
Terms containing coefficient of product | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
stat.coefficient of product-moment correlation积3/4叵凳
stat.coefficient of product-moment correlation积矩系数
tech.coefficient of product-moment correlation积距相关系数
busin.coefficient of product requirement产品要求系数
busin.coefficient of product transported to total produced货物运输系数
busin.coefficient of product transported to total produced货物运输与货物总量比率
tech.coefficient of products货物运输系数
busin.coefficient of products transport产品运输系数
busin.cost coefficient of product产品成本系数
busin.cost coefficient of product in process在制品成本系数
cosmet.Therefore, the safety coefficient of famous brand products is larger所以,知名品牌产品保险系数较大