
Terms for subject Technology containing clean | all forms | exact matches only
Amendments of the Clean Air Act洁净空气修正案
banker's clean bill不抬头的银行票据
bio-clean room生物洁净室
blow a well clean喷射洗井 (用清泥浆)
broom clean竣工清场交付
burn clean fuel使用清洁能源
casting clean-up铸件清理
chemically clean surface化学净化表面
clean a firebox火箱清洗
clean a ship清舱
clean acceptance无条件接受
clean acceptance不附保留条件的承兑
clean aggregate清洁集料
clean aggregate洁净集料
clean aggregate清洁骨料
clean aggregate洁净骨料
clean air纯洁空气
Clean Air Act空气清洁法
Clean Air Act空气净化法
clean air manifold净化空气总管
clean air outlet净化空气出口
clean air policy空气清洁政策
clean anchorage无障碍物锚地
clean anchorage清爽锚地
clean annealing光亮退
clean ash清炉除灰
clean back拉结石外露端
clean back光洁石面
clean ballast洁净道砟
clean ballast pump净压载水泵
clean ballast tank清洁压载舱
clean ballast water清洁压载水
clean bench净化操作台
clean bench除尘台
clean bench清洗台
clean bench净化台
clean bil清单
clean bil清洁票据
clean bil不随货押汇票
clean bil光票
clean bil信用票据
clean bill of exchange普通汇票
clean bill of health无疫健康证明书
clean bill of health无疫证书 (船只)
clean bill of lading单纯提单
clean bill of lading清洁提
clean bill of lading不附带条件的提单
clean bill of lading洁净提单
clean blast全部爆破
clean bond清洁公债
clean bottom干净海底 (没有危险物、礁石等)
clean breach浪扫全舱面
clean break无火花断路
clean by laminar flow层流净化
clean cargo清洁货物
clean cargo完整货物
clean cargo好货
clean cargo净货
clean charter清洁租船合同
clean circuit净化电路
clean circulation干净循环
clean coast安全海岸 (指没有沉船或暗礁等)
clean collection托收光票
clean color纯洁色
clean colour纯洁色
clean core净堆芯
clean corridor清洁走廊
clean corridor洁净走廊
clean credit无条款信用书
clean credit清洁信用
clean credit纯信用证
clean-cut separation确切分离
clean-cut wood光洁木板
clean-cut wood光洁木材
clean cutting formation不黏钻头的地层
clean cutting formation孔底清洁的地层
clean cuttings清除岩粉
clean data output清机数据输出
clean discontinuities无充填物的不连续面
clean discontinuities无充填物的软弱结构面
clean documents清洁单据
clean drilling正常泥浆钻进
clean-dumped rockfill抛石
clean-dumped rockfill纯石堆填
clean-dumped rockfill纯抛石充填
clean-dumped rockfill水工上的抛石
clean-dumped rockfill纯石块填石
clean face cutting净材面锯切法
clean fallow无草休闲地
clean fire清炉除灰
clean-fleece weight净毛重量
clean float纯净浮动
clean float自由浮动 (汇率)
clean floating exchange rate清洁浮动汇率
clean formation含泥很少的地层
clean fuel oil tank清洁燃油舱
clean full全满
clean full展全帆
clean full尽量吃风
clean gas无尘煤气
clean gas纯净气体
clean gas净化煤气
clean gas洁净煤气
clean gas outlet净化气出口
clean grind研磨均匀
clean grind均匀的硏磨浆
clean hole清洁钻孔
clean hole punching干净穿孔
clean lattice净栅
clean letter of credit不跟单信用证
clean lines流线型船
clean map无误差的地图数据
clean material净料
clean mining高回收率开采法
clean off balance outstanding付清所欠余款
clean oil轻质石油
clean oil透明油
clean oil未加裂化油的油料
clean oil无添加剂润滑油
clean oil轻质〔透明,新〕油
clean oil白油
clean oils轻质石油产品汽油,煤油,馏出燃料
clean oils轻质石油产品
clean on board洁净装船
clean on board bill of lading清洁装运提单
clean on board bill of lading已装船清洁提单
clean out清洁口
clean out清扫口
clean-out auger清孔钻头
clean-out auger抽汲筒 (钻探工具)
clean-out auger清孔钻
clean-out bailer抽砂筒 (清孔用)
clean-out bit清底钻具
clean-out box液体容器侧面清理方孔
clean-out cap清除口盖板
clean-out cap清洁孔盖板
clean-out chamber清通井
clean-out chamber清扫井
clean-out clearance清洁孔净距
clean-out cock净塞
clean-out cover清扫口
clean-out cover人孔盖
clean-out crew修井队
clean-out disc清洗盘
clean-out door出灰门
clean-out door清粮口
clean-out door清扫门
clean-out door清出口
clean-out door出灰口
clean-out door出渣门
clean-out eye清除孔
clean-out fitting清除装置
clean-out frequency清垢频率
clean-out hatch人孔
clean-out hatch清扫口【船】
clean-out hatch出渣口
clean-out hole清扫口
clean-out jet auger射流式清理井眼螺钻
clean-out jet auger抽汲筒
clean-out job修井工作
clean-out machine修井机械
clean-out machinery修井机械
clean-out of wall cavities空芯墙清除口
clean-out opening人孔
clean-out opening清扫口
clean-out pit清除坑
clean-out plate清扫口盖板
clean-out plate人孔盖板
clean-out plug疏水旋塞
clean-out plug清洁口堵头
clean-out port清除口
clean-out screw清除螺钉
clean-out string修井钻杆
clean-out string修井钻柱
clean-out timber光洁木板
clean-out timber光洁木材
clean-out tools孔机具
clean-out tube清除管
clean payment credit全部预支信用证
clean payment letter of credit全部预支信用证
clean petroleum product轻质成品油
clean plastic水晶胶
clean polyester水晶胶
clean producer gas净化发生炉煤气
clean proof付印样
clean rain未污染雨水
clean rain干净的雨水
clean reactivity新堆反应性
clean reactivity净堆反应性
clean remittances of commercial paper不跟单汇兑
clean river清洁河流
clean river清水河 (流)
clean rock纯岩石
clean room供实验用的经消毒的房间
clean room超静何
clean room无尘室
clean room清洁室
clean room绝尘室
clean run流线型船尾
clean sand清洁砂
clean ship轻质油船
clean ship清洁船舶
clean ship空船
clean slide干净载玻片
clean soil洁净土壤
clean state principle重新开始原则
clean steel
clean stub新导电棒
clean stuff优质木材 (无节疤等)
clean summer fallow夏耕休闲
clean summer fallow夏季绝对休闲
clean superconductor纯净超导体
clean tank轻油柜
clean tanker轻油油轮
clean thread光洁螺纹
clean tillage清耕法
clean timber精木料
clean timber无缺陷木材 (又称无节疤陷的木材)
clean timber无疵木材
clean title清洁物权
clean transport documents清洁运输单据
clean-type ventilation清洁式通风
clean-up扫除 (工地渣土)
clean-up光面验讫 (木工作业)
clean-up activity清洁活动
clean-up activity净化活动
clean-up and move out清扫并运出工地
clean-up and move out现场清理
clean-up and move out清除
clean-up and move out清理
clean-up and move out竣工清扫
clean-up barrel清理滚筒
clean-up chute清洗溜槽
clean-up chute精选溜槽
clean-up cost净化费用
clean-up device清舱装置
clean-up effect清除效应
clean-up effect净化作用
clean-up job清孔工作
clean-up method净化法
clean-up of cofferdam foundation围堰基础清理
clean up of oil spills漂油清除
clean-up operation清理作业
clean-up past due bill清理逾期票据
clean-up process净化工艺
clean-up pump清除泵
clean-up pump吸收泵
clean-up scraper刮土板
clean up solvent清洗溶剂
clean-up trip冲孔回次
clean-up work清洗工作
clean-up work清理工作
clean urban river environment净化城市河流环境
clean water洁净水
Clean Water Act流水保护条例
Clean Water Act清洁水法令
Clean Water Act清洁法
Clean Water Act Amendments水清洁法修正案
clean water algae清洁藻
clean water gallery清水隧洞
clean-water lake清水湖
clean water performance清水性能
clean-water pipe清水管
Clean Water Restoration Act净水修复法令
Clean Water Restoration Act清洁水恢复法案
clean water strategy净水对策
clean-water supply净水供应
clean water tank清水箱
clean well无垢井孔
clean wool洗净毛
clean yellow纯黄 (色)
clean yield净得
cleans hip没载货的船
cold clean criticality冷净临界
cold clean criticality冷态
cross flow clean room水平层流式洁净室
density of clean sandstone纯砂岩的密度
disaster clean-up operation灾难清理作业
disaster clean-up operation灾害清理工作
documentary clean credit光单信用证
downflow clean room垂直层流式洁净室
easy-clean hinge长脚合页
easy-clean hinge延伸窗铰
easy-clean hinge长翼铰链
easy-clean hinge长脚铰链
end clean out管端清扫门
end clean out管端清扫口
environmental clean up环境净化
Federal Clean Water Act联邦清洁水法令 (美国)
fractional volume of clean sandstone纯砂岩的相对体积
garment of clean room防尘服
gas clean-up提高真空度
gas clean-up气体清除
general clean-up大扫除
green cut clean-up水刷石饰面法
hazard clean-up消除隐患
hot clean criticality热净临界
hot clean loading热净装载
hot clean reactor热净反应堆
maximum porosity in clean rock纯岩石最大孔隙度
middle-high cost clean production option中高费用的清洁生产方案
mobile clean room活动式空气净化间
mobile clean room移动式空气净化间
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination Permit System in Federal Clean Water Act美国联邦清洁水法国家污染物排放消除许可证制度
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System of USEPA Clean Water Act美国环境政治法清洁水法国家污染物排放消除体系
no/lose cost clean production option无/低费清洁生产方案
ocean clean on board bill of lading已装船海洋清洁提单
oil-spill clean-up method溢油清除法
percentage of clean-up清舱量比重
prefab clean room装配式洁净间
problem of clean bill of lading清洁提单问题
pumping hole clean孔眼抽汲干净
quantity of clean-up清舱量
radius of clean-up挖土机的切削半径
radius of clean-up挖掘半径
radius of clean-up工作半径
radius of clean-up at floor清底半径
reservoir of clean water清水池
self-clean oven自洁式烤箱
siphon off the clean solution虹吸抽出清洁溶液
site clean-up工地清理
spindle clean oiler锭子清洗加油器
super-clean超净 (的)
super-clean bench超净工作
tank and container clean油罐与集装箱清洗
tank clean-out opening油罐的清扫口
ultra-clean超净 (的)
ultra-clean air system超净空系统
unit clean组件清洁
United States Clean Water Act美国清洁法
Y-clean-outY 形清扫设备