
Terms for subject Economy containing charge | all forms | exact matches only
a miscellaneous charge book杂项收费册
a miscellaneous charge book运价表
a one time charge只付一次
a reversed charge call受话人付费长途电话
access charge使用费
accrued charge应付费用
activity charge由于存款户平均余额过低而向存户收取的账户
additional charge追加费用
adjustment report of the receipts of freight and miscellaneous charge运杂费收据整理报告
airfreight charges空运费用
allocation of charges费用分摊
amend a charge订正费用
amend charge订正费用
an operator in charge领班人员
annual capital charge年度资本费用
annual maintenance charge年度维修费
appropriation of charges费用的分配
at one's own charge自费
audit for deferred charges拖延费用审计
back charge决算后的各种费用
balancing charges差额损税保险
bank charges and difference in rates of exchange汇款手续费和汇兑差额
basic charge合同价格
basic charge基价
Be sure to credit our account No. 208 with the proceeds after deducting your charges在扣除你方应收手续费后,务必将货款贷记我方208号账户
Besides reimbursements provided for herein, you should pay us freight, insurance and survey charges除此处已提供的补偿外,你方应为我方付运费、保险和检验费
bill and charge system开票发票、账单记账法
bill of charges费用清单
bring charge against控告 (sb., 某人)
brokerage charges佣金
bulk unitization charges整批货物单位化费用
calculation of charges费用计算
capitalized value of land occupancy charge场地使用费作价
carriage charges to pay到货时付运费
carriage charges to pay运费到付
carrying charge持有财产所带来的费用如税款等,分期付款购货等的附加价格
carrying charge保管费
carrying charge分期付款购货的附加价格
carrying charge置存资产费用
carrying charges存货囤积费用
carrying charges余款未付的利息或其他附加手续费
carrying charges置存资产费用
casing charges装箱费
charge one's account记某人账
charge account客户购货的赊购账
charge account赊购制
charge and discharge documents交接凭证
charge and discharge statement as to principal遗产本金借贷报告表
charge, charges费用
charge d'affaires临时代办
charge-discharge statement入账和冲账报表
charge-discharge statement交接表
charge for checking寄存费
charge for remittances汇兑手续费
charge for safe custody保管费
charge forward各费到后照付
charge forward费用后付
charge in an indictment罪状
charge number帐号
charge off...出账
charge off...注销
charge off...剔除…
charge on real estate征收地产税
charge ticket支付传票
charge to赊买
charge to对…负有责任
charge to记入
charge upon vessel船舶应付的费用
charge winchmen service起货机工力费
charge with使承担
charge with装满
charges advanced预支费用
charges for service劳务费用
charges for transfers remittance fee汇水
charges for transfers remittance fee汇费
charges forward运费等货到后由收货人自付
charges forward各费到后照付
charges on cash delivery packets代收贷款手续费
charges on safe deposit寄存品保管费 (银行信托)
charges prepaid各项费用预付
clean tank charges洗舱费
cloak room charge寄存费
collection charges票贴
commitment charge承付费
competitive transactio charge竞争性交易费
container freight station charge集装箱集散服务费
contango charges交割延期费
continued distribution of charges成本的连续分配法
correct a charge订正费用
to counter charge反诉
to counter charge反控
countervailing charge进口补偿税
countervailing charge EEC抵消费用欧洲经济共同体
cover charge某些国家中饭店等的附加费
crating charge装箱
credit charges信贷费
daily wagon hire-charge货车日租费
dead charge间接费用
dead charge不生产的费用
dead charges死费
debt service charges财务偿付费用
declining unit-use charge method递减单位收费法
decreasing-charge method递减折旧法
decreasing charge method递减折旧法
decreasing-charge method递减费用法
deferred charge account递延费用账户
demurrage charge延滞费
demurrage charge延期费
demurrage charge滞港费
demurrage charge延期停泊费
Department heads are. in charge of various departments部门主管负责各部门的工作
department in charge主管部门
depreciation charge折旧法
depreciation charge折旧提成
depreciation charges折旧费用
depreciation charges.折旧费
detention charge扣留费
direct charge可变费用
direct charge off method直接冲销法
direct charges直接费用
direct taxes and charges on corporations公司直接税
direct taxes and charges on corporations公司个人直接税及费用 (persons)
dispatching charge速遣费
distance charged for charge计费距离
distribution charge商业费用
diversion charge更改卸货港的费用
dividends overhead charges延期管理费
dividends overhead charges递延间接费用
division of charge费用的分摊
dock charge入埠费
dunnage charges垫仓物料费
dunnage charges垫舱费
ecotourism charges生态旅游税
electric light charge电灯费
electric power charge电费
elevation charges粮仓费
Enclosed is a debit note on which the charges are billed随函寄去借方通知,各项费用均已列明
equivalent of charges资费等值
equivalents of charges资费等值
establishment charges管理费用
establishment charges固定费
establishment charges创立费用
establishment charges开办费
estimated charges估计费用
exempted from charge免费
extra charge加成
extra charge另加费用
extra charge临时费用
extra charge加价
extra charge附加费
extra charges额外收费
extra charges on heavy lift超重货物附加费
extra charges on lengthy cargo超长货物附加费
fallacious deferred charges虚假递延借项
fees and charges费用和特种税
fees and other charges手续费及其他费用
fiscal charges财务应付款项
fixed charge不变费用
fixed charge coverage固定负担
fixed charge rate固定费用率
fixed charges固定支出
fixed component of the import charge进口费用的固定部分
fixed fund usage charges payable应缴固定资金占用费
flat interest charge粗利率
floating charges流动负债
floating charges流动抵押品
fluctuating charges可变费用
free all average and salvage charges全损及救助费保险
free of charge赠阅
freight charge货运费
freight charge for sales销售运费
gas inventory charge天然气储存费用
gateway charges过关费
gateway charges转运费
general average, salvage and special charges共同海损、救助与特别费用
general average, salvage and special charges共同海损、救助与特别费用
give in charge委托
give in charge寄存
greater welfare with higher charges福利愈多
greater welfare with higher charges任务愈重,福利越大
greater welfare with higher charges任务愈重
handling charge管理费
handling charge经手费用
He is in charge of one of the major divisions of the company他主管该公司的一个主要部门
He is in charge of the company's transactions in stocks and shares他负责该公司的股票业务
heavy-lift charge重件货费用
heavy-lift charge起重费
heavy-lift charge超重费
hotel charges旅馆费
If they fail to pay the sum, you may charge them with trespasses如果他们不付清这笔款额,你方可控告他们侵权
implicit interest charge内含利息的开支
In addition, we should pay for the inland freight charges另外,我们还应该偿付内陆货运费用
in charge主任【管】的
in-charge accountant主管会计
in charge of掌管
in charge of负责 (某事)
in the charge of由…管
income charges收益费用
indirect charges间接费用
indirect charges间接费
indirect charges间接工资
inspection charge检验费
interest charges收取的利息
It's not fair to charge us so much for the samples向我方索取样品费如此之多不公道
labour charge工资费用
labour service charge劳动服务费
land charge register土地登记
land occupancy charges场地使用费
landing n., storage and delivery charges上岸、贮藏及运送费用
late charge货款到期迟付费
late charge到期货价迟延付款费
late charge远期利息
liable for the charges对这些费用负责
lighterage charges驳船费
loan charges贷款手续费
long length charge运输超长货物费
makeup charges装潢费
minimum charge起点运费 (per B/L)
minimum charge最低费用 (per B/L)
minister in Charge of the Commission of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defence国防科学技术工业委员会主任
Minister in Charge of the State Commission for Restructuring Economic System国家经济体制改革委员会主任
Minister in Charge of the State Economic Commission国家经委主任
Minister in Charge of the State Education Commission国家教育委员会主任
Minister in Charge of the State Family Planning Commission国家计划生育委员会主任
Minister in Charge of the State Nationalities Affairs Commission国家民族事务委员会主任
Minister in Charge of the State Physical Culture and Sports Commission国家体育运动委员会主任
Minister in Charge of the State Planning Commission国家计委主任
Minister in Charge of the State Scientific & Technological Commission国家科学技术委员会主任
miscellaneous charge order杂费单
monthly maintenance charge月维修费
mooring and unmooring charge系解缆费用
mooring and unmooring charge移泊费
national charge国库负担
natural gas inventory demand charge天然气储存需要量
no charge不计费
no collection, no charge收账后付费
no credit charges概不赊账
nonrecurring charge临时费用或开支
number of times fixed charges earned收取固定费用的次数
obsolescence charge废弃费用
officer in charge负责【主管】官员
on-line charges本航线费用
open and close hatch charges开关舱费
opening charge信用证的开证手续费
optional charge任选港附加费
outward port charge出港手续费
overdue charges for safe custody on securities arising from loans过期的贷款抵押品保管费
overhead charge一般费用
overhead charges间接费
overhead charges企业一般管理费用
packing charge打包费
parity of charges费用当理 (等值)
parity of charges费用当量等值
particular charge单独费用
particular of charges主要罪状
passenger service charge客运服务费
period charges当期费用
period depreciation charge每期折旧费
permanent annual charge为支付债务而按年提取的预算资金
power charge动力费用
Premium and freight charges are in the invoice amount保险费和运费都在此发票金额内
prior charge优先权利要求
processing charge加工费用
processing charges加工费用
progressive charges累进费用
progressive charges递增费用
progressive charges递变费用
quotation charges报价费
ratio of charge to cost费用与成本之比
register of charge费用登记簿
rent charge地租税
rent charge地租
rent charge租费
repacking charges改装费用 (expenses)
repair charge修理 (expense)
revenues from interest charges利息收入
revolving charge accounts循环赊销账户
sample charges样品费
scheduled charges预定费用
service charge劳务费用
service charge服务作业
shipping charge装运费用
shipping charges运输费用
sleeper charges卧铺费
social charges社会保险费用
special charge-off特别扣除
special charge-off特别折旧
specific charge-off method错账逐项扣除法
standing charges固定费率
statement of depreciation charges固定资产折旧计算表
stoppage charge保管费
stoppage charge存仓费
stowage charges堆仓费
subject to additional charges需付附加费
sue and labour charges施救收费
sue and labour charges损害防止费
sue and labour charges施救费用
supply sample free of charge免费赠送样品
surplus charge冲转公积的供项
system of rate charge运费率制度
system of rate charges运费率制
table of charges费用表
table of freight charges运费
take charge of...管理
take charge of...操办
take charge of...保管
take the goods in charge尤指联运接货
terminal charge终点站服务费
terminal charge铁道的装卸费
terminal charges终点货运费
the accepter charge承兑费用
the accountant in charge主管会计
The additional charges specified above are based on freight rates上面所规定的附加费用是根据运费率来计算的
the advanced charge预储费用
the advising charge通知手续费
the afternoon charge交易所午后的行市
the agreed charge优先运费
the agreed charge协定费用
the alternation of destination charge变更卸货港费
the amortization charge摊销费用
the amortization charge折旧提成
the assignability indirect charge可分配间接费用
the assortment charge分类费用
the baling charge打包费
the charge for use使用费
The charges for storage shall be borne by you, of course仓储费当然该由你方承担
The charges were calculated from the date of the beginning of the project各项费用自工程开工之日起核算
the department in charge of water transport水运部门
the non-recurring charge临时性费用
the on-line charge本航线费用
the overtime charge加班费
the overtime charge逾过费
the prepaid discount charge预付贴现款
the prepaid discount charge预付折扣款
The president and general manager is in charge of the meeting董事长兼总经理主持会议
the progressive charge累进收费
the rehandling charge再次搬运费
the reversed charge对方付费
the sample charge样品费
the semi-variable charge半可变费用
the sorting charge分类费
The supplier bore the charges for insurance, unloading, storage and handling供应商承担保险、卸货、仓储及搬运的费用
the tally charge理货费
the telegram me charge电报费
The trustee took charge of a special fund受托人负责管理一笔特别基金
the under-absorbed overhead charges少分配管理费用
the underapplied overhead charges少分配间接费用
the unexpended portion of the reply paid charges预付回报费用的剩余部分
the unloading charge卸车费
the unloading charge卸货费
the weighing charge过磅费
the wharfage charges码头费
the winch charge绞车费
the wrapping charge包纸费
There will be a small charge for delivery将收取少许送货费用
They will provide the goods to the store at cost without any charge他们将按成本不另收费用给商店供应货物
times-fixed charge earned ratio获利额对固定利息的倍数比率
traffic mileage charges按英里里程计算的运费
transfer charge转让手续费
transport charges运输费
unreasonable charges imposed不合理摊派费用
user charge用户税
vanning service charge装柜服务费
warehouse charges仓租
warehouse charges仓储费用
warehouse service charge仓库服务费
warehouse storage charge仓库费用
warranty charge保修费用
water pollution charge refund返回排污费
water pollution charge refund退回排污费
watershed charges分水岭税
watershed charges流域税
We send you a check for $ ... in payment of all charges寄去XX美元支票一张,承付所有费用
We shall ask an extra charge of 5% for each set wrapped in fancy paper对每套外包彩色纸,我们要求额外加收 5%费用
Within the guarantee period n., we only charge for replacement of parts only在保修期内,我们只收更换零件费用