
Terms containing children | all forms | exact matches only
China, lawabduct and traffic a woman or child拐卖妇女、儿童
China, lawabduct and traffic in a child拐卖儿童
textileacrylic roundneck children's pullover腈纶圆领毛针织童套衫
textileacrylic round-neck children's pullover腈纶圆领毛针织童套衫
surg.acute appendicitis in infants and children小儿急性阑尾炎
nurs.acute intracranial hypertension in children小儿急性颅内压增高症
nurs.acute leukemia of children小儿急性白血病
China, lawadopt a child收养子女
China, lawadopt the child in concert共同 收养
genet.adopted children领养子女
pharm.adsorbed diphtheria and tetanus vaccine for children吸附白喉、破伤风联合疫苗儿童用 (生物制品)
China, lawadult adopted child成年养子女
China, lawadvantage of the rights and interests of the children有利子女权益
econ.aid to families with dependent children美国对抚养儿童的家庭援助
busin.aid to families with dependent children美国对有儿童抚养的家庭补助
nurs.air bath for children儿童空气浴
milk.All children like fruit milk孩子们都喜欢果奶
nautic., tech.America-born children美国出生的华裔儿童
pharm.Aspirin Regimen Bayer Children's Chewable拜尔阿司匹林儿童咀嚼片 (阿司匹林 (aspirin) 咀嚼片剂商品名;解热镇痛药)
ed.assistance to preschool children救助学前儿童
repr.biol.athyrotic children无甲状腺儿
auto.automatic child-seat detection儿童座椅自动检测
auto.automatic child seat recognition儿童座椅自动识别
pharm.Bayer Cough Syrup Children拜尔儿童止咳糖浆 (盐酸苯丙醇胺和氢漠酸右美沙芬等所制糖浆剂商品名;镇咳药)
tech.bedroom closet for children小孩卧室壁橱
gen.Before the term ends in some schools, the children act a nativity or "birth" play, showing how Jesus was born in a stable在某些学校,学期结束前,孩子们会表演有关耶稣诞生的戏剧,用来展示耶稣是如何在马厩里出生的
tech.brain child作品
tech.brain child脑力劳动产物
tech.brain child计划
gen.Bunk beds create exciting, fun environments for children with versatile desks双层床为孩子们创造愉悦的生活环境,且还带有多功能书桌
China, lawbuy an abducted woman or a child收买被拐卖的妇女、儿童
China, lawbuy an abducted woman or a child and sell the victim afterwards收买被拐卖的妇女、儿童又出卖
auto.child/adult safety seat儿童/成人安全座椅
econ.child alive project儿童成活项目
busin.child allowance儿童补贴
econ.child and disabled dependent care儿童及残疾亲属抚养 (费)
busin.child-bearing age生育期
med.child-bearing age育龄
busin.child-bearing age group育龄组
busin.child-bearing control生育控制
busin.child-bearing group育龄组
busin.child-bearing pattern生育模式
busin.child-bearing period生育期
auto.child belt儿童安全带
busin.child benefit儿童补助金
brit., busin.child benefit子女补助金
tech.child boarding group生育年龄组
tech.child boarding group育龄组
tech.child boarding home儿童寄宿处
auto.child car seat儿童座椅
busin.child care儿童保险
busin.child care and disabled dependent care儿童及残疾亲属抚养费
HRchild care benefit儿童照料福利
tech.child care center托儿所
tech.child care center托儿中心
busin.child care expenses儿童抚养费
tech.child care home托儿所
tech.child care institution托儿所
tech.child day care home日托托儿所
tech.child day-care儿童日托
med.child development儿童发育
auto.child dummy儿童仿真人体模型
auto.child dummy儿童假人
busin.child education insurance子女教育保险
food.serv.child feeding programme儿童供膳计划
food.serv.child-feeding project儿童喂养计划
tech.child fender滚动碰垫
tech.child fender滚筒碰垫
comp.child gadget子窗口零件
food.serv.child growth monitoring儿童生长监测
auto.child guard lock车身儿童安全门锁
life.sc.child health儿童保健
econ.child-helping agency儿童救济机关
tech.child labor童工
busin.child labor amendment〈美〉童工法修正案
econ., int. law.child labor laws童工法
tech.child labor laws童工保护法
tech.child laborer童工
econ.child labour
busin.child labour童工
econ.child labour in agriculture农业童工
busin.child labour laws童工保护法
econ.child labour legislation童工保护法
econ., int. law.child labour legislation童工法
busin.child labour legislation童工保护条例
med.child morbidity儿童发病率
tech.child night time home夜托托儿所
multimed.child node子节点
gen.child of sb.'s loins某人亲生的孩子
tech.child of school age学龄儿童组
agric.child print子打印
multimed.child program子程序
fin.child project account子帐户
fin.child project account子项目帐户
auto.child-proof catch儿童安全门锁
auto.child-proof door lock儿童安全门锁防止儿童无意打开车门
auto.child-proof door lock system儿童安全门锁装置
auto.child-proof lock儿童安全门锁装置
econ.child protective agency保护儿童机关
busin.child protective agency儿童保护机关
auto.child restraint儿童约束装置
auto.child restraint fixture儿童约束固定模块见 GB/T 14166-2013 中 3.38
auto.child restraint seat儿童安全约束型座椅
auto.child restraint seat儿童约束座椅如幼童座篮。美国规定,4岁以下或18kg 以下幼童乘车必须使用幼童座篮
auto.child restraint system儿童约束保护系统
auto.child restraint system儿童约束系统常用作儿童座椅的同义词
auto.child restraint tether anchorage儿童约束拉带固定点
auto.child restraints儿童约束系统
busin.child's deferred insurance子女指定年岁保险
busin.child's education and marriage insurance子女婚嫁教育保险
tech.child's highchair婴孩高椅
econ.child's insurance儿童保险
tech.Child's law却尔特定律
tech.Child's law蔡尔德定律
gen.child's play很容易做的事
gen.child's play儿戏
auto.child safety乘客保护儿童安全性,措施
auto.child safety lock儿童安全门锁
auto.child safety seat儿童安全约束座椅
gen.child seat儿童座椅
auto.child seat attachment儿童座椅连接装置
auto.child seat belt儿童座椅安全带
auto.child seat present and orientation detection sensor儿童座椅目前状况及方向探测传感器
auto.child seat prohibition禁止儿童座椅
auto.child seating system儿童安全座椅
med.child spacing出生间隔
med.child spacing出生时间的选择
busin.child support儿童抚养费
busin.child support payment儿童抚养费
tech.child ticket儿童票
auto.child-view mirror儿童后视镜
multimed.child web子 web
econ.child welfare儿童福利
busin.child welfare service儿童福利服务
comp.child widget子窗口零件
China, lawchild with disabilities残疾幼儿
otorhinol.children audiometer儿童听力计
otorhinol.children audiometry儿童测听
textilechildren badge儿童徽章
textilechildren' bag儿童手袋
textilechildren bag儿童手袋
China, lawchildren born out of wedlock非婚生子女
comp.children chain子女链
pharm.Children Chewable Multivitamins小施尔康 (多种维生素-多种微量元素 (multivitamins and multimicroelement) 滴剂、咀嚼片剂商品名;营养药)
gen.children child的复数
textilechildren dress factory童装厂
busin.children education儿童教育
econ.children education insurance子女教育保险
busin.children education insurance儿童教育保险
tech.children hostel儿童寄宿舍
nurs.children idiocy儿童白痴
nurs.children imbecility儿童痴愚
nurs.children language barrier儿童语言障碍
tech.children library儿童图书馆
tech.children maze儿童迷宫
nurs.children mental hygiene departure儿童精神卫生偏异
nurs.children morosis儿童愚鲁
nurs.children mutism儿童缄默症
textilechildren pants童裤
tech.children park儿童公园
sport., psychol.children personality questionnaire儿童个性问卷
nurs.children physical and mental disorder儿童心身疾患
tech.children playing space儿童活动区
tech.children pool儿童游泳池
auto.children protecting system儿童防护系统
agric.children relation子女关系
nurs.children retardation in intelligence儿童智能迟滞
adv.Children's Advertising Review Unit美国儿童广告审查处
econ.children's allowance多子女家庭津贴
corp.gov.children's allowance子女津贴
busin.children's allowance子女补贴
textilechildren's ankle socks齐踝童短袜
textileChildren's Apparel Manufacturers Association童装制造商协会
exhib.children's articles儿童用品
tech.children's bath婴儿浴盆
tech.children's benefit子女补助金
gen.children's book儿童读物
polygr.children's book; children's literature; juvenile book儿童读物
adv.Children's Book Council〔美〕儿童图书理事会
textilechildren's cartoon watch儿童卡通表
tech.children's center少年之家
textilechildren's clothes儿童服装
textilechildren's clothing童装
textilechildren's clothing儿童服装
tech.children's club少年之家
textilechildren's coat童大衣
pharm.Children' s Coltalin儿童幸福伤风素 (儿童复方氨酚肾素 (pediatric compound paracetamol and phenylephrine) 片剂商品名;解热镇痛药)
pharm.Children' s Coltalin儿童科达琳
UNChildren's Conference on the Environment国际儿童环境会议
UNChildren's Conference on the Environment儿童环境会议
gen.children's Day儿童节
gen.Children's Day六一儿童节6月1日
busin.children's deferred policy未成年儿童至18岁保险单
pharm.Children's Elixsure儿童退热混悬液 (布洛芬 (ibuprofen) 口服液商品名;抗炎镇痛药)
econ.children's employment儿童职业
pharm.Children' s Feverall儿童退热镇痛栓 (对乙酰氨基酚 (paracetamol) 栓剂商品名;解热镇痛药)
textilechildren's footwear童鞋
China, polit.Children's Foundation of China中国少年儿童基金会
textilechildren's garment童装
dragon.dance.children's under 12 years group儿童组不满 12 周岁
tech.children's hall少年宫
textilechildren's hat童帽
tech.children's hospital儿童医院
tech.children's house少年之家
tech.children's house儿童馆
tech.children's house少年馆
skiingChildren's International Alpine Competitions儿童国际高山滑雪比赛
textilechildren's jumper童套衫
textilechildren's knitwear针织童装
tech.children's library儿童图书馆
med.children's malnutrition儿童期营养不良
pharm.Children' s Motrin Suspension美林混悬液 (布洛芬 (ibuprofen) 口服混悬液商品名;抗炎镇痛药)
pharm.Children' s Motrin Suspension Drops美林混悬滴剂 (布洛芬 (ibuprofen) 混悬滴剂商品名;抗炎镇痛药)
pharm.Children' s No-Aspirin Tablets儿童非阿司匹林解热镇痛片 (对乙酰氨基酚 (paracetamol) 片剂商品名;解热镇痛药)
tech.children's nursery托儿所
ITchildren's online privacy protection act儿童在线隐私权保护法
multimed.children's online privacy protection act儿童在线隐私保护法案
tech.children's paint儿童物品用漆
tech.children's palace少年宫
tech.children's palace儿童宫
textilechildren's pants童裤
tech.children's park儿童公园
tech.children's play area儿童游戏场
tech.children's play park少年儿童公园
tech.children's playground儿童乐园
tech.children's playground儿童活动中心
tech.children's playground儿童游戏场
sport.children's playground儿童游乐场
tech.children's playground for traffic education儿童交通公园
tech.children's playroom儿童游戏室
swim.children's pool儿童游泳池
swim.children's pool儿童池
textilechildren's printed handkerchief儿童印花手帕
textilechildren's printed single jersey shorts汗布印花童短袖衫裤
desert.children's python童蟒 (澳大利亚沙漠)
tech.children's reading room儿童阅览室
tech.children's room儿童室
textilechildren's rubber boots童雨靴
textilechildren's shoes童鞋
textilechildren's shoes童装鞋
econ.children's shop儿童商店
tech.children's shop儿童用品商店
textilechildren's shorts童短裤
textilechildren's size童装号型
textilechildren's skirt童裙
textilechildren's slacks童裤
textilechildren's sleepwear儿童睡衣
textilechildren's sleepwear flammability standard儿童睡衣燃烧性标准
tech.children's slide滑梯
textilechildren's socks童短袜
textilechildren's socks童袜
sport.children's sparetime sports school少年业余体校
textilechildren's stockings儿童长袜
textilechildren's stockings童长袜
busin.children's supplement子女补助费
textilechildren's tights儿童连袜裤
textilechildren's towel童巾
textilechildren's towel儿童毛巾
textilechildren's trousers童长裤
textilechildren's T-shirt短袖童汗衫
agric.Children's Vaccine Initiative儿童免疫创议
tech.children's ward儿童病房楼
gen.children's ward儿科〔小儿〕 病房
textilechildren's wear儿童服童装
textilechildren's wear童服
cloth.children's wear童装
exhib.children shoes童鞋
textilechildren towel儿童毛巾
shipb.children toys儿童玩具
textilechildren wear童装
textilechildren wear童服
China, lawchildren who have come of age成年子女
China, polit.Chinese Peopled National Committee for Defence of Children中国人民保卫儿童基金会
auto.class II-children's snowmobileII 级儿童雪地车详见 SAEJ33
tech.coach with children's play area儿童游戏车
org.name.Code of Hygienic Practice for Foods for Infants and Children婴幼儿食品卫生操作规范
psychol.Competitive State Anxiety Inventory for Children儿童竞赛状态性焦虑量表
nurs.congenitally abnormal psychological state of children先天异常儿童心理
tech.convalescent centre for children儿童康复中心
tech.convalescent home for children儿童疗养院
China, polit.Convention Concerning the Compulsory Medical Examination of Children and Young Persons Employed at Sea在海上工作的儿童及未成年人的强制体格检查公约
China, polit.Convention Fixing the Minimum Age for Admission of Children to Employment at Sea确定允许儿童在海上工作的最低年龄公约
China, polit.Convention Fixing the Minimum Age for the Admission of Children to Industrial Employment确定准许使用儿童于工业工作的最低年龄公约
China, polit.Convention on the Rights of the Child联合国儿童权利公约
China, lawcost of child support抚养费用
econ.credit for child and dependent抚养费的税收优惠减免
econ.credit for child care expense育儿费支出的税收优惠减免
dermat.Cuna moon children库纳月亮儿童
textiledata on children's steepwear儿童睡衣阻燃试验数据
econ.dependent child受抚养的子女
busin.dependent child受赡养子女
anim.husb.Development of Women and Children in Rural Areas印度农村地区妇女儿童发展 (India)
corp.gov.disabled children's and brother's or sister's benefit残疾儿童兄弟或姐妹津贴
China, lawdisabled school-age children残疾适龄儿童
gen.Do children pay the same application fee as adults?孩子和成人申请费相同吗?
China, lawdo not rear one's own children directly不直接抚养子女
surg.dysfunctional voiding in children小儿排尿功能紊乱
gen.Each applicant - including children - must have their own visa application, which is known as the DS-160. The DS-160 must be completed and submitted online prior to your interview at the American embassy每位申请人,包括儿童在内,都必须要有自己的 DS-160签证申请表。在去大使馆进行面谈之前,须通过在线方式完成并提交 DS-160表
gen.Easter Bunny is an imaginary rabbit said to bring gifts to children at Easter复活节兔子在复活节这一天为孩子们送去礼物,但它只是人们想象出来的一只兔子
gen.Easter egg hunt is a game that children play at Easter where they try to find hidden eggs寻找彩蛋活动是孩子们在复活节玩的一种游戏,他们要找出藏起来的鸡蛋
nurs.education for the accident prevention of children防止小儿意外伤害教育
nurs.education in children小儿健美教育
nurs.education principle for children health小儿健康教育原则
nurs.endocrine disorder in children小儿内分泌紊乱
gen.Even the children of wealthier families suffer surprisingly high rates of malnutrition即便是富裕家庭的孩子也会遭受营养不良的困扰
fin.expenditure child支出用途
UN, polit.Expert Consultation on Social Statistics and Indicators for Children and Women儿童和妇女社会统计和指标专家协商
textileexport children's wear出口儿童服装
tech.facility for children's welfare儿童福利设施
gen.fancy's child空想
gen.fancy's child幻想的产物
shipb.fare for children儿童票价
textilefashion-minded children时尚感儿童
China, lawfemale school-age children or adolescents适龄女性儿童少年
USAFlammability of Children's Sleepwear: sizes 0 through 6x关于儿童睡衣之可燃性尺码:0至6x
USAFlammability of Children's Sleepwear: sizes 7x through 14x关于儿童睡衣之可燃性尺码:7x至14x
auto.folding child seat折叠式儿童安全座椅
China, lawfoster children养子女
agric.foster children养子
China, lawfreedom not to bear any child不生育的自由
gen.from a child自幼
auto.front-facing child restraint system儿童前向约束系统适于儿童的前向安全气囊和安全带
pharm.Gelomyrtol Forte Children强力稀化黏素 (标准桃金娘油 (myrtol standardized) 肠溶胶囊剂商品名;祛痰药)
pharm.Gelomyrtol Forte Children儿童装吉诺通
UN, policeGuidelines for Action on Children in the Criminal Justice System刑事司法系统中儿童问题行动指南
org.name.Guidelines on Formulated Supplementary Foods for Older Infants and Young Children较大婴儿和幼儿配方辅助食品准则
UN, h.rghts.act.Guidelines on the protection and reintegration of children associated with armed forces or armed groups巴黎原则
UN, h.rghts.act.Guidelines on the protection and reintegration of children associated with armed forces or armed groups与武装部队或武装团伙有关系的儿童的保护和重返社会指导方针
econ.handicapped children残疾儿童
nurs.health care for children儿童保健
tech.health center for women and children妇幼
nurs.health education for the live of children小儿生活健康教育
UNHealthy Environment for Children Alliance为儿童创造健康环境联盟
surg.hematuria in children儿童血尿
nurs.hibernation therapy in children小儿冬眠疗法
med.high-risk child高危儿童
nurs.hypothyroidism in children小儿甲状腺功能减低症
gen.I have lost my child somewhere around the washroom我的孩子在洗手间周围不见了
gen.I want to immigrate to the United States, because my child lives there我打算移民美国,因为我的孩子生活在那里
nurs.immune programme for children免疫程序
nurs.immunodeficiency disease in children小儿免疫缺陷病
China, lawinappropriate for child-bearing不宜生育
med.infant and child deaths婴幼儿死亡人数
med.infant and child mortality婴幼儿死亡率
food.serv.infant and young children feeding practices婴幼儿喂养实践
textileInfants'and Children's Coat Association婴儿和儿童罩衣协会
auto.integrated child seat整体式儿童座椅
org.name.Inter-American Children's Institute美洲儿童研究所
org.name.International Children's Centre国际儿童中心
UNInternational Children's Conference on the Environment国际儿童环境会议
UNInternational Children's Conference on the Environment儿童环境会议
exhib.International Children's Day国际儿童节
gen.International Children's Day国际儿童节6 月 1 日
libr.International Children's Digital Library国际儿童数字图书馆
China, lawkidnap a woman or child绑架妇女、儿童
China, lawkidnap a woman or child by means of anaesthesia麻醉方法绑架妇女、儿童
textilekindergarten children's gannent幼儿园童装
textilekindergarten children's garment幼儿园童服
textileknitted children's wear针织童装
busin.legitimate child婚生子女
libr.library services to children儿童图书馆服务
busin.life insurance for children子女人寿保险
nautic., tech.life jackers for children儿童救生衣
nautic., tech.lifejacket for children儿童救生衣
tech.little children's park少年公园以小学生为对象的儿童公园
tech.loess child僵石
auto.lower anchors and tethers for children儿童安全座椅儿童用下固定点和拴带
pharm.Madame Pearl's Cough Syrup for Children珮夫人小儿止咳露 (海葱流浸膏等中西药 (extract scilla maritima liquidum etc.) 糖浆剂商品名;镇咳药)
ITmanaged children受控子窗口
China, lawmarried couple in their child-bearing age育龄夫妻
tech.maternity and child care center妇幼保健站
econ.maternity and child welfare母婴福利
busin.maternity and child welfare妇婴福利
UN, policeMeeting on Instrumental Use of Children in Criminal Activities利用儿童从事犯罪活动问题会议
sport.Mini Tennis is a fun and easy recreational sport, which is accessible for all primary school children regardless of physical ability and exercise background小型网球是一种简易而有趣的康体运动,适合不同体格及不同运动背景的小学生参加
China, lawminor children未成年子女
nurs.moral character education in children小儿道德品质教育
econ.mother and child feeding programme母婴营养计划
tech.mother-child relationship母子关系
expl.Mythology often firs children's curiosity, stories of adventure their imagination神话往往唤起小孩子的好奇心、而惊险故事激起他们的想象力
textileNational Children's Wear Association全国童装协会
China, polit.National Children^ Work Coordination Committee全国少年儿童工作协调委员会
China, polit.National Council on Cultural and Art Work for Children全国少年儿童文化艺术委员会
repr.biol.National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children全国防止虐待儿童协会
gen.Nearly all the children in the study had bleeding in the brain and retinal hemorrhages研究中,几乎所有的孩子都有脑出血或者视网膜出血的现象
nurs.nutritional hygiene education in children小儿营养卫生教育
gen.Of course, we have child meal for infant which is suitable for infants less than 2 years old. Those items are easy to bite, chew and digest当然有。我们专门准备了婴儿餐。适用于两岁以下的小孩,易于咬嚼和消化
tech.only-child family独生子女户
adv.only-child generation独生子女一代
China, polit.Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the Sale of Children, Child Prostitution and Child Pornography《儿童权利公约》关于买卖儿童、儿童卖淫和儿童色情制品问题的任择议定书
China, polit.orphaned and handicapped children孤残儿童
econ.outlook that male and female children are equal生男生女都一样的生育观
gen.Overweight children are at the risk of developing serious and costly health problems that used to be primarily the province of middle-aged adults, like Type 2 diabetes and heart disease超重儿童存在发生严重且花费巨大的健康问题的风险,而这些健康问题曾经主要属于中年人易犯疾病的范围,如2型糖尿病和心脏病
tech.paradise of children儿童乐园
sport.paraplegic child残疾儿童
desert.parent-child linkage亲子连接
expl.Parents are bound to their children当父母的都爱孩子
auto.passenger and child-seat sensing乘员和儿童座椅传感
econ.pay the children's schooling支付孩子学费
psychol.Perceived Competence Scale for Children儿童能力感量表
China, lawperson placing out children for adoption送养人
otorhinol.pharyngeal examination of children儿童咽部检查
pharm.Pholcotussin Children Syrup欧博士小儿止咳露 (复方福尔可定 (compound pholcodine) 糖浆剂商品名;镇咳药)
pharm.Photifed-M Children Cough Syrup澳特斯 (复方福尔可定 (compound pholcodine) 糖浆剂商品名;镇咳祛痰药)
pharm.Photifed-M Children Cough Syrup澳特斯小儿止咳糖浆
heavy.eq.physical education for children儿童体育
China, lawplace out the child for adoption送养
nurs.planned immunity for children儿童计划免疫
gen.Please write down your child's personal particulars and we will try our best to locate your child over our system and using our broadcast请写下您孩子的个人资料,我们会尽可能地通过我们的系统及广播找到您的孩子
UN, polit.Poverty Reduction Begins with Children减贫始于儿童
ed.preschool children学龄前儿童
tech.preschool children's playground学龄前儿童游戏场地
China, lawpreschool-age children学龄前儿童
China, lawpriority in rearing the child优先抚养权利
securit.problem child棘手问题 (遇到财务问题的企业)
securit.problem child问题少年
China, polit.Prohibition and Immediate Action for the Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labor Convention禁止和立即行动消除最恶劣形式的童工劳动公约
econ.protection of child laber童工之保护
busin.protection of child labor童工保护
tech.protection of child labor童工的保护
tech.protection of child labour童工的保护
UN, policeProtocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children, supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约关于防止、禁止和惩治贩运人口特别是妇女和儿童行为的补充议定书
sport.quadriplegic child四肢瘫痪儿童
China, lawrear the children抚养子女
cloth.Redchild is a well-known brand for children's wear红孩儿是一个知名的童装品牌
repr.biol.registered sick children's nurse注册小儿科护士
China, lawrelationship between parents and children父母子女关系
China, lawright to child-bearing生育子女的权利
China, lawrights and interests of the children子女权益
sport., med.school child学龄儿童
China, lawschool-age children适龄儿童
China, lawschool-age children of ethnic groups少数民族适龄儿童
China, lawsell his or her own child出卖亲生子女
otorhinol.sinusitis in children儿童鼻窦炎
expl.Small children in the kindergarten are taken in the charge of their teachers幼儿园的小孩子们由他们的老师负责照顾
China, lawsold woman or child被收买的妇女、儿童
manag.spare-time sports school for children青少年业余体校
sport., med.sports hygiene of children and adolescents儿童青少年运动卫生
org.name.Standard for Processed Cereal-based Foods for Infants and Young Children谷基类婴幼儿加工食品标准
consult.step child晚子
consult.step child养子
consult.step children晚子
consult.step children养子
textilestitch-bonded children's trouserings缝编儿童裤料
food.serv.stunted child发育迟缓儿童
nurs.sun bath for children儿童日光浴
expl.The child's balloon exploded due to compression孩子的气球挤炸了
engl.The Children's Clothing Hood Cords Regulations 19761976年关于儿童服装风帽绳带的规定
China, polit.the Law of the Peopled Republic of China on Maternal and Child Care中华人民共和国母婴保健法
China, polit.the Law of the People's Republic of China on Maternal and Child Care中华人民共和国母婴保健法
econ.the maternity and child welfare母婴福利
gen.the problem child在M上难对付的问题 (of M)
gen.the problem child在 M 方面的不好解决的难题 (of M)
gen.the problem children在M上难对付的问题 (of M)
gen.the problem children在 M 方面的不好解决的难题 (of M)
light.The projection lamps, which could create images on the walls and ceilings of a dark room, are very popular among children投影灯可以在黑暗房间的墙壁或天花板上投射出图片,因此深受孩子们的欢迎
refrig.There will be lots more to keep children entertained, including the chance to visit a state-of-the-art ice cream machine为小朋友们提供的娱乐环境和设施远不止于此,比如他们还可以试试顶级的冰激淋机
econ.This brand of chocolate is a favourite with the children's market这种牌子的巧克力最受孩子们喜爱
gen.Though children like KFC, this kind of food is not good to our health尽管孩子们非常喜欢吃肯德基炸鸡,但实际上这类食物并不利于我们的健康
agric.timber used in children's toys玩具用材
nurs.time table for children and juveniles儿童少年作息制度
UN, polit.Training Workshop on Social Indicators for Children and Women in the Asia-Pacific Region亚太区域儿童和妇女社会指标训练讲习班
pharm.Tylenol Children's泰诺儿童感冒口服液 (对乙酰氨基酚、右美沙芬、氯苯那敏及伪麻黄碱所制口服液商品名;解热镇痛药)
pharm.Tylenol Children's Cold & Cough Liquid泰诺儿童感冒口服溶液 (乙酰氨基酚、盐酸伪麻黄碱、氢溴酸右美沙芬和马来酸氯苯那敏所制口服液商品名;解热镇痛药)
pharm.Tylenol Children's Cold & Cough Liquid泰诺酚麻美敏口服液
pharm.Tylenol Children's Elixir儿童泰诺酏剂 (对乙酰氨基酚 (paracetamol) 酏剂商品名;解热镇痛药)
pharm.Tylenol Children's Fever Liquid泰诺儿童退热口服液 (对乙酰氨基酚 (paracetamol) 口服液商品名;解热镇痛药)
exhib., org.name.UN Children's Fund联合国儿童基金会
avia.unaccompanied children全票儿童
avia.unaccompanied children人陪同儿童
food.serv.underweight child低体重儿
UN, polit.UNICEF/Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific Expert Consultation on Social Statistics and Indicators for Children and Women in the Asia and Pacific region儿童基金会/亚洲及太平洋经济社会委员会亚洲及太平洋区域儿童和妇女社会统计和指标专家协商
textileUnited Infants' and Children's Wear Association婴儿装和儿童装协会联合会
IMF.United Nations Children's Fund联合国儿童基金会
anim.husb.United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund联合国儿童基金会
nurs.urgent treatment for children convulsion at home小儿惊厥家庭紧急处理
surg.urinary tract calculi in children小儿尿路结石
econ.Usually a full fare ticket is for a journey by an adult, while a half fare ticket is for a child通常全价票是成人旅行用的,而半价票只卖给儿童
China, lawvisit to children探望子女
tech.waiting room for mothers with children母子候车室
shipb.waiting room for mothers with children母子候船室
econ.waiting room for women and children only妇婴候车室
nurs.water bath for young children婴幼儿水浴
gen.We would like invite elderly passengers and passengers who travel with children or infants to board the plane first. Please also have your passport ready for the secondary check in the jet bridge. Thank you for your patience我们现在邀请老年旅客及带小孩儿的旅客登机。请在登机时准备好您的护照,我们将在廊桥处做第二次护照检查。感谢您的耐心等待
tech.weak children's facilities弱质儿童抚育机构
tech.weak children's facility幼儿抚育设施
genet.Wechsler intelligence scale for children韦氏儿童智力量表
nurs.Wechsler intelligence scale for children韦伯儿童智力量表
UN, agric.WHO/UNICEF Strategy for Improved Nutrition of Mothers and Children in the Developing World卫生组织/儿童基金会改善发展中国家妇幼营养战略
gen.be with child怀孕
China, lawwoman or child who is abducted and trafficked被拐卖的妇女、儿童
China, lawwomen in their child-bearing age育龄妇女
avia.women, infants and children妇女、婴孩与儿童
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