
Terms containing child- care | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
econ.child and disabled dependent care儿童及残疾亲属抚养 (费)
health.child care儿童保育
health.child care儿童保健
busin.child care儿童保险
busin.child care and disabled dependent care儿童及残疾亲属抚养费
HRchild care benefit儿童照料福利
tech.child care center托儿所
tech.child care center托儿中心
busin.child care expenses儿童抚养费
tech.child care home托儿所
tech.child care institution托儿所
welf.child care worker儿童护理员
tech.child day care home日托托儿所
tech.child day-care儿童日托
social.community child care社区儿童保育
social.community child care社区儿童保健
econ.credit for child care expense育儿费支出的税收优惠减免
nurs.group child care集体儿童保健
health.maternal and child care母子护理
tech.maternity and child care center妇幼保健站
health.mother and child care母子护理
nurs.preschool child care学龄前儿童保健
nurs.quality index for child health care儿童保健质量指标
nurs.sporadical child care散居儿童保健
nurs.systematic care for child儿童系统管理
China, polit.the Law of the Peopled Republic of China on Maternal and Child Care中华人民共和国母婴保健法
China, polit.the Law of the People's Republic of China on Maternal and Child Care中华人民共和国母婴保健法