
Terms containing clamp | all forms | exact matches only
tech.adjustable clamp活夹具
tech.adjustable clamp活动钳 (夹)
tech.adjustable clamp活络钳
tech.air clamp气压夹具
tech.air cleaner clamp滤气器夹钳
CNCair cleaner clamp滤气器夹
tech.air-actuated clamp气动夹具
tech.alignment clamp瞄准器
tech.alloy steel pipe clamp合金钢制管卡
tech.anchoring clamp拉线夹
CNCattaching clamp固定夹
tech.automatic die clamps自动夹紧模具装置
tech.auxiliary spring clamp辅助弹簧夹
CNCaxle clamp轴夹
avia.band clamp带状卡箍
tech.bar clamp钢夹
tech.bar clamp钢筋夹
tech.bar clamp棒夹
tech.bar clamp杆夹
tech.bent clamp弓形夹具
shipb.bent clamp弯压板
tech.boring rod clamp钻杆夹
tech.boring rod clamp钻探用的管钳
CNCbracket clamp托架夹
tech.brake clamp制动块
tech.brake cylinder clamps制动器汽缸夹紧器
tech.brake hose clamp制动软管夹
tech.braking clamp制动块
tech.braking clamp制动夹 (钳)
tech.braking clamp test bench制动夹钳试验装置
tech.branch clamp分线线夹
tech.brazing clamp铜焊钳
tech.brazing clamp焊接夹钳
tech.bridle wire clamp吊索线夹
tech.buckle clamp卡夹
tech.buckle clamp皮带等的扣夹
tech.bull gear clamp带背轮的塔轮接合销
tech.bull wheel shaft clamps钻具滚筒轴套
tech.buret clamp滴定管夹
tech.bushing clamp电极套
tech.bushing clamp电极夹头
tech.bushing clamp漏板夹头
tech.cap clamp盖夹
tech.carpenter's clamp木工夹
tech.carpenter's screw clamp台钳
tech.carriage clamp木工用夹紧装置
CNCcarriage clamp刀架固定手柄
tech.casing clamp套管夹板
tech.casing clamp套管卡
tech.catenary wire support clamp承力索双线支撑线夹
tech.catenary wire support clamp接触网支撑装置线夹
tech.catenary wire suspension clamp with hook双耳鞍子
gen.clamp action钳位作用
shipb.clamp apparatus for butt welding对接焊夹具
tech.clamp bar版夹
tech.clamp bias钳位偏左
tech.clamp bias钳位偏压
tech.clamp bias固定偏压
tech.clamp bias potential钳位偏置电平
tech.clamp bit装夹式车刀
tech.clamp bolt箍紧螺栓
tech.clamp bolt夹紧螺栓
tech.clamp bolt hole夹紧螺栓孔
tech.clamp bracket夹紧托架
tech.clamp bucket蛤斗
tech.clamp bucket夹斗
tech.clamp-burned brick土窑砖
tech.clamp-burnt brick土窑砖
tech.clamp changer麻夹变换器
tech.clamp cheek夹颊板
tech.clamp clip接线柱 (terminal)
tech.clamp clip线夹 (terminal)
tech.clamp clip夹子 (terminal)
gen.clamp clip terminal线夹
gen.clamp clip terminal接线柱
gen.clamp clip terminal夹子
tech.clamp coupling纵向夹紧联轴器
tech.clamp coupling套筒连轴节
tech.clamp coupling壳形联轴器
tech.clamp coupling夹紧联轴器
shipb.clamp coupling夹式联轴器
tech.clamp cover堆藏覆土机
tech.clamp covering machine盖堆机
tech.clamp current钳位电流
tech.clamp cutting edge夹持车刀
tech.clamp cutting edge固定刃口
tech.clamp cutting edge夹持刃口
tech.clamp device钳位装置
tech.clamp dog止块夹头
tech.clamp dog夹块
gen.clamp down卡住〔紧〕
gen.clamp down固定住
gen.clamp down强制执行
gen.clamp down夹紧〔住〕
gen.clamp down on用力制止
gen.clamp down on镇压
gen.clamp down on钳制
gen.clamp down on取缔
gen.clamp down on施压力于
securit.clamp down on insider trading取缔内幕交易
securit.clamp down on insider trading取消内幕交易
securit.clamp down on insider trading打击内幕交易
tech.clamp drill夹钻
tech.clamp error夹紧误差
tech.clamp excavator抓斗式挖掘机
gen.clamp failure失钳
tech.clamp for anchor rope锚接绳固定线夹
tech.clamp for headspan cross messenger wire横撑力索线夹
tech.clamp for upper cover上盖夹紧装置
tech.clamp force合模力
tech.clamp force夹紧力
tech.clamp forming machine垛堆机
tech.clamp forming machine集堆机
tech.clamp-free beam悬臂梁
tech.clamp furnace围窑
tech.clamp handle紧固手把
tech.clamp hanger夹钳吊架
tech.clamp hanger夹钳提升器
tech.clamp holder持夹器
tech.clamp holder夹持器
CNCclamp holder夹柄
tech.clamp holt紧固螺栓
tech.clamp hook双抱钩
tech.clamp hose connection用夹子连接软管
gen.clamp M in把 M 夹在 N 中 (N)
tech.clamp iron铁夹
tech.clamp kiln简易烧砖窑
gen.clamp lapping齿轮无齿隙研磨
gen.clamp lapping压紧〔无齿隙〕研齿
tech.clamp level钳位电平
tech.clamp lever夹紧把手
tech.clamp lock point勾锁锁闭道岔
gen.clamp loose压板松开
tech.clamp lug压耳
refrig.clamp meter钳形表
tech.clamp moment固端弯矩
tech.clamp nail夹钉
tech.clamp nut紧固螺帽
tech.clamp nut夹固螺母
gen.clamp M on把M固定〔夹紧〕在N上 (N)
tech.clamp-on ammeter钳式安培计
avia.clamp-on ammeter夹合式电流表
avia.clamp-on ammeter电流互感器
tech.clamp on amperemeter钳形电流表
avia.clamp-on flowmeter夹装式超声波流量计
tech.clamp-on pipe vise管子台虎钳
tech.clamp-on tool夹紧刀具
tech.clamp-on type ultrasonic flowmeter夹管式超声波流量计
tech.clamp-on vibrator附着式外振捣器
tech.clamp-on vice台虎钳
tech.clamp opening夹钳开度
tech.clamp output voltage钳位输出电压
tech.clamp pin制动把
tech.clamp pin千分尺制动把
tech.clamp pin锁紧销
tech.clamp pin夹销
tech.clamp pinion夹紧小齿轮
tech.clamp plate卡子
tech.clamp plate夹紧件
tech.clamp plate
tech.clamp plate
tech.clamp plate夹板
tech.clamp pulse钳位脉冲
tech.clamp-pulse generator控制脉冲发生器
tech.clamp rail夹固板
tech.clamp rail固端板
refrig.clamp ring紧固圈
tech.clamp ring夹紧环
tech.clamp ring夹固圈
avia.clamp ring夹持环
shipb.clamp ring cam锁紧圈凸轮
tech.clamp screw制动螺丝
tech.clamp screw压紧螺钉
tech.clamp screw夹紧螺丝
avia.clamp screw制动压紧,紧固螺钉
tech.clamp screw紧固螺丝
tech.clamp screw紧固螺钉
tech.clamp screw sextant制动螺钉六分仪
tech.clamp screw sextant夹紧螺丝型六分仪
tech.clamp shaft夹紧轴
tech.clamp silage堆藏青储[贮]料
tech.clamp sleeve套管夹
tech.clamp slot码模槽
tech.clamp splice夹块
tech.clamp stand固定支架
tech.clamp stand固定支座
tech.clamp strap
tech.clamp stroke合模行程
tech.clamp sub夹头
tech.clamp sub夹箍
tech.clamp system夹紧机构
tech.clamp timber木夹件
tech.clamp timber木夹板
tech.clamp timber夹撑木
tech.clamp time模压时间
gen.clamp M on to把M固定〔夹紧〕在N上 (N)
shipb.clamp top insulator夹头绝缘子
tech.clamp type end fitting对壳式软管终端接头
tech.clamp type entry guide入口夹板
tech.clamp upset弯压铁
tech.clamps coupling管夹接头
tech.clamps for pipe hanger吊架管卡
tech.clevis end clamp双耳线夹
tech.clevis end wedge-type clamp双耳楔型线夹
tech.closed clamp闭合夹
tech.closing clamp缝合夹
tech.collar clamp管箍
tech.collar clamp夹板
tech.collar-and-clamp环夹式铰链 (船闸闸门铰链的种,否则称为锚环式)
avia.connecting clamp断接卡
tech.counter clamp反向夹板
tech.counter clamp双向夹紧装置
tech.counter clamp反向夹
tech.crushing clamp挤压夹
tech.crushing clamp挤压钳
tech.cutting clamp裁剪夹子
tech.cylinder head clamp汽缸头压板
tech.dead-end clamp终端线夹
tech.dead-end clamp终锚线夹
tech.dead-end clamp with cup-point screws螺栓顶紧式接触线终端锚固线夹
tech.dog clamp止块夹头
tech.door clamp门扣
tech.double pipe clamp复式管夹
tech.double-wedged clamp双楔垫老虎钳
tech.doubling preventer clamp两截桅接头防护铁
tech.drive clamp打入管夹板
tech.drive clamp承击夹持器
tech.drive clamp钻杆夹
tech.drive clamp旋冲钻杆的增重环
tech.drive clamp钻管夹
tech.drop wire clamp分线接线柱
tech.dropper clamp滴管夹 (钳)
tech.dropper eye clamp定位吊线环
tech.dropper wire clamp吊弦线夹
tech.earthing clamp接地环
tech.earthing clamp接地端子
tech.earthing clamp接地夹子
tech.edge clamp mounting夹边安装
tech.electric connecting clamp电连接线夹
tech.electric connecting clamp for busbar汇流排电连接线夹
tech.electrical connecting clamp电连接线夹
tech.electrical connecting clamp for busbar汇流排电连接线夹
tech.exhaust pipe clamp排气管夹
tech.expansion clamp膨胀卡头
tech.extended clamp for suspension长吊环
tech.exterior lineup clamp外对管器
tech.external clamp外对管器
tech.eye end clamp for strands定位环线夹
tech.feeder clamp电连接线夹
tech.feeder clamp馈电线端子
tech.feeder clamp馈电接线柱
tech.feeder clamp双线等距线夹
tech.feeder clamp馈线线
tech.feeder compression clamp馈线压接头
tech.feeder line and earth wire support clamp馈线合地线支撑线夹
tech.feeder support clamp馈线支承线夹
tech.feeder wire clamp馈线连接线夹
tech.flask clamp砂箱夹
tech.flat clamp平压板
tech.flat clamp平压铁
tech.floating clamp浮动夹头
tech.floor clamp钻杆夹持器
tech.floor clamp楼板夹钳
tech.floor clamp紧板铁马
tech.floor clamp安板夹子
tech.foot clamp钻杆夹持器
tech.fork clamp叉形挟钳
tech.forked clamp叉形夹板
tech.forked clamp叉形压板
tech.form clamp模板夹具
tech.form clamp模板边撑
tech.form clamp模壳边撑
tech.free-center-type clamp线路释放线夹
tech.fret saw with clamp伐木锯
tech.friction clamp直钳
tech.frictional clamp摩擦夹钳
tech.frictional clamp摩擦制动装置
tech.frog clamp拉钳
tech.front spring fourth leaf clamp前钢板弹簧第四片卡扣
tech.galvanized stay clamp镀锌拉线夹板
tech.gasoline pump glass-bow U-clamp汽油泵油杯 U 形钢丝夹
tech.gear-type clevis end wedge-type clamp齿形双耳楔型线夹
tech.gib clamp扁栓制动机构
tech.glass clamp玻璃夹子
tech.ground clamp接地夹 (子)
tech.ground clamp接地端子
tech.ground clamp地线夹 (头)
tech.ground clamp地线接线柱
tech.ground clamp地线夹子 (电焊时用)
tech.guide clamp导向线夹
tech.hanger clamp吊弦夹
tech.hanging clamp船用固定夹
tech.hanging pipe clamp anchor吊管卡座
tech.hawser clamp缆索制止器
tech.hose clamp软管夹 (子)
tech.hose clamp软管支架
refrig.hose clamp fitting软管支卡件
tech.instrument-board bracket clamp仪表板托架夹
tech.insulating clamp绝缘线夹
tech.joint clamp接头箍
tech.keyed clamp定时箝位
tech.knee clamp膝形夹头
shipb.lashing clamp系固用紧索夹
tech.lead clamp引线夹
tech.leading-end clamp前端夹板
tech.lever clamp偏心夹具
tech.lever clamp杠杆夹具
tech.lever-type clamp杠杆夹钳
tech.light-duty safety clamps轻型钻杆安全夹持器
refrig.lock clamp锁夹
refrig.lock clamp销轴锁紧
tech.locking clamp锁紧装置
tech.logic clamp逻辑钳位
tech.mainshaft sleeve clamp lever主轴套筒夹紧手柄
tech.manifold clamp歧管夹
tech.manifold clamp管夹 (板)
tech.marker clamp标志电平箝位电路
avia.Marman clamp马门夹箍一种专门用于导管连接处的环形夹的专利名称环形夹
tech.masonry wall temporary clamp砖石墙体临时夹具
tech.memory clamp存储钳位
tech.messenger clamp吊线缆夹
tech.messenger wire clamp吊线夹
tech.messenger wire connecting clamp承力索接头线夹
tech.mid-anchor clamp中心锚结线夹
tech.mid-anchor clamp for busbar汇流排中心锚结线
tech.mid-anchor clamp for catenary wire承力索中心锚结线夹
tech.mid-anchor clamp for contact wire接触线中心锚结线夹
tech.miter clamp斜卡
tech.miter clamp
tech.miter clamp斜角黏结夹具
tech.Mohr's clamp莫尔夹
tech.Mohr's clamp弹簧夹
tech.Mohr's pinchcock clamp莫尔弹簧夹
plast.surg.mosquito clamp蚊式钳
plast.surg.mosquito clamp蚊式血管钳
tech.movable clamp可动夹钳
tech.movable pipe clamp管钳
tech.nut clamp螺母夹
tech.panel clamp样板夹
tech.pin clamp插销口
med.pinch clamp弹簧夹
med.pinch -cock clamp弹簧夹
tech.plate clamp直压板夹具
tech.plate clamps钢板夹钳
tech.plate clamps直压板夹具
tech.pneumatic clamp气动压板
tech.polish rod clamp深井泵光拉杆钩环
tech.polish rod clamp夹紧器
tech.polishing clamp抛光夹具
tech.prism clamp棱镜夹
tech.progressive safety clamp渐进式安全钳
tech.quick acting clamp快动夹具
tech.quick-acting clamp快速夹钳
tech.quick-acting clamp快作用夹具
tech.quick-acting clamp快速夹具
tech.quick-release clamp快松夹紧装置
tech.quick-release clamp快松夹器
tech.radiator inlet hose clamp散热器进水软管夹
tech.radiator outlet hose clamp散热器出水软管夹
tech.rail clamp轨夹
tech.rail clamp夹轨器
tech.rail clamp轨头座栓
tech.ribbed clamp coupling纵向有肋扭合联轴器
tech.riveting clamps夹钳
tech.riveting clamps铆钉钳
tech.riveting clamps铆钉夹具
tech.round clamp圆压板
tech.round end clamp圆头压板
tech.saw brazing clamp锯条焊夹持
tech.scaffold clamp钢管脚手架卡具
tech.screw clamp螺丝夹 (钳)
tech.screw clamp螺丝夹具
tech.screw clamp手螺旋夹
tech.screw clamp for brake-shoe lining装制动摩擦夹片
tech.screw clamp for lubricating leaf spring钢板弹簧上油卡子
tech.screw compressor clamp螺旋压缩机管夹
tech.screw for starter fixing clamp起动器固定夹螺钉
tech.shank clamp铲柄卡夹
avia.short range clamp近程箝位
tech.side car frame brace clamp边车底架拉条夹
tech.side clamp侧向夹向器
tech.slide dropper clamp for twin catenary wire滑动双承力索吊弦线夹
gen.soft clamp柔性电平钳位
gen.soft clamp钳压软化
tech.spindle clamp柄夹
tech.split clamp活动箍
tech.split clamp crankshaft夹紧式曲轴
tech.spring center clamp弹簧心夹
tech.spring clamp弹簧夹 (具)
tech.spring clamp弹簧卡钳
tech.spring clamp弹簧卡
avia.spring clamp弹簧卡箍
tech.spring clamp bolt弹簧夹紧螺栓
tech.spring-loaded clamp lever弹簧制动杆
tech.stainless steel cable clamp不锈钢电缆夹
tech.stainless steel clamp不锈钢夹
tech.stationary clamp固定夹钳
tech.steady arm with insulating part and offset hook end clamp绝缘定位器
tech.steady arm with insulating rod and offset hook end clamp绝缘定位器
tech.steady clamp定位线夹
tech.steady clamp for busbar汇流排定位线夹
tech.steel cable clamp钢丝绳绳夹
tech.steel clamp钢夹子
tech.steel double bolt pipe clamp钢制双螺栓管卡
tech.steel pipe clamp钢制管卡
tech.steel wire clamp钢丝绳卡头
tech.steel wire rope clamp钢丝绳卡
tech.stitch wire clamp接头线夹
avia.strap clamp带状卡
tech.stud clamp间柱夹紧装置
tech.swivel clamp活动钳
tech.tailing chute clamp ring粗粉溜出槽夹紧环
tech.tapping clamp丝锥夹头
tech.tapping clamp钻孔夹具
tech.terminal anchor clamp for contact wire接触线终端锚固线夹
tech.terminal anchor clamp for messenger wire承力索终端锚固线夹
tech.terminal clamp电极夹头
tech.terminal clamp出线夹
tech.terminal clamp漏板夹头
tech.test clamp试验用夹子
tech.test-tube clamp试管夹
plast.surg.towel clamp帕镊
plast.surg.towel clamp巾钳
tech.towel clamp towel forceps布巾钳
tech.twin catenary wire anchor clamp双承力索锚固线夹
tech.twin contact wire clamp双接触线接头线夹
tech.twin feeder clamp双线馈线线夹
tech.twin headspan wire clamp双横承力索线夹
tech.twin tube clamp双管线夹
tech.twin tube clamp with double eye双耳双管线夹
tech.twin tube clamp with eye单耳双管线夹
tech.two-way clamp双向箝位
gen.two-way double-triode clamp circuit双三极管双极性钳位电路
tech.universal clamp通用管箍
tech.universal clamp万能夹持器
tech.universal clamp广用夹
tech.universal parallel groove clamp分支线夹
tech.upper clamp经纬仪的上盘制动螺旋
tech.valve spring retainer clamp气门弹簧座锁片
avia.V-band clampV 型卡箍
tech.vertical clamp经纬仪竖盘制动
tech.vertical clamp screw竖直制动螺旋
plast.surg.vessel clamp血管钳
tech.vice clamp虎钳夹
tech.vice clamp螺丝扳手
tech.vice clamp vibrator钳式外部振捣器
tech.vice clamp vibrator附着式模外振捣器
tech.voltage clamp电压箝 (位)
sport., physiol.voltage clamp experiment电压钳位固定实验
tech.voltage clamp method电压箝位法
tech.voltage-amplitude-controlled clamp电压振幅箝位控制电路
tech.watch glass clamps表面皿夹
tech.water pump inlet hose clamp水泵进水软管夹
tech.water-cooled clamp水冷夹头
tech.web clamp薄板夹具
tech.welding clamp电焊钳
weld.welding current return clamp地线夹
shipb.wheel clamp车轮掣
tech.wheel clamp nut车轮固定螺帽
tech.wheel rim clamp轮环夹
tech.winch cable clamp绞车缆头
tech.windshield clamp风挡夹
tech.wire cable clamp缆索夹
tech.wire clamp引线夹头
shipb.wire clamp钢丝夹
avia.wire jointing press-clamp导线钳压器
tech.wire rope clamp网索夹
tech.wire rope clamp钢丝绳固定 (卡)
tech.wire rope clamp钢绳卡子
tech.wire terminal clamp电线接头
tech.wire-line clamp钢丝绳卡
tech.wood clamp木夹
tech.wood worker's clamp木工夹
tech.wood working clamp木工夹钳
tech.wooden clamp板端镶木
tech.wooden clamp夹骨齿夹固板
tech.wooden clamp固端板
tech.wooden clamp夹固板
tech.wooden clamp connection板端镶接
tech.wooden clamp connection板端夹固镶木接合
weld.work clamp地线夹
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