production of the similar goods without being permitted未经允许你方无权从事类似货品的商业性生产
Your address was obtained from the Commercial counsellor of your Embassy in Tokyo你们的地址是从你们国家驻东京大使馆,商务参赞处得到的