
Terms for subject Metallurgy containing coal | all forms | exact matches only
agglomerating coal炼焦煤
air-coal mixture空气煤粉混合物
air-and-coal mixture空气煤粉混合物
air-dry coal风干煤
altogether coal原〔统〕 煤
altogether coal原煤
anthracitic coal无烟煤
Arbed Lance coal injection processALCI 复吹炼钢法 (【技】由 Arbed 公司开发的一种底吹氮气、氩气,顶吹纯氧的复吹炼钢法。顶吹采用三流道氧枪,中心输送煤粉。)
Arbed Lance Coal Injection processALCI 法 (【技】由卢森堡阿尔贝德公司开发的一种提高炼钢废钢比的复吹炼钢工艺。)
ash coal高灰分煤
ash content of coal煤灰分
attrital coal杂质煤
automatic coal-bunker outlet mechanism煤仓自动放煤机构
baking coal结焦性煤
baking coal粘结煤
banded bituminous coal条带状烟煤
bank coal原煤
best time for injecting powdered coal煤粉喷吹最佳时间
BF coal injection equipment高炉喷煤设备
BF operation at high coal injection level高炉大喷煤操作
BF operation with high coal injection rate高炉高喷煤比操作
BF operation with high coal injection rate高喷煤比高炉操作
BF operation with high coal injection rate高炉大喷煤操作
BF pulverized coal injection高炉喷吹煤粉
bin for coal powder煤粉槽
bin for raw coal原煤槽
binding coal粘结煤
bituminous and anthracite coal mixed injection【铁】烟煤无烟煤混合喷吹
bituminous coal肥煤
bituminous coal烟煤
bituminous coal furnace沥青质煤炉
bituminous coal furnace烟煤炉
blacksmith coal锻炉煤
blast furnace coal injection data高炉喷煤数据
blast furnace coal injection system高炉喷煤系统
blast furnace granular coal injection高炉粒煤喷吹
blast furnace with injection of granulated coal粒煤喷吹高炉
board coal纤维质煤
boghead coal沼煤
boghead coal泥煤
bottle coal瓦斯煤
bottle coal气煤
briquetting coal压砖煤
briquetting coal团块用煤
brown coal褐煤
caking coal炼焦煤
caking coal粘结煤
candle coal非炼焦煤
candle coal烛〔长焰〕煤
candle coal长焰煤
cannel coal烛煤
carbonaceous coal贫煤
carbonaceous coal瘦煤
carbonaceous coal半无烟煤
characteristics of coal combustion煤燃烧的特点
charred coal焦煤〔炭〕
charred coal焦炭
charred coal
cindery coal焦性煤
cindery coal炼焦煤
cleaned coal精选煤
cleaned coal
cleaned coal精煤
coal/air ratio煤/空气比 (【技】影响高炉置换比的因素之一,单位为 kg/m³。 在一定范围内降低该比值有利于提高高炉的燃料置换比。)
coal and oxygen injection processCOIN 熔融还原炼铁法 (【技】以铁水造气为基础开发出的一种熔融还原炼铁工艺。)
coal and oxygen injection process喷吹煤-氧熔融还原炼铁法
coal ash煤灰
coal ash content煤灰分
coal-based direct reduced iron煤基直接还原铁
coal-based direct reduction煤基直接还原
coal-based direct reduction ironmaking煤基直接还原炼铁 (【技】以煤作为还原剂和燃料加人还原反应装置的粒状料层内,在高温下把含铁原料还原成直接还原铁的炼铁工艺。)
coal-based direct reduction plant煤基直接还原厂
coal-based direct reduction process煤基直接还原法
coal-based fuel煤炭燃料
coal-based sponge iron煤基海绵铁 (The company is also planning to establish a galvanizing line, a hot-strip mill and a 60, 000-tonne plant for coal-based sponge iron. 该公司目前还计划建设一条镀锌生产线、一台带钢热轧机和一座 6 万 t 的煤基海绵铁厂。)
coal blend混合煤
coal breaker碎煤机
coal bridge卸煤栈桥
coal bunker煤仓
coal burning rate煤燃烧速率
coal cake煤饼
coal charge煤料
coal charge rammer煤料捣固机
coal charging加煤
coal charging by ramming【焦】捣固装煤
coal charging car【焦】 装煤车
coal charging car装煤车
coal-charging hole装煤孔
coal-charging hole【焦】 加煤孔
coal chute from hopper煤斗落料槽
coal chute from hopper煤斗落料管
coal clay耐火粘土
coal coating【团】煤粉包层
coal coating煤粉包层
coal coating drum外裹煤粉圆筒机
coal coating drum敷煤滚筒 (生球的)
coal-containing pellet加煤粉球团
coal conversion煤的加工转化
coal conversion煤加工转化
coal conversion煤的改造
coal conversion equipment煤加工转化设备
coal conversion process煤加工转化工艺
coal conversion technology煤加工转化技术
coal crusher碎煤机
coal crushing【焦】 煤料粉碎
coal dressing选煤
coal dressing洗煤
coal drier煤干燥器
coal duff煤粉
coal dust煤粉
coal dust煤屑
coal-dust firing粉煤燃烧
coal-dust furnace粉煤加热炉
coal expansion煤的膨胀性
coal fields煤田
coal-fired furnace燃煤炉
coal-fired heating furnace燃煤加热炉
coal-fired heat-treatment furnace燃煤热处理炉
coal-fired soaking pit燃煤均热炉
coal-fired steelmaking furnace燃煤炼钢炉
coal firing烧煤
coal flow per lance【铁】 单枪喷煤量
coal for coking炼焦煤
coal for use in injection喷吹用煤
coal forge燃煤锻造炉
coal-formation clay煤层粘土
coal-formation clay煤生粘土
coal-fuel oil injection煤-燃油混合喷吹
coal-fuel oil slurry煤-燃油混合物
coal gas煤气
coal gas producer煤气发生炉
coal gasification煤炭气化
coal gasification equipment煤炭气化设备
coal gasification experiment煤炭气化试验
coal gasification feasibility study煤炭气化可行性研究
coal gasification in iron bath铁水熔池煤料气化 (【技】将煤粉和气化剂持续供人铁水熔池并快速气化,煤中的固体碳氢化合物转入气相,成为容易使用的 CO 和 H₂ 的过程。)
coal gasification process煤炭气化工艺
coal gasification route煤炭气化路径
coal grinding磨煤
coal grinding mill磨煤机
coal powder injection煤粉喷吹
coal injection喷煤
coal injection煤粉喷吹
coal injection consumption of BF高炉喷煤消耗
coal injection design喷煤设计
coal injection equipment喷煤设备
coal injection facility喷煤设备
coal injection installation喷煤装置
coal injection into BF高炉喷煤 (【技】将煤从高炉风口喷人炉内取代部分冶金焦的一种高炉炼铁技术。喷吹用煤有无烟煤、烟煤、褐煤等非焦煤。由于煤的资源丰富,价格低廉,以及高炉喷煤技术日臻成熟,越来越多的高炉已转为喷煤,并已取得了良好的经济技术效益。高炉喷煤可改善高炉操作,提高生铁产量,降低生铁成本,是当代高炉降低焦炭用量的主要措施。)
coal injection into BF tuyere高炉风口喷煤
coal injection into converter转炉喷煤
coal injection into tuyere风口喷煤
coal injection operation data of BF高炉喷煤操作数据
coal injection plant of blast furnace高炉喷煤设备
coal injection rate喷煤比
coal injection reservoir喷煤罐
coal injection system喷煤系统
coal injection tank喷煤罐
coal injection technology喷煤技术 (Coal injection technology, together with increasing amounts of oxygen and natural gas, continues to be adopted in North American blast furnace operations to reduce coke consumption and increase productivity. 为了降低焦炭消耗、提高高炉利用系数,在北美高炉操作中继续采用喷煤技术,与此同时增加氧气和天然气的喷人量。)
coal injection through blast furnace tuyere高炉风口喷煤
coal injection tuyere喷煤风口
coal input煤加人量
coal input供煤量
coal input给煤量
coal input给煤
coal iron gasification processCIG 熔融还原炼铁
coal iron gasification processCIG 熔融还原炼铁法 (【技】一种铁浴造气结合熔融还原的熔融还原炼铁法。该法研究了铁浴式熔融还原的基本技术,例如二次燃烧、熔池传热效率等,为后续的铁浴熔融还原的工艺开发积累了有用的技术资料。)
coal lance喷煤枪
coal line炭化室的煤料高度
coal line煤料高度
coal mixture混合煤
coal oil煤焦油
coal-oil mixture injection煤-燃油混合物喷吹
coal-oil slurry injector煤粉-悬浊油喷烧器
coal ore direct iron reduction processCODIR 法 (【技】一种回转窑直接还原炼铁工艺,由德国克虏伯公司在雷恩 (Renn) 法和威尔兹 (Waelz) 法的基础上研究开发的。其工艺流程与 SL-RN 法相似,但在使用低反应性还原剂、热炉料冷却、磁选等方面别具特色。回转炉的热源和还原剂全部使用煤。回转炉烟气余热可以发电,还原铁产品用于电弧炉炼钢。)
coal-ore direct iron reduction processCODIR 直接还原炼铁法
coal-oxygen blast furnace煤氧高炉
coal-oxygen burner煤氧烧嘴
coal-oxygen combined blowing煤氧复合吹炼
coal-oxygen injection steelmaking equipment煤氧喷吹炼钢设备
coal-oxygen injection steelmaking process煤氧喷吹炼钢法
coal/oxygen ratio煤/氧比 (【技】影响高炉置换比的因素之一,单位为 kg/m³。 在一定范围内降低该比值有利于提高高炉的燃料置换比。)
coal-oxygen smelting reduction ironmaking process煤-氧熔融还原炼铁法 (【技】由中国多家科研院所、大学和企业协作研究开发的熔融还原工艺,它是以含碳球团为原料的独具特点的低二次燃烧率、中等预还原度的二步法熔融还原技术。)
coal-oxygen spray gun煤氧喷枪
coal pit煤坑
coal plus auxiliary coke process"煤加辅助焦炭"操作法 (【技】指高炉以煤为主,焦炭为辅的炼铁操作方法。)
coal powder furnace粉煤加热炉
coal powder injection粉煤喷吹
coal powder injection into tuyere风口喷吹煤粉
coal preparation选煤
coal preparation煤料准备 (洗选等加工处理)
coal preparation煤的准备
coal preparation plant选煤厂
coal pulverizer磨煤机
coal pulverizing system喷煤制粉系统
coal rank煤的变质程度
coal rank煤阶
coal rate给煤量
coal rate煤比 (Within eight weeks of beginning coal injection, the natural gas rate was reduced from 26kg/tHM to 0, the coal rate was in excess of 105 kg/ tHM, and the coke rate had been reduced by more than 35kg/tHM from the pre-PCI level. 在喷煤开始后的 8 周内,天然气比由 26kg/t 铁下降到0,煤比超过105 kg/t 铁,焦比比喷煤前下降 35kg/t 铁以上。)
coal rate加煤量
coal -burning rate煤燃烧速率
coal ratio煤比
coal separation选煤
coal sieve test煤的筛分试验
coal silo煤仓
coal-sizing analysis煤的筛分分析
coal-sizing analysis煤的筛析
coal slack煤屑
coal supply供煤
coal tar煤焦油 (【技】煤经干馏而得到的油状产品。亦称臭油。颜色呈褐色至黑色。分为高温、中温和低温煤焦油,主要用作胶黏剂和防腐涂料。)
coal tar fuel煤焦油燃料
coal-tar mixture injection煤-焦油混合物喷吹
coal tar oil煤焦油
coal tar pitch煤焦油沥青
coal-to-air ratio煤/空气比
coal-to-coke conversion炼焦
coal-to-coke conversion煤-焦转化
coal-to-coke conversion由煤变焦的转化
coal-to-coke replacement ratio煤焦置换比
coal transporter推煤机
coal transporter输煤机
coal vertical shrinkage【焦】 煤料垂直收缩
coal vertical shrinkage煤料垂直收缩
coal volatile煤的挥发份 (Rapid heating of the coal also results in cracking of the coal volatiles releasing hydrogen. 煤被快速加热还会导致煤的挥发分裂解,释放出氢气。)
coal washer洗煤机
coal washery洗煤厂
coal washing洗煤
coal-water slurry煤浆
coal-water slurry煤-水混合物
coal with high ash content高灰分煤
coal yard堆煤场
coke/coal replacement ratio【铁】 煤焦置换比 (【技】在高炉冶炼中,每喷人单位质量的煤所能替代的焦炭量。)
coke to coal replacement ratio喷煤置换比
coke to coal replacement ratio【铁】 煤焦置换比
coke/pulverized-coal replacement ratio喷吹煤粉的置换比 (【技】在高炉冶炼过程中,每喷人单位质量的煤粉所能替代的焦炭量。)
coke-to-coal replacement ratio for blast furnace高炉喷煤置换比 (【技】高炉喷吹煤粉的主要目的是利用价格低廉的煤粉取代价格昂贵资源紧缺的焦炭。高炉每喷人单位质量的煤粉所能替代的焦炭量即高炉喷煤置换比。喷吹煤粉能置换焦炭是由于煤粉中的碳和氢代替了焦炭中的碳。故影响高炉喷煤置换比的主要因素有:喷吹煤粉的种类和数量。含碳和含氢量高的煤粉,置换比就高,反之就低。喷吹煤粉在风口前的气化程度高,置换比就高,反之就低。此外,风温风压的高低、富氧程度、煤气流的利用状况以及高炉的操作状况都会对高炉喷煤置换比产生影响。)
coke-to-coal replacement ratio for blast furnace高炉煤焦置换比
coking coal焦性煤
coking coal焦煤
coking coal焦煤 (In the meantime coke, on which blast furnaces have depended for ever 250 years, is becoming more expensive every year, and supplies of suitable coking coals are becoming scarcer. 在此期间,高炉依赖 250 年之久的焦炭,其价格正逐年攀升,而合适的炼焦煤供应则日渐匮乏。)
coking coal炼焦煤
coking lean coal炼焦瘦煤
computer control of coal injection into BF高炉喷煤计算机控制
contamination by coal ash沾染煤烟
contamination by coal ash煤灰污染
conventional coal injection method常规喷煤法
conventional coal-injection technology普通喷煤技术
conventional equipment for injection of pulverized coal常规粉煤喷吹设备
conventional pulverized coal injection常规粉煤喷吹
conventional pulverized coal injection equipment常规粉煤喷吹设备
coombe coal煤粉
cost of coal煤费
cracking of volatile matter of coal煤的挥发分裂解
crozzling coal焦煤
culm coal无烟煤末
culm coal碎无烟煤
dandered coal天然焦炭
dead coal非结焦煤
dead coal非焦性煤
dead coal非炼焦煤
difficult coal难洗煤
direct coal firing【团】直接烧煤焙烧
direct coal firing直接烧煤焙烧
double hearth coal-fired muffle furnace膛烧煤马弗炉
double-hearth coal-fired muffle双炉膛烧煤马弗炉
DRC coal base direct reduction ironmaking technologyDRC 煤基直接还原炼铁技术
dross coal含黄铁矿的煤
drossy coal含黄铁矿的煤
dry coal干煤
dry-burning coal非粘结性煤
dry-cleaned coal干洗煤
dry-cleaned coal干选煤
duff coal混合煤
duff coal原煤
dull brown coal暗褐煤
dull coal暗色煤
easy coal软煤
equipment for raw coal drying原煤干燥设备
equipment for raw coal grinding原煤磨粉设备
equipment for raw coal handling原煤处理设备
equipment for raw coal handling原煤运输设备
European Coal and Steel Community欧洲煤钢联营组织
fancy coal上等煤
fancy coal精选煤
feed coal入选原煤
fiery coal瓦斯煤
fiery coal气煤
finely pulverized coal细粉煤
fineness of coal煤料细度
flame coal焰煤
foreign coal外来煤
furnace coal冶金煤
gas coal高级烟煤
gas coal气煤
gasified coal气化煤
gas-making coal瓦斯煤
gas-making coal气煤
gas-producer coal瓦斯煤
gas-producer coal气煤
glance coal
granular coal粒煤
granular coal injection喷吹煤粒 (Ironmaking projects include granular coal injection on No.3 and No.4 blast furnace ($18 million), a revamp and reline of No.4 furnace ($10 million) (completed), and the transfer project for blast furnace gas from No. 5 furnace to the pelletizing plant. 炼铁项目包括 3、4 号高炉粒煤喷吹(1800万美元),4号高炉改造和大修(1000万美元,已完工)以及5号高炉煤气至球团厂的输送工程。)
granular coal injection粒煤喷吹
granular coal injection into BF高炉喷吹粒煤
granular coal injection into blast furnace高炉喷吹粒煤
granular coal injection method粒煤喷吹法
hard coal无烟煤
hard coal硬煤
high ash coal高灰分煤
high coal injection rate大喷煤
high coal injection rate高喷煤比
high coal injection rate technology高喷煤比技术
high coal injection rate with oxygen-enriched blast富氧大喷煤
high expanding coal高膨胀性煤
high rank bituminous coal高级烟煤
high rank coal优质煤
high rate injection of pulverized coal大量喷煤
high rate injection of pulverized coal大量煤粉喷吹
high rate injection of pulverized coal高喷煤比
high rate of coal injection大喷煤
high rate of coal injection高喷煤比
high volatile bituminous coal高挥发分烟煤
high volatile coal高挥发分煤
high-density pulverized coal injection高密度粉煤喷吹
high-grade bituminous coal高级烟煤
high-grade coal高级煤
highly caking coal易炼焦煤
highly caking coal高粘结性煤
highly reactive coal高反应性煤
high-pressure coal injection高压喷煤
high-rate pulverized coal injection大量喷煤
high-rate pulverized coal injection高喷煤比
high-sulphur coal高硫煤
hopper coal car煤斗车
horn coal角煤
hydrogenous coal褐炭
hydrogenous coal褐煤
inferior coal低级煤
inferior coal低级劣质
inferior coking coal劣质焦煤
inferior coking coal结焦性差的煤
injection amount of pulverized coal【铁】 粉煤喷人量
injection of coal into blast furnace高炉喷煤
injection of coal powder into metal bath金属熔池喷吹煤粉
injection of pulverized coal煤粉喷吹
injection of pulverized coal粉煤喷吹
injection of pulverized coal into BF高炉喷吹煤粉
injection of pulverized coal with oxygen-enriched blast富氧喷煤
injection rate of coal喷煤比
kilkenny coal无烟煤
laser-heated pulverized coal激光加热煤粉
lean coal低级煤
lean coal低等煤
lean coal贫煤
lignitic coal褐煤
liquified coal液化煤
location on coal近煤位置
location on coal靠煤厂址
location on coal mine靠煤矿位置
long flame bituminous coal长焰沥青
lump coal块煤
Lurgi coal gasification process鲁奇煤炭气化法
massive coal injection大量喷煤
meagre coal瘦煤
meagre coal贫煤
medium caking coal中粘结性煤
medium coal中洗煤
medium-volatile bituminous coal中等挥发分烟煤
metallurgical coal炼焦煤
metallurgical coal冶金用煤
middle-grade coal中块过筛
mineral coal
mixed coal混合煤
mixed scrap/coal bale废钢/煤混装包
mixed scrap/coal baling废钢/煤混包装 (【技】一种转炉加煤炼钢方式,将废钢和煤混装打包投炉炼钢,以增加熔池热源,提高废钢比。)
mixing coal【焦】配煤
mixing coal配煤
moisture-free coal无水煤
moisture-free coal干煤
moulded coal型焦
moulded coal煤砖
non-coking coal非结焦煤 (In simplified terms the COREX process applies metallurgical steps usually carried out in a coke oven plant and a blast furnace in a different sequence, thus allowing the utilization of noncoking coal, but producing the same quality of hot metal as in the blast furnace. 简言之, COREX 炼铁法所采用的冶金工艺步骤都是焦炉和高炉通常所采用的,只不过是按另一种顺序来完成。这样,它就利用非炼焦煤,却能生产出与高炉铁水质量相同的铁水。)
non-coking coal非结焦煤
non-metallurgical coal非冶金用煤
non-metallurgical coal非炼焦煤
nonmetallurgical coal非炼焦煤
numerically controlled coal-injection equipment数控喷煤设备
nut coal小块煤
oil-coal slurry injection重油煤粉混合浆喷吹
oil-coal slurry injection重油煤粉混合浆喷吹
on coal靠近煤矿
operation with high coal injection rate大喷煤操作
optimum result of injecting pulverized coal粉煤喷吹最佳效果
oven coal焦炉用煤
oven coal炼焦用煤
oxy-coal burner氧-煤烧嘴
oxy-coal-gas flame氧-煤气焰
oxy-coal system氧煤系统
oxygen-coal lance氧煤枪
partially carbonized coal半焦
peat coal泥炭
peat coal泥煤
petroleum coal固体石油
preheated coal预热的煤料
preheated coal预热煤料
premix coal预混合煤
pulverized coal煤粉
pulverized coal粉煤 (Pulverized coal is transported to the blast furnace in dense phase with nitrogen as the carrier gas. 以氮气为载气,采用浓相输送方式把煤粉输送到高炉。)
pulverized coal粉煤
pulverized coal and oxygen combined blowing for melting煤氧助熔吹炼
pulverized coal burner粉煤烧嘴
pulverized coal burner粉煤燃烧器
pulverized coal combustion粉煤燃烧
pulverized coal for BF injection高炉喷吹用煤粉
pulverized coal furnace粉煤加热炉
pulverized coal furnace粉煤加热
pulverized coal gun煤粉喷枪
pulverized coal injection喷吹煤粉 (【技】将煤粉喷人高炉用以代替部分价格昂贵且资源紧缺的冶金焦的炼铁技术。喷吹方法分为常压喷吹和高压喷吹两类。)
pulverized coal injection粉煤喷吹
pulverized coal injection煤粉喷吹
pulverized coal injection煤粉喷吹喷煤
pulverized coal injection equipment粉煤喷吹设备 (In addition, the relative cost of coal would be significantly lower than the cost of coke it replaced. This led to the decision late in 1991 to install pulverized coal injection (PCI) equipment for all of Inland's blast furnaces. 此外,煤的相对费用远远低于它所替代的焦炭费用。有鉴于此,于1991年年底决定在内陆钢公司所有的高炉上安装粉煤喷吹设备。)
pulverized coal injection into blast furnace高炉喷吹煤粉
pulverized coal injection into blast furnace高炉喷煤
pulverized coal injection into tuyere风口喷吹煤粉
pulverized coal injection operation喷煤操作
pulverized coal injection operation煤粉喷吹操作
pulverized coal injection ratio粉煤喷吹比
pulverized coal injection system粉煤喷吹系统 (The investment will be used to complete facilities under construction, including a pulverized coal injection system at the No.4 blast furnace, as well as a galvanizing line and other renovations to rolling mills. 这项投资将用于完成一些在建的设备,包括4号高炉的一套粉煤喷吹系统、一条镀锌生产线和轧机的更新改造。)
pulverized coal injection with single pipe单管路喷煤
pulverized coal lance粉煤枪
pulverized coal lance喷煤枪
pulverized coal preparation煤粉制备
pulverized coal preparation煤粉加工
pulverized coal preparation system for injection喷煤制粉系统
pulverized coal rate喷煤比
pulverized coal rate粉煤比
pulverized coal storage bin煤粉仓 (用于高炉喷煤)
pulverized coal transport粉煤运输 (The PCI project includes installation of equipment for raw coal handling, grinding and drying, and for pulverized coal transport and injection on all three blast furnaces. 粉煤喷吹项目包括在所有的三座高炉上安装原煤运输、磨粉和干燥设备,以及粉煤运输和喷吹设备。)
pure coal净煤
pure coal纯煤
pyritic coal含黄铁矿煤
rate of coal injection喷煤比
raw coal原煤
raw-coal blast furnace原煤高炉
raw coal blast furnace原煤高炉 (使用原煤等为燃料的高炉)
raw coal drying equipment原煤干燥设备
raw coal grinding equipment原煤磨粉设备
raw coal handling equipment原煤处理设备
raw coal handling equipment原煤运输设备
raw coal silo原煤仓
rice coal粒煤
rice coal煤粒
rice coal碎煤
rich coal肥煤
rotary table coal-charging car【焦】 转盘式装煤车
rough coal原煤
run-of-mine coal原煤
sapropelic coal腐植煤
sapropelic coal腐泥煤
scrap/coal ratio废钢/煤比
semibituminous coal半烟煤
separate coal-supply system独立的供煤系统 (The coal is supplied to the blast furnace by two separate coal-supply systems: one feeding the 20 even-numbered tuyeres, the other feeding the 20 odd-numbered tuyeres. 使用两个独立供煤系统向高炉供煤:一个供煤系统向20个偶数风口供煤,另一个供煤系统向20个奇数风口供煤。)
short-flame coal短焰煤
sized coal过筛煤
slack coal煤末
slack coal煤屑
slate coal板煤
slate coal骨煤
smithing coal锻冶炉用煤
smithing coal锻炉用煤
smokeless coal无烟煤
soft coal软煤
soft coal烟煤
steam coal锅炉煤
steam coal蒸汽煤
stocking coal存煤
strongly coking coal易炼焦煤
strongly coking coal高粘结性煤
subbituminous coal次烟煤
submerged injection of coal浸入式喷煤
submerged oxygen and coal injection tuyere埋人式氧煤喷嘴
sulphonated coal磺化煤
sulphur coal高硫煤
super coal净煤
super coal纯煤
superclean coal超净煤
superclean coal超纯净煤
superclean coal超纯煤
swelling coal膨胀煤
swirl-type oxygen-coal lance旋流式氧-煤喷枪
tripping coal筛下煤
ultrafine coal powder for BF injection高炉喷吹用超细煤粉
vertical steam aspirated coal burner垂直蒸气喷射煤粉燃烧器
volatile matter of coal煤的挥发分
washed coal洗煤
wood coal褐煤
wood coal木煤
yolk coal【焦】 不结焦的煤
yolk coal不结焦煤
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