
Terms containing clear | all forms | exact matches only
gen.a clear coast毫无障碍
gen.a clear coast没有危险
gen.a clear coast平静无事
gen.a clear day晴天
gen.a clear outline鲜明的轮廓
avia.air clear空气清洁器
shipb.anchor clear锚清洗
shipb.anchor clear锚清爽
gen.as clear as day极明白
gen.as clear as day非常明显
gen.as clear as day一清二楚
gen.as clear as day很清楚
gen.as clear as noonday非常明显
gen.as clear as noonday一清二楚
badm.attacking clear比较平直的高远球
tech.automatic clear自动清除
gen.Banks should ensure that clear audit trails exist for all e-banking transactions各银行应确保所有的电子银行业务交易均留存清楚的稽核记录
gen.be clear about清楚
tech.big clear冰湖的
gen.boil clear制造肥皂时煮去多余的水分
avia., inf.bore clear炮膛检查完毕
securit.both side clear款货两清
securit.both side clear双方账结清
tech.carry clear signal允许进位信号
gen.clear a canal of obstruction清除运河中的障碍物
sport.clear a hurdle动词词组过栏
securit.clear a position清仓
bridge.clear a suit肃清一门花色
shipb.clear acid etching透明酸蚀刻
sport.clear ahead绝对领先的
tech.clear air晴空
tech.clear air纯净空气
avia.clear air turbulence晴空涡流
gen.clear air turbulence晴天大气乱流
desert.clear air turbulence晴天乱流
avia.clear air turbulence晴空素流
tech.clear-air turbulence晴空湍流
meteorol.clear air turbulence晴空揣流
avia.clear aircraft清洁航空器
gen.clear-air-turbulence-detection laser system晴空湍流检测激光系统
tech.clear-all heart全心木材
tech.clear amount净值
tech.clear an account结清账户
securit.clear an account结账
tech.clear an aircraft to pass允许飞机通过
tech.clear area空白区
tech.clear area干净区
tech.clear area安全道
tech.clear area畅通区
tech.clear area清晰区域
tech.clear area应拆除的居住区
tech.clear area未存储区
tech.clear area清洁区
tech.clear area清零区
CNCclear area清除区
tech.clear area of screen筛的有效面积
tech.clear area of screen筛孔净面积
gen.as clear as crystal文章、讲话等极为清晰明白
gen.as clear as crystal像水晶一样明澈
tech.Clear astern船尾清爽
gen.clear away消散〔失〕
gen.clear away擦去
securit.clear away消失
gen.clear away撤出
gen.clear away清〔消,排,扫〕除
comp.clear band空带
comp.clear band清洁〔干净,清除,无字符〕区
comp.clear band文字识别空白区
comp.clear band清除〔零〕段
tech.clear base清洁基
tech.clear bearing避险方位
tech.clear breach无碍的冲刷浪
tech.clear bulb透明玻璃
tech.clear bulb普通灯泡
tech.clear ceiling height楼层净高
sport., physiol.clear cell亮细胞
plast.surg.clear cell hidradenoma透明细胞汗腺瘤
tech.clear channel无干扰频道
tech.clear channel专用信道
tradem.clear channel广播声道
tradem.clear channel专用〔开敞,纯〕信道
tech.clear character清除字符
tech.clear coast无碍航物的海岸
tech.clear coat清漆涂层
tech.clear coating透明涂膜
tech.clear coating透明涂面
tech.clear coating透明涂饰
tech.clear coating透明涂层
tech.clear colour清色
gen.Clear Creek Baptist Bible College克利尔克利科浸信会圣经学院
tech.clear cryptographic key清除密码键
tech.clear cryptographical key清除密码键
tech.clear crystal无色晶体
gen.clear cut轮廓分明的
tech.clear-cut division of labor明确分工
tech.clear-cut division of labour明确分工
tech.clear-cut margin边缘清楚
tech.clear-cut margin边缘锐利
tech.clear-cut timber无疵木材
tech.clear cutting净切边
tech.clear cutting皆伐 (作业)
tech.clear cutting全伐
desert.clear cutting皆伐
ecol.clear-cutting forestland釆伐迹地
tech.clear data纯数据
tech.clear data空白数据
tech.clear day晴日
desert.clear day晴天
tech.clear debt清理债务
avia.clear deck甲板无障碍物
securit.clear definition of powers and responsibilities权责分明
securit.clear definition of powers and responsibilities权责清晰
tech.clear diamond纯净金刚石
tech.clear dimension净尺寸
tech.clear dimension内尺寸
tech.clear display清晰显示
shipb.clear display data清晰显示的数据
shipb.clear display data清晰的显示数据
tech.clear dissolution明显溶蚀
wushu.clear distinction between mobility and immobility动静分明
ecol.clear effluent清水出流
ecol.clear effluent清水溢流
poultr.clear egg未受精蛋
poultr.clear egg无精蛋
tech.clear entry清除表目
tech.clear entry key清除输入键
tech.clear expense收支相抵
securit.clear expense收支平衡
tech.clear face净面
avia.clear fault清除故障
tech.clear felling透明漆膜
tech.clear felling皆伐
tech.clear felling and stump-grubbing伐木除根
tech.clear film透明薄膜
tech.clear flag清除标志
tech.clear floor sealer透明地面密封剂
tech.clear foil透明片
tech.clear for action备战
tech.clear forward signal正向话终信号
tech.clear frit透明熔块
gen.be clear from没有…
bowl.clear game最后一球落沟
tech.clear gas无焦油煤气
tech.clear glass透明玻璃
tech.clear glass净片玻璃
tech.clear glass filter透明滤光片
tech.clear glaze透明釉
tech.clear goods已纳税货物
tech.clear goods海关放行货物
tech.clear goods from customs货物结关
racingclear grid无赛车的发车区
nautic., tech.clear grounds that the ship is not in compliance船舶不符合要求的明显理由
tech.clear hawse slip滑钩链式止动器
tech.clear hold开敞货舱
tech.clear hold空货舱
desert.clear ice明冰
tech.clear indicator清除指示符
tech.clear input归零输入
tech.clear instruction结关通知书
securit.clear instruction清偿通知
securit.clear instruction结算通知
tech.clear inward办清进口手续
tech.clear key清除键
tech.clear key switch清机键盘开关
tech.clear lacquer罩漆
tech.clear lacquer硝基清漆
tech.clear lacquer清喷漆
tech.clear lacquer精制的半透明漆
tech.clear lacquer透明亮漆
tech.clear lacquer赛霞漆
tech.clear lacquer亮漆
gen.Clear Lake明湖分校克利尔湖分校
tech.clear lamp透明灯 (泡)
tech.clear length净长度
tech.clear length of bridge opening桥孔净长
avia.clear line of sight视线无阻挡
comp.clear line-image明线图像
tech.clear list清除表
tech.clear list清除排列表
tech.clear log锯材原木
tech.clear medium透明黏合媒质
tech.clear memory清除储器
tech.clear mesh净空
tech.clear mesh内径
tech.clear mesh网孔净径
gen.clear month整整一个月
desert.clear night晴夜
gen.clear M of把N从M除掉 (N)
gen.be clear of离〔避〕开
gen.be clear of没有〔清除了〕…的
avia.clear of ice清除结冰
gen.clear of responsibility宣布对…不负任何责任
gen.clear off做好
gen.clear off还清
gen.clear off云雾消散
gen.clear off
gen.clear off走开
gen.clear off驱逐
gen.clear off结束
gen.clear off完成
gen.clear off排除
securit.clear off a debt清偿债务
securit.clear off an account付清账款
securit.clear one's estate赎回产业
securit.clear oneself from debts还清债务
gen.clear oneself of洗清
gen.clear oneself of表白
tech.clear operation清除操作
gen.clear out冲洗
gen.clear out结关后出港
gen.clear out离开
gen.clear out使〔出〕空
gen.clear out排,扫
tech.clear outward办清出口手续
tech.clear overflow明流溢水
tech.clear overflow weir明流堰
tech.clear overflow weir溢流堰
comp.clear packet清除包
tech.clear pale yellow净苍黄色
tech.clear panel key清除面板键
tech.clear panel key清面板键
gen.clear pass凌空传球
gen.clear pass高挑传球
tech.clear plastic sheet透明塑料板
tech.clear plastic sheet透明塑料膜
refrig.clear plate透明板
tech.clear profit纯利 (润)
tech.clear profit净利 (润)
securit.clear program结清程序
tech.clear request清除请求
tech.clear request断开请求
tech.clear rib interval肋的净间距
tech.clear rib spacing肋的净距
tech.clear river清水河 (流)
tech.clear roadway路面净宽
tech.clear shaper复位脉冲形成器
shipb.clear shift logical circuit清除移位逻辑电路
tech.clear-side roller净边压路机
tech.clear-side roller净边路碾
mil.clear sight distance明晰视距
nautic., tech.clear sight of light透光尺寸
comp.clear signal置"0"信号
tech.clear signal开通信号
tech.clear signal拆线信号
comp.clear signal清除信号
tech.clear signal indication信号开放表示
tech.clear signal indication开放信号表示
nautic., tech.clear size of opening通孔尺寸
desert.clear sky晴空
tech.clear sky无云天空
tech.clear sky晴朗天空总云量少于1/8
avia.clear sky碧空
tech.clear span净孔
tech.clear span净空跨度
tech.clear span净跨 (度)
tech.clear span净宽
tech.clear span桥涵净跨径
tech.clear span净空
tech.clear span挣跨
tech.clear span净翼展
tech.clear span building无内柱建筑物
tech.clear span building单跨建筑物
tech.clear span of bridge桥梁净跨径
tech.clear span of girder大梁净跨
tech.clear span tent净跨帐篷
tech.clear spring回零弹簧
tech.clear staff精木料
tech.clear story纵向天窗或气楼
tech.clear story气楼
tech.clear story高窗
tech.clear story阁楼天窗
tech.clear story开窗假楼
tech.clear story纵向气楼
tech.clear stream清水河 (流)
tech.clear stuff无缺陷料
tech.clear stuff无疵木材
tech.clear stuff精木料
tech.clear stuff无节疤木材
tech.clear stuff无疵材
tech.clear supernatant上层清液
tech.clear switch清除开关
tech.clear synthetic baking varnish合成清烘漆
tech.clear system贸易清算制
gen.clear terminal触发器的清零端
shipb.clear text明码电文
gen.clear the air消除误会
gen.clear the air澄清真相
gen.clear the air使空气清新
securit.clear the air of fact澄清事实真相
mil.clear the atmosphere消除紧张气氛
mil.clear the atmosphere消除误会
sport.clear the bench替补队员全部上场
sport.clear the bench替补全部上场
tech.clear the circuit切断电路
gen.clear the coast!让开
gen.clear the coast!排除障碍
gen.clear the coast!扫清道路
gen.clear the coast!躲开
tech.clear the debt清偿债务
nautic.clear the decks准备行动
nautic.clear the decks战舰清理甲板准备战斗
tech.clear the port安全出港
gen.clear the table收拾桌子
gen.clear through通过检查,批准等
tech.clear timber无节疤木材
tech.clear timber精木料
tech.clear timber无疵材
securit.clear title无争议权益
securit.clear title合法权益
tech.clear to send清除待发
tech.clear to send待发
tech.clear topographic feature明显地物
tech.clear topographic feature明置地物
tech.clear-to-send circuit清除发送线路
gen.clear up整顿
tech.clear up清理
gen.clear up使变清
gen.clear up消除
gen.clear up说明
gen.clear up变晴
gen.clear up清扫〔除,理〕
tech.clear-up ability清偿能力
securit.clear up claims and debts清理债权债务
tech.clear-up debt清理债务
securit.clear up merger清算并购目标公司被全部合并成收购公司的一部分
securit.clear up of debt还债
tech.clear up sludge清淤
tech.clear valve diameter阀孔径
avia.clear variation trend明显变化趋势
tech.clear view明晰视界
tech.clear view清晰视野
nautic., tech.clear-view screen雨雪扫除器
gen.clear view screen透视屏
tech.clear vision distance明晰视距
tech.clear water清洁水
tech.clear water无碍航物水域
tech.clear water安全水域
tech.clear water basin净水池
tech.clear water circulation通畅水区航行
biol.clear water culture清水养殖
tech.clear water drilling清水钻进
tech.clear water fixed-bed model清水定床模型
tech.clear-water lake清水湖
tech.clear water model清水模型
tech.clear water pump清水泵
tech.clear water repellent coating透明憎水涂料
ecol.clear water reservoir清水贮池
tech.clear water reservoir净水池
tech.clear water reservoir给水水库
ecol.clear water reservoir清水库
tech.clear water scour清水冲刷
tech.clear water tank清水池
tech.clear-water tank清水池
tech.clear water type swivel清水钻进水龙头
tech.clear water zone清水带
nautic., tech.clear waters开敞水域
tech.clear way扫清道路
tech.clear way禁止停车道路
tech.clear way在跑道延长上的起飞航道
tech.clear way高速公路 (采用立体交叉,确保不间断交通)
gen.clear way valve全开阀
biol.clear-weed冷水花 (Pilea Wight.)
biol.clear-weed冷水花属 (Pilea Lindl.,荨麻科)
ecol.clear well清洁井
tech.clear width净宽 (度)
tech.clear width of carriageway行车道净宽
nautic., tech.clear width of corridors and stairways走廊和楼梯的净宽
tech.clear width of deck桥面净宽
nautic., tech.clear width of door门的净宽
nautic., tech.clear width of escape routes脱险通道的净宽
tech.clear window glass透明窗玻璃
tech.clear wire glass透明嵌金属钢玻璃
tech.clear wire glass透明嵌丝玻璃
tech.clear wood无疵木材
tech.clear wood无疵材
tech.clear woollen finish毛呢光面整理
tech.clear working days十足工作天数
tech.clear working place安全工作地点
avia.clear zone保险地带
tech.clear zone清亮区
avia.clear zone保险道
shipb.cloudy with some clear spells多云间晴
biol.coffee clear wing moth咖啡透翅天蛾 (Cephonodes hylas Linnaeus,天蛾科)
securit.create a clear prospectus编制简明股票发行章程
securit.create a clear prospectus编制简易招股书
biol.creeping charley clear-weed铜钱叶冷水花 (Pilea nummulariaefolia Wedd.,荨麻科)
gen.crystal clear极其明白
gen.crystal clear十分清楚
gen.crystal clear完全透明的
avia.download and clear下载下传和清除
badm.drive clear进攻性平高球
badm.drive clear抽平高球
badm.driven clear平抽高球
tech.drum buffer clear磁鼓缓冲器清除
avia.equipment clear up设备清洗
tech.excellent clear displayed显示极明显
badm.fast clear out四方球
badm.fast clear out快速拉开
tech.floor clear varnish楼板清漆
badm.forehand clear正手高远球
securit.free and clear未质押的
securit.free and clear偿还完毕的
securit.free and clear无债的
securit.free-and-clear property values未质押的财产价值
gen.get clear of脱离
tech.get clear of a danger避开险境
nautic.get clear off完全离开
gen.get clear out完全出来
gen.get into the clear进入空档
avia.gun clear lockin relay机关炮退弹自保继电器
sport.He failed to clear 2. 33 metres on his first attempt他第一次试跳 2.33 米、未能成功
sport.He failed to clear 2.31 metres on his third trial jump他第三次试跳 2.31 米未能成功
avia.high altitude clear air turbulence高空晴空湍流
badm.high backhand clear反手高远球
badm.high clear高远球
tech.impounding clear water and discharging sediment-laden water蓄清排浑
gen.in clear明文
sport.In the high jump, the bar is set at a starting height and each competitor has three chances to clear it在跳高比赛时、横杆放在最初的起跳高度上、每名选手有三次机会跳越横杆
sport.In the pole vault, No. 75 failed to clear the bar on any of his three attempts and was eliminated在撑竿跳高比赛中、75 号选手3次试跳均不成功、最后被淘汰
tech.indoor clear varnish室内抛光油漆
tech.indoor clear varnish室内透明清漆
gen.it is clear that很明显
gen.it is clear that显然
tech.keep clear让开
gen.keep clear of不接触
gen.keep clear of〔离〕开
tech.keep site clear保持现场整洁
gen.leave sb. a clear field给人行动自由
gen.loud and clear
gen.make clear表明
gen.make everything clear使所有问题都清楚
tech.manual clear人工清除
tech.master clear主清除开关 (switch)
avia.measurement and observation of clear air turbulence晴空湍流测量观察
avia.medium altitude clear air turbulence中空晴空湍流
tech.memory clear key存储器清除键
tech.memory clear subroutine存储器清除子程序
tech.number of clear days晴朗天数
tech.number of clear days晴天天数
gen.out of a clear sky突然
gen.out of a clear sky出乎意外地
tech.past and clear让清
gen.Please send someone to clear up the tableware请派人到我房间来收拾餐具好吗?
gen.see one's way clear前途无阻〔顺畅〕
tech.signal at clear信号开放
tech.size in the clear内尺寸
tech.size in the clear净尺寸
gen.speak loud and clear说话声音洪亮而清晰
tech.sprayed on clear varnish喷涂透明清漆
tech.squeezing clear water out of soil指鏠中挤出清水
nautic.stand clear同… (of, from)
nautic.stand clear站〔离〕开 (of, from)
gen.steer clear of避〔绕〕开
gen.steer clear of机灵地脱离〔逃脱〕
tech.swing clear回转无碍 (指单锚泊地的安全性)
tech.swing clear hinge开足铰链 (门窗的)
tech.synthetic resin clear varnish合成树脂清漆
tech.synthetic resin clear varnish合成树脂涂膜
avia.takeoff and landing clear-air turbulence起落晴空湍流
sport.The high jumper failed to clear the bar on any of his her three attempts and was eliminated这位跳高运动员 3 次试跳均未过杆、最后被淘汰
sport.The hurdles can be knocked down, but both legs must clear them运动员可以碰倒栏架、但双腿必须越过栏架
gen.They were not in focus, so the photograph wasn't clear对焦时没把他们对好所以照片不清晰
gen.three clear days整整三天
nautic., tech.total overall clear height for vehicles车辆用整体高度
gen.Traditionally these were sent anonymously, but nowadays we often make it clear who is sending each "Valentine"按照传统,这些礼物会匿名送出,但现在我们更倾向注明发出者的姓名
gen.When you buy home textiles, you should be clear about the fillers which is very important for your health购买家纺用品时,要清楚它们的填充物是什么。这对健康很重要
gen.win clear努力完成
gen.win clear摆脱困难
tech.wood clear finish木材的清漆罩面
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