
Terms for subject Textile industry containing coat | all forms | exact matches only
admiral coat双排金纽合身型长大衣
admiral coat海军将官式外套
admiral coat海军将官外套
Afghan coat阿富汗外套毛皮长外套
Afghan coat阿富汗毛皮长外套
Afghan coat阿富汗外套
Alaskan coat阿拉斯加外套风帽檐上装饰毛皮的防寒外套
Alaskan coat阿拉斯加外套
all weather coat全天候外套
all weather coat风雨衣
all weather coat晴雨外套
all year round coat四季大衣
all year round coat四季通用外套
all-purpose coat多用途外套
all-purpose coat通用外套
all-season coat轻便大衣
all-season coat轻便大衣欧美
all-season coat四季外套
all-season coat四季大衣
all-weather coat〔粤〕干湿褛
all-weather coat晴雨外套
all-weather coat风雨衣
all-weather coat全天候外套
alman coat jacket紧身衣外男式上衣
aluminized coat镀铝上衣
arms coat饰有王徽的传令官制服
balmacaan coat连肩袖男大衣
Balmacaan coat巴尔马干大衣
balmacaan coat巴尔马干大衣亦译为巴尔玛外套,为开关领、暗门襟、连肩袖及斜插袋的男式大衣
Balmacaan coat宽松插肩袖大衣
Balmacaan coat连肩袖轻便外套
balmacaan coat巴尔玛肯大衣
barrel coat筒状大衣
barrel coat桶状大衣
base coat指甲底油
belted coat束腰带外套
belted coat束腰外套
belted-in-back coat dress背部系带女长袍
belted-in-back coat dress背部有带的女长袍
bench coat替补队员保暖外套
bench coat预备队员保暖外套
bench coat候车保暖外套
big coat宽松长外套
big swing back steamer coat大尾轮船式外套
box coat直筒大衣
box coat箱式外套
box coat厚外套
box coat箱形外套
box coat披肩外套
box coat箱式大衣
breakfast coat家常女短外套
British warm coat英国军用双排纽短大衣
British warm coat英国厚冬大衣"一战"时英国军用双排扣大衣
brunch coat家常女服
brunch coat家居餐袍
brunch coat家裙装
brunch coat女家装
brunch coat长袍
button through brunch coat全开襟餐袍
caftan coat土耳其长袍
caftan coat女束腰长袖衣
Canadian coat加拿大式外套
caped coat披肩大衣无袖,呈钟型
caped coat披肩大衣无袖,呈钟形
caped coat披风外套
caped coat有披肩男大衣
caped coat披肩大衣
cardigan coat卡蒂冈外套无领,前开襟
cardigan coat卡迪根外套
cardigan style sport coat开襟运动服
carpet coat毛毯外套
cashmere coat开士米羊绒大衣
cashmere coat开司米羊绒大衣
cashmere coat羊绒大衣
casual coat短外衣
casual coat轻便外套
casual coat休闲外套
Charlie Chaplin coat卓别林式外套
chesterfield coat天鹅绒领暗纽长大衣
chesterfield coat软领长大衣
Chinese and Western style cotton wadded coat中西式棉袄
Chinese style coat中式上衣
Chinese style coat
Chinese style cotton padded coat中式棉袄
Chinese style cotton wadded coat中式棉袄
Chinese style cotton-padded coat中式棉袄
Chinese style padded coat中式棉袄
Chinese-style padded coat中式棉袄
chubby coat丰满外套短宽式外套
chubby coat短粗夕卜套
chubby fur coat中长裘皮大衣
circle coat圆裁外套
clear coat洁净涂层
clear coat透明涂层
close coat貼身外套
close coat有纽扣的上衣
close coat合身上身
close coat合身上衣
cloth coat布大衣
clutch coat围裹式外套
clutch coat无钮大衣
clutch coat围裹式大衣
clutch coat裹襟式大衣
coat button衣衫纽
coat button大衣纽扣
coat collar大衣领
coat dress外套
coat dress从领口到下摆有一排扣子的女式紧式外衣
coat dress大衣宽腰,直筒型
coat dress开襟明钮女式长服
coat front上衣前胸硬衬
coat front上衣前身
coat front上衣前襟
coat front padding上衣前身垫衬
coat hanger衣帽架
coat hanger挂衣钩
coat hanger衣架
coat matching外套配套
coat matching大衣套装
coat set儿童外套组合
cocoon coat茧形大衣
cocoon coat茧形外套
cold proof coat防寒服
coney shin coat兔皮大衣
coney skin coat兔皮大衣
cooking coat炊事衣
coonskin coat浣熊毛皮外套
cuddly look coat库特立式外套
curricle coat女式翻领合身长外套
curricle coat箱形男外套
cut way coat大衣
cutaway coat常礼服
dazzling coat眩惑外套
detachable coat脱卸外套
detached coat脱卸外套
D,Orsay coat德奥赛大衣19世纪欧洲
double breasted coat双排纽大衣
double buttoned pyramid coat角锥形双纽大衣
double coat双棱哔叽德国
double-breasted box o'coat双排纽箱形大衣
double-breasted coat双排纽箱形大衣
double-breasted coat双排扣外套
drape sack coat褶裥宽松大衣
draw string coat系带外套
drawstring coat束带外套
dress coat晚宴外套
dress coat西装外套
dress coat燕尾服
dress coat礼服
dress coat社交礼服
dress coat夜礼服
dress coat晚礼服
dress coat节日服
dress frock coat男式双排扣礼服
dual coat两用外衣
dual coat两用衫
dual coat两面穿大衣
duo-length coat双长度大衣至中腿肚或全长,由拉链控制长度,常为毛皮大衣,由拉链控制长度的大衣
duo-length coat双长度大衣底边装绳带用以改变长短或由拉链控制,常为毛皮大衣
duo-length coat双长外套
dust coat防尘罩衣
dust coat防尘外衣
dust coat罩衫
dust coat罩衣
dust coat防尘罩衫
dust free coat防尘服
dust free coat无尘服
dust free coat防尘外套
duster clothing coat防尘外套
duster coat软薄外套
duster coat〔美〕防尘衣
duster coat风衣
duster coat防尘长外套
duster coat防尘罩衣
duster coat防尘外套
Eastern and Western style coat中西式上衣
empire coat帝国式女外套
Eton clothing coat伊顿外套
Eton coat伊顿外套英国伊顿学校男生穿
fake fur coat仿皮大衣
fancy coat花式外套
fashion coat时尚外套
final coat外观涂层整理
flannel sport coat法兰绒运动外衣
flash coat闪光外套
fox coat狐裘
fox coat狐皮大衣
front edges of sack-coat男式便装短上衣的前衣边
gardman coat卫士束腰长外套
gascon coat女骑马服
giant zip coat大拉链外套
gilet coat背心式长外套
great coat厚大衣
great coat厚童长大衣用毛皮衬里
great coat厚外套
guard's coat卫士型大衣
guard's coat卫兵外套英国陆军
half coat中长外套
half coat女齐腰短上衣
half coat开襟女短上衣
handy coat方便外套
having the coat turned翻新服装
high pile coat长毛绒大衣
high-pile coat长毛绒大衣
hippie coat嬉皮士服
hooded coat防寒外套
hooded coat有头巾外套
hooded coat连兜帽外套
hooded coat风雪衣
hooded coat带风帽的外套
hooked fur over coat皮猴儿
houri coat土耳其外套
Hudson Bay coat水兵外套
Hudson Bay coat哈德逊湾外套
incroyable coat女式宽翻领长后摆外套
incroyable coat因可瑞博上衣
infant's coat婴儿无檐帽
infant's coat婴儿外套
Infants'and Children's Coat Association婴儿和儿童罩衣协会
inverness coat羽袖大衣袖似披肩
inverness coat披肩外套
inverness coat披风大衣
inverness coat可卸式无袖长披风
inverness coat羽袖大衣
inverness coat披风外套
inverness coat无袖大衣
Jawaharlal coat贾瓦哈拉尔外套
jean coat牛仔外套
Joseph's coat多色外衣
Joseph's coat包袱式样布
judo coat柔道服
judo coat柔道外套
jumper coat男式套囊上衣
jumper coat夹克
jumper coat背心式外套
knee-length turnout coat齐膝消防服
knit coat针织短外衣
knitted coat针织外衣
knitted coat针织短外套
knitted coat针织大衣
laboratory coat实验室工作服
lady's long coat女大衣
leather coat皮大衣
leather coat皮革外套
leather coat〔粤〕皮褛
leather coat皮革大衣
leather coat皮革上装
leather coat inserted with fur镶饰毛皮的皮大衣
leather coat inserted with fur镶饰毛皮的皮外套
Lenin coat列宁装上衣
Lenin coat列宁装
light coat夹大衣
lined coat夹大衣
loden coat草绿防水布大衣
loden coat洛登缩绒厚呢外套
loden coat洛登缩绒厚呢大衣布料防水,深橄榄色
loose coat宽松外套
loose coat外套
mackinaw coat马基诺厚呢短外套格子纹,配腰带,有过肩及有盖口袋
Mackinaw coat麦基诺厚呢外套
Mackinaw coat麦基诺厚呢短大衣
make coat and skirt缝制衣裙
mama coat妈妈外套
mandarin coat妇女对襟绣花外套
mandarin coat女式织锦长外套
mandarin coat中式大衣
mandarin coat西方女晚礼服外套
mandarin coat对襟马褂中国清朝
mandarin coat清朝官吏外套
mandarin coat中式紧身马褂
mandarin coat橙色外套中国清朝
mandarin coat中式对襟马褂外套
mandarin coat女式对襟绣花外套
mandarin coat妇女晚礼服外套
match coat印第安披肩大衣
midi coat中长外套
midi coat[粤]中褛
midi coat迷地外套
model coat展样大衣
monsquetaire coat火枪队式大衣
mousquetaire coat穆斯可特上衣
mousquetaire coat火枪队式大衣
Napoleon coat拿破仑外套
Napoleon high coat拿破仑翻折高领上衣
navy pea coat海军水手外套
New York Coat&Suit Association纽约外套与套装协会
Newbury coat纽贝里单排纽外衣
Newbury coat单排扣钮贝里外套
ocelot coat美洲豹猫皮大衣
oilskin coat油布雨衣
oilskin coat防水油布大衣
only coat fiber全皮纤维
only-coat fiber全皮纤维
outdoor coat室外外套
outer coat轻薄大衣
outer coat女式宽大衣
outer coat轻便大衣
outer coat〔粤〕面衫
outer coat大衣
outer coat外衣
outer coat外套
outer coat fiber刚毛
padded coat间棉外套
padded coat填棉外套
paddock coat男用紧腰骑马外衣
paddock coat男式紧腰骑马外衣
panel coat后背双饰缝女大衣
parka coat派克大衣
parka coat风雪大衣
patch coat pocket大衣明兜
patter coat印花涂布
patter coat花型涂布
patti coat衬裙
pea coat水手外套
pea coat水手粗呢上衣
pea coat水兵外套
pea coat双排扣短上衣
pea coat海员扣领短上衣
Persian coat波斯外套
pinchback coat背部紧身外套半腰带,打褶
pocketable coat袋装外套
polar fleece coat摇粒绒大衣
polar fleece coat涤纶双面绒大衣
polyfilled coat喷胶棉大衣
polyfilled coat涤纶棉大衣
poncho coat披肩式大衣
poncho coat庞裘式大衣
poncho coat雨披式大衣
poncho-style coat披巾式大衣
poncho-style coat披肩式大衣
poncho-style coat雨披式大衣
poncho-style coat庞裘式大衣
postilion coat御者外套
pullover coat套头外套
pyjama coat睡衣
Queen's coat英国军服
quilted car coat太空服
quilted car coat绗缝驾车外套
quilted car coat填棉短外套又称太空服
quilted car coat填棉短外套
raccoon coat剪过毛的浣熊毛皮大衣
rain or shine coat风雨衣
rain-dust coat防雨防灰罩衣
ranch coat牧场大衣
ranch coat牧人外套
ranch coat农场装
ranch coat牧场外套牛仔穿毛皮防寒外衣
ranch coat牧场外套
rancher coat牧场外套
rancher coat牧场大衣
rancher coat牧人外套
ranchero coat牧场外套
ranchero coat牧场大衣
ranchero coat牧人外套
reef coat双排扣紧身外套
reverse coat两面穿大衣
round collar pyramid coat角锥形圆领大衣
safari coat旅游外套
safari coat瑟法里外套
safari coat狩猎外套
sassard coat莎莎外套有肩章、肩垫、宽西装领、束腰带
sassard coat沙沙外套宽西装领,有肩章束腰带,同堑壕外套
sassard coat莎莎外套
sealskin coat海豹皮上衣
semi soutien collar coat半二重领外套
semi-raglan coat半袖外套
semi-raglan coat半套袖大衣
semi-raglan coat半斜包肩外套
semi-raglan coat半插肩外套
semi-soutien collar coat半二重领外套
shearing coat剪毛大衣
shell-lined coat毛皮领毛皮袖骑马大衣
shooting coat射击服
shooting coat狩猎上装
shooting coat狩猎上衣
shortie coat女式短大衣
silk top coat绸面
single-breasted coat单排纽大衣
single-breasted coat单排纽外套
single-breasted coat单排扣外套
single-layer short coat单短衫
skimp coat细型外套
sleep coat睡衣外套
sleep coat门襟有纽扣的睡衣
sleep coat女长睡衣
sleep coat有腰带的长睡衣
sleeping coat外套型睡袍
sleeveless V-neck top coatV 领无袖衫
slim coat细长外套
Spanish coat西班牙式外套有垂片的大领子
Spanish coat西班牙外套西班牙式编织有垂片的大领子为特征的轻便外套
Spanish coat西班牙外套
spare coat替换上衣
spike coat燕尾服
split raglan coat分割插肩式大衣
split raglan coat套袖大衣
split-sleeved coat衬衫袖外衣
split-sleeved coat半插肩外衣
sports coat两用衫
sports coat运动上衣
sports coat运动外套
sports coat轻便型大衣
spring and autumn coat春秋衫
spring coat风衣
spring coat春季外套
spring coat夹大衣
stadium coat观赛御寒穿运动场外套
stadium coat竞技场外套
stadium coat露天看台穿的御寒外套
stadium coat观赛外套
stainer coat小生皮旅行大衣
stole coat披肩式外套
swing back coat大下摆女式大衣
swing top coat高尔夫短夹克
szur coat粗纺绒牧羊服
T coatT 形上衣
tailored over coat西装大衣
tow coat纽祥外套
tow coat双排扣外套
travel coat旅行装
travel coat旅游外套
travel coat旅行外套
trench coat军装外套式风雨衣
trench coat风衣
trench coat夹里可脱卸的军服式雨衣
trench coat战壕雨衣
trench coat有腰带的双排纽男式雨衣常有肩祥,袖祥及大口袋等
trench coat有腰带的双排纽外套大衣
trench coat军用胶布夹雨衣
trench coat有腰带的双排纽外套
trench coat有腰带双排扣外套
trench coat战壕外套
trench coat堑壕外套双排扣,宽腰带
trench coat堑壕外套
tuxedo coat无纽扣外套
tuxedo coat无腰带女外套
tuxedo coat塔士多女外套
twill poncho-style coat斜纹披巾式大衣
two season coat春秋两用大衣
two-button coat两粒纽外套
two-face coat双面外套
two-faced coat双面外套
two-season coat春秋两用大衣
two-way coat两用外套
ulster coat阿尔斯特长外套宽松,厚料制
ulster coat阿尔斯特长外套
unitard coat无夹里外衣
unitard coat单大衣
unlined coat无夹里外衣
unlined coat单大衣
unlined coat单外套
waist coat西装背心
waist coat马甲
waist-coat blouse背心式女短上衣
waist coat pocket背心口袋
waist coat pocket表袋
walking coat散步服
warehouse coat防护服
warehouse coat工作服
warehouse coat仓库工作服
watch coat巡夜外套
watch coat站岗防寒大衣
water-proof coat雨衣
winter coat冬用外套
winter coat冬季外套
women's corduroy coat女式灯芯绒上衣
women's Quarpel rain coat女式夸佩尔雨衣
woolen coat毛呢大衣
wrap coat裹襟式大衣
wrap coat宽胸外套
wrap coat围裹式外套
wrap coat围裹式大衣
wrap coat卷裹外套无钮而有腰带
wrap coat宽胸式外套
wrap coat叠襟式大衣
wrap up coat围裹式外套
wrap-around coat裹襟式大衣
wrap-around coat围裹式大衣
wylie coat法兰绒内衣
wylie coat羊毛内衣
wylie coat保暖内衣
yachting coat男式快艇外套双排四扣,快艇俱乐部铜扣
yakut woman's apron and coat雅库特女毛皮衣裙
young men's coat青年装
young men's coat青年服
youngmen's coat青年装上衣
zhivago coat齐瓦戈外套
Zhivago coat日瓦戈外套
Zhongshan coat中山装
Zhongshan coat中山装上衣
Zhongshan coat collar中山服领
Zhongshan coat collar中山装领
Zhongshan coat pocket老虎袋
zhongshan coat pocket吊袋
Zhongshan coat pocket中山装袋
zip-lined coat装拉链衬里大衣
zip-off coat双长度大衣至中腿肚或全长,由拉链控制长度,常为毛皮大衣,由拉链控制长度的大衣
zip-put coat拉链脱卸外套
zippy coat拉链衫
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