
Terms for subject Environment containing clean | all forms | exact matches only
Clean Air Act美国清洁空气法案
clean air area Areas where significant reductions in ozone forming pollutants have been achieved through industrial initiatives to control and/or prevent pollution, through implementation of transportation improvement plans, national efforts to reduce automobile tailpipe emissions and lower the volatility (evaporation rate) of gasoline空气洁净区 (通过控制工业的主动排放和/或防止污染,交通改善计划的实施,以及国家为了减少机动车辆废气排放量和降低汽油挥发性而做的努力而实现的污染物形成显著减少的清新空气地区。)
clean air car Vehicles that function without emitting pollutants in the atmosphere空气洁净车 (具有不向大气中排放污染物功能的车辆。)
clean air projector清洁空气规化【发起】人
clean development mechanism无污染开发机制
Clean Energy Research Institute美国迈阿密大学清洁能源研究所
Clean Gulf Associates美国净化墨西哥海湾联合体
clean natural gas vehicle清洁天然气
clean technology Industrial process which causes little or no pollution清洁技术 (几乎不引起污染或完全无污染的工业处理。)
cleaning up The process of bringing desert, marsh, sea coast or other waste or unproductive land into use or cultivation清理 (使用或者培养沼泽地带、沙漠、海岸或其他废弃或贫瘠的土地的过程。)
contract cleaner A commercial service provider, usually bound by a written agreement, responsible for the removal of dirt, litter or other unsightly materials from any property清洁公司 (一种商业服务提供者,通常签订协议并负责清除各种财产上的污垢、垃圾和其它不雅观的物质。)
dry cleaning To clean fabrics etc. with a solvent other than water干洗 (用溶剂而非用水来清洗纺织品。)
Environmental Clean up and Responsibilities Act美国环境净化与责任条例
Federal Clean Air Act联邦清洁空气法案
Oil Companies International Study Group for Conservation of Clean Air and Water石油公司保护净化空气和水资源国际研究组
oil spill clean-up technology石油泄漏清除技术
street cleaning The process of removing dirt, litter or other unsightly materials from city or town streets清洁街道 (从其他城市或城镇街道去除污垢,垃圾或不雅观材料的过程。)