
Terms containing cod | all forms | exact matches only
ichtyol.Arctic cod北鳕 Boreogadus saida
anim.husb.arctic cod北鳕 (Boreogadus saide)
ichtyol.Atlantic cod大西洋鳕 Gadus morhua
fish.farm.barreled salted cod桶装腌鳕
fish.farm.boneless cod去骨咸鳕
fish.farm.boneless salt-cod fillet去骨咸干鳕鱼片
earth.sc.Cape Cod Aquifer Management Project科德角含水层管理计划
tech.Cape Cod house低矮的海滨别墅
tech.Cape Cod house科德角式房屋
anim.husb.Cape cod waterlily红香睡莲 (Nymphaea odora var. rubra)
biol.Cape cod waterlily红香睡莲 (Nymphaea odora var. rubra,睡莲科)
econ.cash on delivery sales COD sales交货收款销售
econ.cash on delivery sales COD sales货到付款销售
commer.Cod B/L甲板货提单
textileCOD certificate货到付款证书
textileCOD commission货到付款佣金
commer.COD commission货到付款手续费
gen.COD determination化学需氧量测定
chem.cod-fish oil鳕鱼油
fisherycod fishery鳕鱼渔业
anim.husb.cod liver meal鳕肝鱼粉用作动物饲料
pharm.cod liver oil鱼肝油 (维生素类药)
tech.cod-liver oil鳕鱼肝油
fish.farm.cod-liver oil鱼肝油
agric.cod liver oil鱼肝油
busin.cod liver oil鱼肝油
sport., med.cod liver oil鳕鱼肝油
pharm.cod-liver oil concentrate浓缩鱼肝油 (营养类药)
anim.husb.cod meal鳕鱼粉
anim.husb.cod name代称
anim.husb.cod name代号
fish.farm.cod oil鳕鱼油
tech.cod oil松香油
textileCOD parcel货到付款包裹
textilecod piece阴囊护片15〜16世纪
textilecod piece男紧身裤下体盖片15〜16世纪
textilecod piece15〜16世纪男裤前褶裥
textilecod placket裤前扣合件
textileCOD price货到付款价
tech.cod projection吊砂
gen.cod rail齿
textileCOD sales货到付款销售
commer.COD sales货到付款买卖
commer.COD transaction货到付款交易
interntl.trade.cod war鳕鱼战
knit.goodscod wool鳕毛
busin.four-address cod四地址代码
ichtyol.Greenland cod格陵兰鳕 Gadus ogac
agric.Korean cod狭鳕
biol.Korean cod明太鱼 (Theragra chalcogramma (Pallaw))
ichtyol.longtail Southern cod长尾巴塔南极鱼 Patagonotothen longip. ramsay
ichtyol.marbled moray cod短须鳗鳞鳕 Muraenolepis marmoratus
ichtyol.Murray cod虫纹鳕鲈 Maccullochella peelii
ichtyol.New Zealand red cod红拟褐鳕 Pseudophycis bacchus
ichtyol.Pacific cod太平洋鳕 Gadus macrocephalus
life.sc.pacific cod
ichtyol.Patagonian moray cod长指鳗鳞鳕 Muraenolepis orangiensis
agric.pea cod豌豆荚壳
tech.pocket cod袋形水域
ichtyol.polar cod北鳕 Boreogadus saida
foundr.projection cod吊〔挂〕砂
ecol.quantitative analysis of CODCOD 的定量分析
ecol.quantitative analysis of COD化学需氧量的定量分析
met.relative cod相对编码
ichtyol.saffron cod细身宽突鳕 Eleginus gracilis
ichtyol.saffron cod远东宽突鳕 Eleginus gracilis
fish.farm.shredded cod鳕鱼松
fish.farm.skinned cod去皮咸干鳕
fish.farm.slack-salted codамер.弱腌鳕
ichtyol.smalleye moray cod小眼鳗鳞鳕 Muraenolepis microps
ichtyol.smallhead moray cod小头鳗鳞鳕 Muraenolepis microcephalus
ichtyol.unicorn-cod麦氏犀鳕 Bregmaceros macclellandi
ichtyol.unicorn cod麦氏犀鳕 Bregmaceros mcclellandi
ichtyol.wachna cod远东宽突鳕 Eleginus navaga
ichtyol.wachna cod细身宽突鳕 Eleginus navaga
ichtyol.wachna cod宽突鳕 Eleginus navaga