
Terms for subject Business containing coal | all forms | exact matches only
balance between the mining of coal, oil and their storage煤、油采储比例关系
block carving coal mining method大块崩落采煤法
coal and coke煤和焦炭
coal bunker煤库
coal carbonization煤焦化
coal carbonization焦化
coal company煤炭公司
coal consumption rate耗煤率
coal container运煤集装箱
coal conveyer输煤机
coal cutting equipment采煤设备
coal cutting machinery采煤机械
coal field煤矿区
coal-fueled power generating units烧煤发电机组
coal industry corporation煤炭工业公司
coal man煤商
coal miner煤矿工
coal processing plant煤炭加工厂
coal washing machine洗煤机
equivalent coal等值煤
equivalent coal标准煤
exploit the coal and iron fields开发煤铁矿
exploitation of a coal mine煤矿开发
pulverized coal injection粉煤喷射
run-of-the-mine coal统装煤
solvent-refined coal溶剂精制煤
surface coal面层