
Terms containing collect | all forms | exact matches only
fin.average number of days in transit of trade remittances collect via bank托收货款平均在途天数
gen.Before you do anything, you have to collect information about U. S. immigrant and nonimmigrant visas and the requirements to apply for each在开始申请之前,你需要搜集关于美国移民签证和非移民签证的相关申请要求
securit.bill and collect开票和收款
shipb.call collect由接电话者付款的长途电话
avia.cash on delivery, collect on delivery货到付款
China, lawcease to collect停征
textilecharge collect费用到付
textilecharge collect收费
textilecharge collect收件人付款
textilecharge collect费用向收货人索取
tech.charge collect收到付款
exhib.charges collect到付
interntl.trade.charges collect费用到付
logist.charges collect fee〔空〕运费到付手续费
interntl.trade.collect a bill托收汇票
fin.collect a bill按票收款
econ.collect a bill接票收款
fin.collect a debt收债
tech.collect a draft托收票据
tech.collect a draft托收期票
China, lawcollect a fine on the spot当场收缴的罚款
polo.collect a horse勒马
equest.sp.collect a horse控马
telecom.collect account收方付费账单
tech.collect account收账
fin.collect accounts要帐,
textilecollect accounts要账
textilecollect accounts收账
fin.collect accounts收帐
mech.eng.collect adapter卡盘夹头
China, lawcollect additional interest加收利息
libr.collect and compile
manag.collect and file搜集存档
busin.collect and file收集存档
tech.collect and process采制
China, lawcollect and remit tax代收代缴
gen.collect and report汇报
China, polit.collect and sort out the deliberated opinions from group meetings and the opinions offered by the various quarters as well as other relevant information收集整理分组审议的意见和各方面提出的意见以及其他有关资料
fin.collect basis一次支付法
tech.collect before breaking bulk在开舱卸货支付
busin.collect bill of lading运费后付提单
busin.collect bill of lading收运费后付提单
el.collect billing call被叫付费电话
textilecollect bills收取汇票
commer.collect B/L运费到付提单
interntl.trade.collect B/L运费后付提单
shipb.collect B/L运费后付的提单
exhib.collect call对方付费电话
telecom., amer.collect call受话人付费电话
telecom., amer.collect call被叫方付费的电话
interntl.trade.collect call由对方付款的电话
econ.collect call受话人付费长途电话
tech.collect call对方付款电话
telecom.collect call service受话人付费业务
telecom.collect call service收方付费业务
railw.collect capital融资
railw.collect capital集资
busin.collect card收报人电报付费凭证
textilecollect cash收取现金
logist.collect charges收者付费
textilecollect check收取支票
busin.collect cheques收取支票
tech.collect data收集资料
tech.collect data资料搜集
securit.collect debt收回债款
fin.collect debts收帐
fin.collect debts要帐
busin.collect debts收债
China, lawcollect double fee重复收费
tech.collect duties征税
China, lawcollect earth取土
China, lawcollect evidence收集证据
China, lawcollect evidence取证
sport.collect features搜集途中所遇特征定向法 (orienting)
textilecollect fee收费
China, lawcollect fees收取费用
gen.collect fees收费
busin.collect fees arbitrarily乱收费
tech.collect fees arbitrarily乱收费用
China, lawcollect fees from farmer向农民收费
China, lawcollect fees from people who attend job fair向应聘者收取费用
shipb.collect fees or free of charge收费或免费
wushu.collect force蓄劲
interntl.trade.collect freight待收运费
busin.collect freight催收运费
logist.collect freight收运费
textilecollect freight运费到付
tech.collect freight到付运费
interntl.trade.collect freights收取运费
fin.collect from向... 收款
econ.collect from向 …收账
econ.collect fund筹集资金
textilecollect funds集资
textilecollect funds筹集资金
textilecollect funds筹资
China, lawcollect in advance提前征收
busin.collect indents收集订货单
China, lawcollect information on emergencies收集突发事件信息
textilecollect intelligence收集情报
textilecollect message由被叫用户付费的通话
textilecollect message收报人付费电报
textilecollect money集资
textilecollect money筹集资金
textilecollect money筹资
China, lawcollect money or things收取财物
avia.collect on arrival到达付费
China, lawcollect on claims催收债权
econ.collect on delivery交货收款
tech.collect on delivery钱货两讫
interntl.trade.collect on delivery货到付款
interntl.trade.collect on delivery收货付款
interntl.trade.collect on delivery货到收款
textilecollect on delivery货到交货收款
exhib.collect cash on delivery到付
interntl.trade.collect on delivery货到付现
econ.collect on delivery现款交易
tech.collect on delivery货到付现金
busin.collect on delivery sale交货收款销售
interntl.trade.collect on delivery sales货到付现
interntl.trade.collect on delivery sales交货付款销售
econ.collect on delivery sales交货时付款销售
China, lawcollect or dig plants采挖植物
China, lawcollect or obtain evidence收集、调取证据
tech.collect outstanding account收回旧欠
busin.collect outstanding accounts收回旧欠
wushu.collect power蓄劲
econ.collect rents收租
China, lawcollect seeds采种
telecom.collect service收方付费业务
busin.collect service收报人付费业务
tech.collect specimen搜集标本
tech.collect specimen采集标本
IMF.collect tax征收
textilecollect tax征税
commer.collect telegram由收报人付费的电报
busin.collect telegram收报人付费电报
shipb.collect telephone call受话人付费电话
China, lawcollect the amount of tax should been collected补征
gen.Collect the baggage, then you can go through customs提取行李后,就可以过海关了
footb.collect the ball接球
China, lawcollect the fruits accrued from the retained property收取留置财产的孳息
China, lawcollect the money payable补征
commer.collect the price value from the buyer向买方收取货款
China, lawcollect the remittance兑领汇款
China, lawcollect the targeted matter领取提存物
China, lawcollect the unpaid amount追征
wushu.collect the whip收鞭
tech.collect-to-traverse speed ratio成型速比
IMF.collect withholding tax for the government预扣
tech.dust collect plant集尘装置
tech.dust collect unit集尘装置
busin.dust collecter除尘器
gen.Excuse me, sir. Have you any laundry? The laundryman is here to collect it对不起,打扰了,先生。您有要送洗的衣服吗?洗衣工现在过来收了
proj.manag.express collect运费到付
China, lawfail to collect or undercollect the tax payable不征或者少征应征税款
tech.freight collect到付运费
proj.manag.freight collect[美]运费由提货人支付
tech.freight collect报关行
econ.Freight Collect运费待付
busin.freight collect〈美〉运费由收货人支付
logist.freight collect运费到付 (freight payable at destination, FPD)
tech.freight collect运费由提货人负担
interntl.trade.freight collect运费待收
interntl.trade.freight collect运费由提货人支付
interntl.trade.freight collect运费到付
shipb.freight collect运到付运费
textilefreight collect bill of lading运费到付提单
commer.freight collect B/L运费到付提单
archit.freight forward collect运费由提货人照付
el.freight to collect到达指定港口后由收货人支付运费
busin.freight to collect运费收货时付收款
tech.freight to collect到货运费
commer.freight to collect运费由买方支付
exhib.freight to collect货到付款
interntl.trade.freight to collect运费到付
textilefreight to collect运费待收
interntl.trade.freight to collect运到收费
interntl.trade.freight to collect运费征收
railw.freight to collect运费待付
tech.freight to collect货到收运费
interntl.trade.freight:prepaid /collect运费:预付/由收货人付款
el.garbage collect废料回收
el.garbage collect清理记忆元件
China, lawhave the right to investigate and collect evidence有权调查收集证据
footwearIn the past years, the company has worked to collect a whole variety of traditional shoe designs and created some new designs过去几年来,公司在收集有民俗风格的鞋式样时,还设计了一些具有时代气息的款式
ecol.investigate and collect evidence调查取证
China, lawinvestigate to collect evidence for a case on one's own自行调査取证
econ.land tax collect in kind田赋征实
tech.land tax collect in kind实物土地税
econ.levy and collect征收
China, lawmake investigation and collect evidence调查取证
China, lawmeasures for the collect fees收费办法
econ.No foreigners are allowed to collect any information concerning our national security under the cover of setting up joint ventures任何外国人不得在建立合资企业的幌子下收集同我国家安全有关的情报
tech.oil-spill collect vessel污油回收船
tech.oil-spill collect vessel漂油回收船
genet.ovum collect卵子采集
econ.Please collect and pay to the Consigner in due time请按时收账并付给发货人
China, lawregularly collect and update定期采集和更新
econ.right to collect account receivable应收账款征收权
fin.selling of the right to collect account receivable出售应收帐款征收权
genet.sperm collect精子采集
commer.The goods are sold on FOB and will be shipped freight collect运费由收货人支付
commer.The goods are sold on FOB and will be shipped freight collect此货按 FOB 价岀售
commer.The goods will be delivered charges collect此货将按费用向收货人收取而交货
interntl.trade.to collect收账
fin.to collect收帐
tech.T-type tooth collect bar钉齿校正棒
China, lawunlawfully collect or supply blood非法采集、供应血液
tech.water collect pump集水泵
econ.We shall collect the necessary information printed in any publication我们将收集在任何出版物中刊载的必要的资料
gen.We will transfer your bag to the Lobby Floor Cloakroom. You may collect it there我们会将您的袋子转交给一楼大厅的寄物处,您可以去那儿取