
Terms for subject Project management containing checks | all forms | exact matches only
A check box is toggled by pressing the spacebar个复选框可通过单击空格键进行切换
A microprocessor will check for interrupts at the end of every instruction微处理器将在每一个指令末尾检查有无中断
antedated check倒填日期支票
canceled check付讫支票
canceled check注销的支票
check-and-balance system牵制协调制度
check the quality检査质量
Clear this check box to accrue the actual cost edits to the end of the actual duration of the task若要累算到任务实际工期结束为止的实际成本编辑结果、 请清除该复选框
construction schedule check list施工进度核查单
cross crossed check横线支票 (cheque)
cross crossed check划线支票 (cheque)
Cyclic redundancy check, detects files that are corrupt or possibly infected by a virus循环冗余校验用来检测文件是否已损坏或可能感染了病毒
cyclical redundancy check循环冗余码校验
echo check回响检査
fabrication check points加工制造的检验点
first check estimate首次核定估算 (FCE)
In the previous list, you saw that the BIOS checks the CMOS Setup for common settings在前面的列表中、你可以看到 EIOS 检查 CMOS中的设置来作为计算机的常规设置
officer's check银行本票
out of date check失效支票
parity check奇偶校验检查
plan, do, check and action计划、实施、检查和处理
production check estimate二次核定估算
She said good-bye to him with a reminder to check his e-mail box她同他说再见、 并提醒他看看电子邮件
signed check记名支票
snap check现场抽查
Start printing nozzle check pattern? Load some paper in the auto sheet feeder to proceed with printing要开始打印喷嘴检查图案吗?将一些纸张放入自动送纸器、继续打印
The device you are trying to use is not currently available on your network. Check to see if the device is on the network and try again您要使用的设备当前在您的网络上不可用。请检查此设备是否在网络上、然后再试一次
traveling check旅行支票
voided check作废的支票
What is check and balance system?何谓牵制协调制度?