
Terms for subject Commerce containing claim | all forms | exact matches only
abandon the right to file a claim放弃索赔权
advisory board on claims索赔咨询委员会
All has borne out the buyer's claim. bear切证实了买方的说法
assigned claim转让的债权
assigned claims转让的债权
bar red claim失去时效债权
basis for claim索赔依据
be entitled to claim reimbursement有权索汇
belated claim迟索赔款
bring forward a claim to property提出产权要求
claim a compensation of US $10,000要求赔偿10,000美元
claim a discount要求回扣
claim a large amount of money against the company向公司索赔一大笔钱
claim acceptance from the correspondent bank要求代理行承兑
claim adjuster索赔理算人
claim agent索赔代理人
claim and satisfaction索赔与理赔
claim arising from a breach of a contract因违约而产生的债权
claim based on nonconformity因货物与合同不符产生的诉权
claim CNY 5,000 on the damaged goods对受损货物索赔5,000人民币元
claim damages against the carrier向承运人索赔损坏赔偿费
claim for additional security要求额外担保
claim for damage要求损失赔偿
claim for damages要求赔偿损失费
claim for damages要求赔偿损害的债权
claim for liability民事责任诉权
claim for recovery of the price value收回货款的要求权
claim for repair of the vessel因修理船舶而产生的债权
claim for restitution of advance要求归还垫款的债权
claim HKD 2,000 for inferiority of quality因质量低劣而索赔2,000 香港元
claim if any, payable at赔付地点
claim indemnity索赔赔偿
claim letter索赔损失赔偿申请书
claim many advantages for a newly introduced article声称新推广的产品有很多优点
claim on account of fraud因欺诈而产生的诉权
claim satisfaction理赔
claim setting agent赔偿代理人
claim £ stg. 2,000 for short shipment因短装而索赔2,000英镑
claim the purchase price索回货款
claim US $100,000 from the underwriter向保险人索赔100,000 美元
claims assessor估损员
claims department理赔部门
claims priority专利已向他国申请
Considering the long relations between us, we are willing to waive the claim考虑到我们双方长久的业务关系,我方愿意放弃索赔要求
discrepancy and claim clause差异与索赔条款 (合同)
Documentary evidence is required to validate the claim索赔必须有证明文件方为有效
documents for claim索赔证件 (包括明细表 (detail list),鉴定证书 (surveyor's certificate), 装运单据 (shipping document s))
examine the justice of a claim审核要求是否正当
extend the time for filing a claim延长索赔期
fabricated claim虚假索赔
file a claim against向某人提出索赔 (sb.)
file a claim on the shipment for CNY 5,000 on account of short weight因此次发货短量提出索赔人民币5,000元
have a prior claim to…有优先权
have a prior claim to对…有优先权
insured claim保险的索赔权
It would be ill-advised to file a claim without sufficient facts and evidence没有充分的事实与根据就提岀索赔是不慎重的
just claim正当要求
lay a claim to property提出产权要求
lodge a claim因此次发货短量提出索赔人民币5,000元
marine claim department海上保险索赔理赔部
meet a claim for damages满足赔偿损失费
no claim bonus无赔偿折扣
no claim discount无赔偿折扣
outstanding claims未了结保险赔款
property claim产权要求权
prosecute a claim依法提岀要求权
push a claim坚持要求
push a claim坚决要求
quit claim产权转让契约
raise a claim因此次发货短量提出索赔人民币5,000元
raise a claim against the insurance company for £ stg. 2,000 for damage in transportation因运输受损向保险公司索赔2,000英镑
relinquish withdraw a claim撤回要求
residual claim剩余索偿权
right to claim for damages要求赔偿损失费权
send documentary proofs to back up a claim寄送证明文件作为索赔依据
submit a claim for damages for arbitration将对损失费的索赔提交仲裁
tender necessary documents in support of a claim提供必须的索赔文件
The assured has the right to file a claim被保险人有权提出索赔
The buyer requests to extend the time limitation of claim买主要求延长索赔期
the government's claim of dominion over the resources of the marginal sea政府对领海资源的管辖权
The taxpayer was notified of the disallowance of his claim for refund纳税人接到他退税请求未获准许的通知
time limit for filing a claim提岀索赔期限
time limit for submission of a claim提岀索赔期限
unliquidated claim未清偿债权
waive one's claim放弃要求
We enclose herewith a survey report in support of our claim兹附去检验报告一份以作为我方的索赔根据
We should refuse your claim on the following grounds我们以下列理由拒绝你方索赔
withdraw one's claim撤回索赔