
Terms for subject Economy containing civil | all forms | exact matches only
Agreement on Trade in Civil Aircraft民用航空器贸易协议
China Civil Engineering Corporation中国土木工程公司
civil action民事诉讼
civil administration民政 (机关)
Civil Aeronautics Administration国内航空管理局
Civil Aeronautics Board美国民用航空局
Civil Aeronautics Board美国民用航空局
Civil Air Regulation航条例
civil authority clause消除损失条款
civil aviation
civil aviation line民用航空线
civil case民事案件
civil code民典法
civil code民法典
civil construction facilities土木民用建筑设施
civil demand民间要求
civil engineering works土建工程
civil expenditure预算中相对于国防支出的 民用支出
civil law私法
Civil Liability Convention美国民事责任条例
civil list皇室费
civil movement民间运动
civil obligation公民义务
civil remedy民事补救的办法
civil remedy民事责任的赔偿
civil responsibility insurance民事 责任保险
civil rights公民权
Civil Rights Act公民权利法
Civil Rights Act of 1866美国1866 年民权法案另有 1871、1964、1991 年民权法案
Civil servants shall not become agents of any company国家公务员不应成为任何公司的代理人
civil service公务员制度
civil service system公务员制度
civil suit民事诉讼
civil work土建工程
clause free of strikes, riots and civil commotions clause罢工、暴动和内乱不赔条款
condition of contract for works of civil engineering construction土木工程合同条款国际版
conditions of contract for works of civil engineering construction土木工程合同条款国际版
cost of civil engineering works土木工程费用
Free from Strike, Riot and Civil Commotion Clause罢工、暴动和民变不赔条款
free of capture, seizure, riots and civil commotions虏获、夺取、暴动及内乱不担保
free of capture seizure riots and civil commotions俘获、扣留、暴动和民众骚乱免赔
free of strikes, riots and civil commotions clause罢工、暴动、民变不赔条款
free of strikes, riots and civil commotions clause罢工、暴动、民变不赔条款,内乱不赔条款
General Administration of Civil Aviation of China中国民用航空总局 (CAAC 是前译名 Civil Aviation Administration of China 的缩写,现仍沿用)
Institute Strike, Riot and Civil Commotion Clauses协会关于罢工、暴动、民变条款
local civil-servant union地方公务员工会
Minister of Civil Affairs民政部长
riot and civil commotion insurance暴动及内乱险
riots, civil commotion and strikes内乱、暴动、罢工险
risk of strikes, riots and civil commotion罢工、暴动和民变险
risk of strikes, riots, and civil commotions罢工、暴动和内乱险
strikes riots, and civil commotion clause罢工、暴动及内乱条款
strikes, riots and civil commotions罢工,暴动和民变
strikes, riots and civil commotions risks罢工、暴动和国内骚动风险
supervision and control over civil aircraft on international service国际民航机的监管
The attorney instituted civil proceedings for the collection of debts by the salesman律师着手进行为推销员回收欠款的民事诉讼程序
the corpus of civil law民法大全
the suit of civil nature民事诉讼