
Terms for subject Metallurgy containing cobalt | all forms | exact matches only
ammoniacal cobalt solution氨化钴溶液
calcined cobalt concentrate钴精矿焙砂
calcined cobalt-nickel concentrate钴镍精矿焙砂
cathodic cobalt阴极钴
cobalt alloy钴合金
cobalt alloy steel钻合金钢
cobalt-ammine complex钴氨络合物
cobalt-arsenic concentrate钴砷精矿
cobalt-arsenic ore钴砷矿
cobalt-base alloy钴基合金
cobalt-bearing alloy含钴合金
cobalt-bearing concentrate含钴精矿
cobalt-bearing ferronickel含钴镍铁
cobalt-bearing pyrite含钴黄铁矿
cobalt bloom八水合砷酸钴 (Co3•(AsO4)2•8H2O)
cobalt bloom钴华
cobalt button钻粒〔珠〕
cobalt button钴珠
cobalt button钴粒
cobalt carbonate碳酸钴 (CoCO3)
cobalt carbonyl羟基钴 (Co2(CO)8; Co (CO)3)
cobalt-carrying solution含钴溶液
cobalt-cemented titanium carbide钴钛硬质合金
cobalt-cemented titanium carbide钴结碳化钛硬质合金
cobalt-cemented tungsten carbide钴钨硬质合金
cobalt-cemented tungsten carbide钴结碳化钨硬质合金
cobalt-chromium-tungsten alloy斯特莱特合金
cobalt-chromium-tungsten alloy司太立合金
cobalt-chromium-tungsten alloy钻铬钨合金
cobalt-chromium-tungsten alloy钴铬钨合金
cobalt concentrate钴精矿
cobalt containing alloy含钴合金
cobalt containing fume含钻烟雾
cobalt-containing speiss含钴黄渣
cobalt content钻含量
cobalt content钴含量
cobalt diammine sulphate硫酸二氨钴 (Co(NH3)2SO4)
cobalt disulphide二硫化钴 (CoS2)
cobalt-free high nickel electrolyte无钴高镍电解液
cobalt function in steel钻在钢中的作用 (【技】钻不能形成碳化物,有促进石墨化、降低淬透性作用;在高合金钢中如已有碳化物形成元素存在,钻能增加钢淬火后残余奥氏体的含量和稳定性。)
cobalt granule钴粒
cobalt high speed steel钴高速钢 (14W, 4Cr, 1V, 5Co)
cobalt hydrate氢氧化钴 (Co(OH)2)
cobalt hydroxide氢氧化钴 (Co(OH)2)
cobalt leach plant钴浸出车间
cobalt matte钴冰铜
cobalt matte钴锍
cobalt-nickel cast iron钻镍铸铁
cobalt-nickel cast iron钴镍铸铁
cobalt-nickel pyrite钴镍黄铁矿
cobalt ocher钻华
cobalt ocher钴华
cobalt oxide氧化钴 (CoO)
cobalt plating镀钴
cobalt powder钴粉
cobalt precipitation section钴沉淀工段
cobalt pyrite钻黄铁矿
cobalt pyrite硫钴矿
cobalt pyrite钴黄铁矿
cobalt recovery circuit钴回收系统
cobalt recovery section钴回收工段
cobalt-rich solid solution富钴固溶体
cobalt salt钴盐
cobalt speiss含钴黄渣
cobalt sulphate硫酸钴 (CoSO4)
cobalt sulphate solution硫酸钴溶液
cobalt trivalent oxide三氧化二钴 (Co2O3)
cobalt tungsten alloy钴钨合金
cobalt-60 type automatic mold level controller钻 60 型结晶器液面自动控制器
copper-cobalt ore铜钴矿
crude cobalt alloy粗钴合金
crust of cobalt钻壳〔华〕
crust of cobalt钴华 (CO3 (AsO4) 2•8H2O)
crust of cobalt钴壳
directionally solidified eutectic nickel and cobalt alloy镍钴定向凝固共晶合金
discarded cobalt granule废钴粒
earthy cobalt钻土矿
gold cobalt alloy金钴热电偶合金 (2.1Co,余量 Au)
granulated cobalt钴粒
granulated cobalt粒状钴
grey cobalt辉钴矿
grey cobalt砷钴矿
hexagonal cobalt六方
high cobalt matte高钴冰铜
high cobalt matte高钴锍
high permeability iron-cobalt alloy高磁导率铁钻合金
iron-cobalt alloy铁钻合金
iron cobalt alloy铁钴合金
iron-cobalt-molybdenum hard magnetic alloy铁钻钼硬磁合金
iron-cobalt-nickel alloy铁钻镍合金
iron-cobalt permanent magnetic alloy铁钻永磁合金
iron-cobalt permanent magnetic alloy铁钴永磁合金
iron-cobalt soft magnetic alloy铁钻软磁合金
iron-cobalt-vanadium hard magnetic alloy铁钻钒硬磁合金
iron-chromium-cobalt hard magnetic alloy铁铬钻硬磁合金
iron-nickel-cobalt hard magnetic alloy铁镍钻硬磁合金
iron-nickel-cobalt permanent magnetic alloy铁镍钴永磁合金
marketable cathodic cobalt商品阴极钴
mixed rate earth cobalt permanent magnet混合稀土钻永磁材料
nickel-cobalt-iron matte镍钴铁冰铜
nickel-cobalt-iron matte镍钴铁锍
nickel-cobalt matte镍钴冰铜
nickel-cobalt matte镍钴锍
nickel-cobalt plating镀镍钻合金
nickel-cobalt plating镀镍钴合金
nickel-to-cobalt ratio镍钴比
platinum cobalt magnet铂钻磁铁
pure cobalt sulphate solution纯硫酸钴溶液
radioactive cobalt放射性钻
radioactive cobalt放射性钴
red cobalt红钴
simple tungsten carbide-cobalt composition纯钻钨硬质合金制品
simple tungsten carbide-cobalt composition纯碳化钨-钴制品
tantalum carbide-titanium carbide-cobalt alloyTaC-TiC-Co 硬质合金
tantalum carbide-titanium carbide-cobalt alloy钽钛硬质合金
tin white cobalt砷钴矿 (CoAs2)
tungsten carbide-cobalt tool tip碳化钨-钴刀头
tungsten carbide-titanium carbid-cobalt alloyWCTiC-Co硬质合金
tungsten carbide-titanium carbid-cobalt alloy钨钛硬质合金
tungsten-cobalt钨钴合金 (75 ~ 95W,余量Co)
tungsten-cobalt alloy钨钴合金
yellow earthy cobalt杂钴华砷铁矾