
Terms for subject International Monetary Fund containing commercials | all forms
asset-backed commercial paper资产支持商业票据
commercial arrears商业拖欠
commercial bank商业银行
commercial credit贸易信贷
commercial credit Paris Club非优惠贷款
commercial credit Paris Club商业贷款
commercial creditor商业债权人
commercial debt银行债务
commercial GDP商业GDP
commercial interest reference rate商业贷款参考利率
commercial lender商业贷款人
commercial lending非优惠贷款
commercial lending商业贷款
commercial letter of credit信用证
commercial loan非优惠贷款
commercial loan商业贷款
commercial mortgage-backed security商业抵押贷款支持证券
commercial paper商业票据
commercial terms常规市场条款
commercial terms硬条件
commercial terms商业条款
commercial terms市场条件
new commercial bank money新注入的商业银行资金
sample of no commercial value不具备商业价值的样本