
Terms for subject Agriculture containing close | all forms | exact matches only
close analysis精细分析
close argument详细讨论
close attention密切注意
close-bred plant近亲植物
close canopy郁闭
close case method箱移法移栽果木
close-centered training闭心式整枝
close-clustered成束的 (fascicatus)
close-contact adhesive密接胶黏剂
close correlation密切相关
close coupled mounting紧密连接式悬挂
close crossing近亲有性杂交
close cultivation密植栽培
close cut低刈
close-cut cutterbar低割型切割器
close day闷热日
close drill窄行条播机
close fertilization闭花受精 (cleistogamia)
close fertilization近亲受精
close forest密林
close formation郁闭植物群系
close formation密集植物群系
close grain细纹
close grain精致纹理
close-grained wood细纹材
close-growing crop密植作物
close hedge绿篱
close hedge篱笆
close hedge围篱
close herding强度放牧
close hill planting小丛密植
close ice坚冰
close-kernelled type粒密型
close linkage闭锁连锁
close mowing低割指紧贴地刈割
close mowing低位刈割
close of horizon水平角全测
close of leaf canopy林冠郁闭
close piling实堆法
close piling实堆法木材无垫木堆积
close piling密堆法
close planting密栽
close planting with fewer seedlings in each cluster水稻小株密植
close planting with small plant小株密植
close plucking茶树封园停止采摘
close plucking重采摘
close pollination近亲授粉 (autogamia)
close pollination自花授粉
close population闭锁群体
close proximity近似
close relative plant近亲植物
close resemblance酷似
close resemblance相似
close row窄行
close-row drill窄行条播机
close-row machine窄行机具
close-row planter窄行播种机
close-row spacing窄行距
close seeding密植 (close sowing)
close seeding密播 (close sowing)
close selection近亲选择
close sheath闭鞘
close society密闭组合
close sowing密种
close sowing密播
close spacing窄株行距
close stand郁闭林分
close sward紧密草地
close system闭合系统
close thicket密植丛
close time禁猎期
close together密集的 (cre ber)
close up靠紧
close up充塞
covalent close cyclic DNA共价闭合环状 DNA (ccc DNA)
cow close to calving临产母牛
cubic close packing立方密封包装
cubic close packing立方密堆积
deep ploughing and close planting深耕密植法
evenly close planting密植匀播
excessive close planting过度密植
intercropping and close planting间作密植
lessening of close stand疏开郁闭
planting in close-spaced straight line密条播
proper close planting合理密植
rational close planting合理密植
screen close屏面闭合
single-seed close planting单粒密植
small plant close planting小株密植
sowing in close drills窄行[距]条播
wheel-type close-spacing row marker轮式密植划行器