
Terms for subject Space containing climbing | all forms | exact matches only
accelerating climb加速上升
angle of attack climb上升角
angle of attack climb爬升角
angle of climb上升角
angle of climb爬升角
assist-climb rocket engine爬升助推火箭发动机
bank and climb gyro control unit倾斜与升降陀螺控制器
bank-and-climb-gyro unit垂直陀螺仪
best climbing angle最佳上升角
best climbing speed最佳上升速度
climb angle爬升角 (速度矢量与当地地平的夹角)
climb attitude爬高姿态
climb attitude上升姿态
climb illusion爬高错觉
climb illusion上仰错觉
climb phase爬升段
climb rate爬升率
climb section上升段
climb time上升时间
climbing attitude爬高姿态
climbing module arm登舱臂
climbing performance爬高性能
climbing performance上升性能
climbing slow roll上升慢滚
climbing speed上升速度
climbing turn上升转弯
cruise-climb path巡航爬高航迹
enroute climb沿航线爬高
maximum climb thrust最大上升推力
maximum climbing rate最大爬高速度
optimum climbing speed最佳上升速度
programmed climb程序上升
rate of climb上升速率
rate of climb爬升[上升]率
rate of climb上升速度
rate of climb/descent indicator升降速度表
top of climb爬升[上升]顶点
zero rate of climb零上升率