
Terms for subject Economy containing collective | all forms | exact matches only
accumulation and retention of common funds by the collective共同基金集体提留
build collective grain reserve留集体储备粮
collective account统制科目
collective account集合账户
collective account统制账户
collective action集体措施
collective advertising集体广告
collective agreement劳资谈判协议
collective agreement劳资协约
collective agreement between employers and workmen劳动协约
collective bargain集体合同
collective bargaining集合订约
collective bargaining policy劳资双方谈判政策
collective competition集体竞争
collective consumption集体消费
collective consumption account集体消费账目
collective contract of labour劳动集体协议
collective economy集体经济
collective exclusive dealing agreement联合专销协议
collective farm集体农庄
collective farming集体耕作
collective fund集体资金
collective fund source集体资金
collective goods集体财产
collective goods共同财货
collective-grain reserve集体储备粮
collective harmony集体的和谐
collective income集体收入
collective labour of society社会总劳动
collective labourer总体劳动者
collective labourer总体工人
collective leadership集体领导
collective negotiation集体协议
collective negotiation集体协商
collective open sale system集体公开销售制度
collective ownership集体所有制
collective personal security集体个人担保品
collective property集体所有制
collective property集体财产
collective reserve unit集体或综合储备单位
collective risk theory集体风险论
collective security集体安全
collective security system集体安全体系
collective self-reliance集体自力更生
collective side-occupation集体副业
collective system集体制度
collective welfare service集体福利事业 (undertakings)
enterprise of collective ownership集体所有制企业
enterprises of collective ownership集体所有制企业
In foreign countries, the union is the collective bargaining agency for the workers in the factory在外国,工会是工厂工人的劳资谈判代理机构
irregular collective非正规集体
social collective labour社会集体劳动
socialist collective ownership社会主义集体所有制
the state, the collectives and the individuals国家集体和个人
the strategy of collective self-reliance集体自力更生战略