
Terms for subject Environment containing commercial | all forms | exact matches only
commercial fishery Such fisheries belong to one of two groups: one catching demersal (bottom-living) fish, e.g. cod, haddock, plaice, sole; the other catching pelagic (surface-living) fish, e.g. anchovy, tuna, herring商品渔业 (这种渔业属于以下两个集团之一:一种捕捞底层(底层生活)的鱼类,如鳕鱼,黑线鳕,鲽鱼,可食用比目鱼;另一种捕捞中上层(表面生活)的鱼类,如鳀鱼,金枪鱼,鲱鱼。)
commercial law The whole body of substantive jurisprudence applicable to the rights, intercourse and relations of persons engaged in commerce, trade or mercantile pursuits商法 (人们从事于商业,贸易或商机追逐时,人与人之间的交际和相互关系所使用权利的独立法学主体。)
commercial noise Noise emitted from commercial activities商业噪音 (商业活动中发出的噪音。)
commercial traffic The operations and movements related to the transportation and exchange of goods市场运输 (有关货物的运输与交换活动。)
commercial transaction The conduct or carrying on of trade, business or a financial matter to a conclusion or settlement商业事务 (解决商业或财政事务的经营管理或运输等问题。)
commercial vehicle Vehicle designed and equipped for the transportation of goods商用车辆 (设计及配备用来运输货物的机动车辆。)
commercial vehicle运货汽车
common commercial policy The set of uniform trade principles or practices established by an European Community customs union, which implements common tariff rates, tariff and trade agreements with non-member countries, import and export policies, and export promotion共同商业政策 (由欧盟的关税联盟所建立的一系列共同贸易原则或惯例,应用于制定共同关税税率、与非会员国家间的关税与贸易合约、进出口政策与出口的推广。)
public institution of industrial and commercial nature Public institution for the management of industrial and commercial issues工业和商业制度的公共制度 (管理工业和商业问题的公共制度。)