
Terms for subject Agriculture containing clone | all forms | exact matches only
animal clone动物无性[繁殖]系
animal clone动物克隆
animal clone technology动物无性[繁殖]系技术
animal clone technology动物克隆技术
bacterial mutant clone细菌突变型无性 繁殖
bacterial mutant clone细菌突变型克隆
callus of sugarcane clone甘蔗无性[繁殖] 系愈合组织
cell clone细胞无性[繁殖]系
cell clone细胞克隆
clone expansion克隆扩充 (clonoexpansio)
clone expansion无性[繁殖]系扩充
clone from single cell单细胞克隆
clone from single cell[来自]单细胞[的]无性[繁殖]系
clone progeny克隆后代 (clonoprogenies)
clone progeny无性系后代
clone selection无性[繁殖]系选择
clone technology克隆技术 (clonotechnologia)
clone technology无性系技术
clone technology and ethics克隆技术与伦理学指克隆人要思考的问题
clone technology and ethics无性系技术与伦理学
discordant clone相异无性[繁殖]系
early clone早熟克隆
early clone早熟无性[繁殖]系
embryonic clone胚无性繁殖系
forbidden clone禁忌无性繁殖系
forbidden clone hypothesis禁用克隆假设假说
forbidden clone hypothesis禁用无性繁殖 系假设假说
HeLa cell clone海拉细胞克隆
HeLa cell clone海拉细胞无性系
high yielding clone高产克隆
high yielding clone高产无性[繁殖]系
high-combining clone高配合克隆
high-combining clone高配合无性系
hot-desert clone炎热荒漠克隆
hot-desert clone炎热荒漠无性系
hybrid clone杂种克隆
hybrid clone杂种无性[繁殖]系
identification of clone克隆鉴定
identification of clone无性系鉴定
interspecific hybrid clone种间杂种无性[繁殖]系
lysogenic clone溶源克隆
lysogenic clone溶源无性繁殖系
mother clone母本克隆
mother clone母本无性繁殖系
multiple clone variety多克隆品种
multiple clone variety多无性繁殖系品种
original clone原始无性繁殖系
parent clone亲本克隆
parent clone亲本无性系
parental clone亲本克隆
parental clone亲本无性[繁殖]系
patent clone专利克隆
patent clone专利无性系
pollen-fertile clone花粉能育无性系
pollen-sterile clone花粉不育无性系
potato clone马铃薯无性系
potato clone马铃薯克隆
primary clone初生克隆
primary clone初生无性[繁殖]系
recombinant clone重组无性[繁殖]系
related clone近亲克隆
related clone近亲无性[繁殖]系
secondary clone次生克隆
secondary clone次生无性[繁殖]系
shuffle clone改组无性系
shuffle clone改组克隆
somatic cell hybrid clone panel体细胞杂种无性系库
somatic cell hybrid clone panel体细胞杂种克隆库
stable clone稳定无性[繁殖]系
stable clone稳定克隆
sweet potato clone甘薯克隆
sweet potato clone甘薯无性系
therapeutic clone治疗克隆
therapeutic clone治疗无性系
tobacco clone烟草克隆
tobacco clone烟草无性[繁殖]系
transductant clone转导克隆
transductant clone转导无性[繁殖]系
trunk clone茎干克隆
trunk clone茎干无性[繁殖]系
virus-free clone无病毒克隆
virus-free clone无病毒无性[繁殖]系
wheat clone小麦无性[繁殖]系
wheat clone小麦克隆
wind fast clone抗风无性[繁殖]系