
Terms for subject Environment containing coal | all forms | exact matches only
black coal A natural black graphitelike material used as a fuel, formed from fossilized plants and consisting of amorphous carbon with various organic and some inorganic compounds黑煤 (一种作为燃料的自然黑色类石墨材料,由植物化石形成,并且组成各种有机和一些无机化合物的无定形碳。)
Clear Coal Technology programme美国清洁煤炭技术方案
coal-based energy Power generated by the steam raised by burning coal in fire-tube or water-tube boilers基于煤的能量 (在烟管锅炉或水管锅炉内燃烧煤得到蒸汽的过程中而获得的能量。)
coal-fired power plant Power plant which is fuelled by coal燃煤电厂 (使用煤作燃料的电厂。)
coal-fired-power station燃煤发电厂
coal gasification Process of conversion of coal to a gaseous product which is used as fuel in electric power stations煤的气化 (将煤转换成气体产品的处理过程,这种气体产物通常用作发电站的燃料。)
coal industry Industry related with the technical and mechanical activity of removing coal from the earth and preparing it for market煤炭工业 (与挖掘煤炭以及将其准备投入市场的技术、机械活动相关的工业。)
coal liquefaction The process of preparing a liquid mixture of hydrocarbons by destructive distillation of coal煤的液化 (通过煤的蒸馏得到一种碳氢化合物的液体混合物的过程。)
coal mining The technical and mechanical job of removing coal from the earth and preparing it for market煤矿开采 (挖掘煤炭以及将其准备投入市场的技术、机械工作。)
coal mining煤矿业
coal refining The processing of coal to remove impurities煤的精化 (去除煤中的杂质的过程。)
coal technology The processing of coal to make gaseous and liquid fuels煤炭技术 (为制造气体和液体燃料,处理煤的过程。)