
Terms for subject Business containing commerce | all forms | exact matches only
active commerce活跃的贸易
affecting commerce有影响性的商业
agreement on commerce通商协议
ambassador of commerce旅行商业家
ambassador of commerce商务使节
Associate in Commerce商业准学士
Association of British Chambers of Commerce英国商会联合会
associations embracing agriculture, industry and commerce农工商联合企业
Austrian Chamber of Commerce奥地利商会
Bachelor of Commerce商业学学士
Bachelor of Commerce and Administration商业管理学学士
Bachelor of Science in Commerce商学学士
Bachelor of Science in Commerce and Economics商业和经济学学士
Banque Francaise de Commerce Exterieur〈法〉法国外贸银行
basic principle of commerce商业基本原理
be engaged in commerce经商
bureau of commerce商业局
capitalistic commerce资本主义商业
Centre National du Commerce Exterieur〈法〉对外贸易中心
certificate to commerce business开业许可证
certificate to commerce business营业执照
chamber of commerce noting fee商会证明费
code of commerce商法
commerce act商业行为
commerce act商业法规
commerce clause〈美〉商业条款
commerce department商业部门
commerce interieur国内贸易
Commonwealth Chambers of Commerce英联邦商会
Confederation of Asian Chambers of Commerce亚洲商会联合会
Council of the International Chamber of Commerce国际商会
department of commerce商业系
Department of Commerce商科
Department of Commerce大学商学系
Doctor of Commerce商科博士
Doctor of Science in Commerce商科博士
Doctor of Science in Commerce商学博士
dynamical statistics of commerce商业动态统计
education for commerce商业教育
embargo on commerce禁止通商
equitable treatment of commerce公平商务待遇
extend trade and commerce扩展贸易与商业
faculty of commerce商学院
farm-indus try-commerce -enterprise农工商联合企业
fellow of the institute of commerce商业学会会员
friendly association of industry and commerce工商联谊会
history of commerce商业史
hors commerce非卖品
individual unit of industry and commerce个体工商业者
industry and commerce administration工商管理
industry and commerce controlled by the national bourgeoisie民族资本工商业
industry and commerce coordination工商协作
industry and commerce relation工商关系
inspector of industry and commerce上商调查员
inspector of industry and commerce工商检查员
integrity of commerce商誉
intermediary commerce中间贸易
intermediary commerce中介商业
International Chamber of Commerce Terms国际贸易术语解释通则 (Incoterms)
International Organization for Commerce国际商业组织
international tourist for commerce国际商务旅行
international trade and commerce国际通商贸易
interstate commerce州际贸易
interstate commerce州际贸易指美国各州间贸易
interstate commerce〈美〉州际商务
Interstate Commerce Commission〈美〉州际商务委员会
intra-state commerce〈美〉州际商务
intrastate commerce国内商业
introduction to commerce商业入门导论
inventory of retail commerce零售商业库存
investigation for commerce商务调查
investment in commerce商业投资
law of commerce贸易法
law of commerce商法
London Chamber of Commerce伦敦商会
loss from investment in commerce商业投资损失
M-Commerce移动商务即通过移动电话进行买卖活动的一种商务,在中欧地区盛行。 M 是 mobile 的缩写
management of internal commerce国内商业管理
manager of the commerce商务经理
manual of international commerce国际商务手册
maritime commerce海上商业
Master of Commerce商科硕士
Master of Commerce and Administration商业与行政管理硕士
mechanism of international commerce国际商务机构
metropolis of commerce大商埠
modern commerce现代商业
modernized commerce现代化商业
note receivable from commerce应收商业票据
ocean-going commerce海外贸易
operate commerce经营商业
organization of the chamber of commerce商会组织
passive commerce被动商务
private industry and commerce个体工商业
restrictive practices of commerce限制性商业惯例
society of commerce商业协会学会
special commerce特种商业
system of commerce商业体系
tax on commerce商业税
theory of commerce商业理论
thriving commerce商业繁荣
underpinning in commerce商业理论基础
unified industry and commerce tax工商统一税
waterborne commerce水运商业
world commerce国际商业
world on industry and commerce工商界