
Terms for subject Hydroelectric power stations containing channel | all forms | exact matches only
abandoned channel废河槽
abandoned channel古河槽
abandoned channel旧河槽
abandoned channel废河道
access channel引航道
adjacent navigation channel弓航道
air channel通风道
air channel通气道
air channel气道
alluvial channel冲积河槽
approach channel引水渠
approach channel引航道
approach channel进水渠
approach channel引航道,进水渠
artificial channel人工渠槽
automatic gate for channel渠道自动闸门
automatical gate for channel渠道自动闸门
axis of channel河槽几何轴线
axis of channel深泓线
braided channel分汊河道
braided channel网状河道
braided channel游荡型河道
braided channel多叉河道
branch channel支流河槽
buried channel古河道
buried channel埋没河道
bypass channel分流河槽
bypass channel溢水槽
bypass channel溢流渠
bypass channel分流渠
bypass channel减河
catchwater channel集水槽
channel accretion渠道淤积
channel accretion航道淤积
channel alignment水道定线
channel alignment渠道定线
channel axis渠道轴线
channel bank渠岸
channel bank河岸
channel bar槽钢
channel basin河谷盆地
channel busbar槽型母线
channel capacity渠道过水能力
channel capacity河槽容量
channel check渠道节制闸
channel contraction河槽收缩段
channel contraction渠槽收缩
channel contraction渠道收缩
channel contraction河槽收缩
channel cutting渠道切割
channel cutting河槽切割
channel degradation渠道刷深
channel degradation河槽刷深
channel density渠网密度
channel density河网密度
channel deposit河床淤积
channel deposit河槽淤积
channel deposit渠道淤积
channel design渠道设计
channel detention槽蓄里
channel detention河槽滞蓄量
channel diversion明渠导流
channel dredging河道疏浚
channel dredging航道疏浚
channel entrance航道人口
channel entrance渠道进口
channel entrance水道人口
channel erosion沟蚀
channel erosion河槽冲蚀
channel expansion渠道扩大
channel expansion河槽扩大
channel filling渠道填塞
channel filling河道填塞
channel filling河道淤塞
channel flow明槽流
channel flow明渠流
channel-forming process造床过程
channel-forming process河床演变
channel-friction head loss河槽摩擦水头损失
channel friction head loss渠道摩擦水头损失
channel friction head loss河槽摩擦水头损失
channel improvement河槽整治
channel improvement航道整治
channel improvement河道整治
channel intake渠道进水口
channel island河心岛
channel island江心岛
channel line渠线
channel line河道中泓线
channel log河槽汇流时间
channel log河槽滞时
channel loss渠道输水损失
channel morphology河槽形态
channel of main stream主河槽
channel of river河槽
channel pattern河槽形态
channel rectification河槽整治
channel regulation河槽整治
channel revetment渠道护面
channel roughness渠道糙率
channel roughness河槽糙率
channel routing河槽洪水演进
channel routing河槽演算
channel scour渠道冲刷
channel scour河槽冲刷
channel scour河床冲刷
channel section渠道断面
channel section河槽断面
channel sedimentation渠道淤积
channel sedimentation河槽淤积
channel slope河床比降
channel slope渠道坡度
channel span航道宽度
channel spring沿河泉
channel storage河槽蓄水量
channel-storage capacity河槽调节能力
channel-storage capacity河槽蓄水能力
channel thread中泓线
channel thread河道主流
circular channel steel挡风板环形工字钢
clearance channel狭缝槽
clearance channel缝隙水槽
collecting channel集水渠
collecting channel总渠
compound river channel复式河槽
concentration of channel flow河槽集流河网集流
concrete-lined channel混凝土衬砌渠道
constant hydraulic radius channel等水力半径渠道
contour of river channel河槽形态
conveyance channel输水渠
correction of channel河槽治理
deep-draft channel深水航道
degradation of stream channel河槽冲刷
depth of navigable channel航道水深
desilting channel条渠沉沙池
discharge channel退水渠
discharge channel泄水渠
discharge channel排水渠
distributing channel支渠
distributing channel配水渠
diversion channel分水道
diversion channel导流明渠
diversion channel导流渠
diversion channel分水渠
diversion channel引水渠
downstream approach channel下游引航道
drainage by open channel明渠排水
dual automatic channel voltage regulator双通道自动电压调节器
dual channel复式河槽
entrance channel进港航道
entrance channel引航水道
entrance channel引航道
erodible channel侵蚀河槽
erosion-resistant channel抗侵蚀渠槽
erosion-resistant channel抗侵蚀河槽
feeder channel供水渠
feeder channel给水渠
feeder channel供水渠道
fish channel过鱼槽
fish channel输鱼槽
fish channel鱼槽
fish channel鱼道
fixed channel固定河槽
flood channel行洪河道
flood channel洪水河槽
flood control channel蓄洪河槽
flood diversion channel分洪渠
flood diversion channel分洪道
flood relief channel分洪渠道
flood relief channel泄洪渠道
flood storage channel蓄洪河槽
flood tide channel涨潮道
floodway channel分洪道
floodway channel分洪河槽
flow channel流槽河槽
sand flushing channel冲沙渠道
flushing channel冲沙渠道
flushing channel冲沙槽
followup function between two automatic channels两个自动通道之间的跟踪
forebay channel前池渠道
free flow channel明流渠道
free flow channel无压水道
grassed channel草皮护坡渠道
grass-lined channel植草渠道
grass-lined channel草皮护面渠道
headwater channel上游进水渠
headwater channel引水渠
high-velocity channel高速渠道
hydraulics of open channel明渠水力学
hydropower station in river channel河床式水电站
ice escape channel泄冰渠
inflow channel进水渠道
inlet channel进水渠
intake channel进水渠
interlaced channel游荡河槽
irrigation channel灌溉渠道
junction of channel渠道汇合点
karst channel岩溶通道
lateral spillway channel旁侧溢洪道
limit frequency of measuring channel测量通道极限频率
lock approach channel船闸引航道
main channel主河道
main channel主槽
main channel主河槽
main channel干渠
main channel bed主河床
main ship channel主通航河道
main ship channel主航道
meandering channel弯曲河道
meandering channel蜿蜒河道
measuring channel量水槽
mid-channel bar河中间沙洲
mid-channel bar江心沙洲
mild channel平缓河道
mobile channel不稳定河床动床
multiple channel stream复式河槽河流
natural channel天然渠道
natural channel天然河槽
natural stream channel天然河床
navigable channel航道
navigable channel航槽
navigable channel通航河道
navigable channel depth航道水深
navigation approach channel弓航道
navigation channel通航水道
navigation channel通航河道
navigation channel航道
network of irrigation channel灌溉渠网
non-erodible channel不冲刷渠槽
non-erodible channel不冲刷河槽
non-perennial channel非常年使用渠道
non-regime channel不平衡河槽[冲淤]
non-silting channel不淤渠道
old channel古河床
old channel古河道
old channel古河槽
old channel bed古河床
old channel bed古河槽
open channel明槽
open-channel constriction明渠收缩段
open-channel drain明渠排水
open-channel drainage明渠排水
open-channel flow明渠水流
open channel flow明槽流
open channel flow明渠流
open-channel hydraulics明渠水力学
open channel hydraulics明渠水力学
outflow channel溢水渠
outflow channel放水渠
outlet channel泄水渠道
outlet channel出水渠
overflow channel溢水槽
overflow channel溢水渠
parent channel干渠
paved channel铺砌渠道
percolation loss in channel渠道渗漏损失
pilot channel导流渠
pilot channel导流河槽
power channel发电渠道
power line carrier channel高频通道
power station in river channel河床式水电站
principal channel主河道
principal channel主河槽
prismatic channel等截面河槽
prismatic channel等断面河槽
prismatic channel棱柱形河槽
Profile of tunnel spillway channel隧洞式溢洪道泄水槽剖面
rain channel雨水沟
rectangular channel矩形水槽
rectangular channel矩形河槽
regime channel平衡河槽[冲淤]
regulation of channel河槽整治
relief channel排水渠
relief channel分洪渠
resistance of river channel河槽阻力
rip channel急流航道
river channel河槽
river channel cross section河槽断面
river channel straightening河槽裁直
river channel straightening河槽整治
scour outlet channel冲沙泄水道
scour-and-deposition in the river channel河道的冲淤
shifting channel不稳定河槽
shifting channel游移河槽
side channel边渠
side channel侧槽
side channel spillway侧槽式溢洪道
silt stable channel不冲不淤渠道
silt stable channel冲淤平衡渠道
sinuous channel曲折河道
sluice way channel冲沙渠道
sluice way channel泄水渠道
sodded channel植草皮渠道
spillway channel溢洪道
spillway channel溢流槽
stabilized channel不冲不淤河槽
steep channel陡槽
steep channel fish pass陡槽式鱼道
storm-water channel暴雨排水渠
straight channel平直河道
stream channel河槽
stream channel degradation河槽冲刷
stream-channel erosion河槽冲蚀
stream-channel slope河道坡降
stream-channel slope河道比降
supply channel供水渠
tail channel尾水渠
tailrace channel尾水渠
tailwater channel尾水渠
take-out channel退水渠
terrace outlet channel梯田排水沟
terrace water channel梯田排灌水渠
thread of channel主溜线河面最大流速线
thread of channel中泓线 (stream)
tortuous channel弯曲河槽
tortuous channel曲折河道
trapezoidal channel梯形河槽
trapezoidal outlet channel梯形排水沟
trapezoidal reinforced concrete channel梯形钢#混凝土槽
tributary channel支渠
trunk channel总干渠
twisting channel摆动河道
twisting channel游荡河道
twisting channel蜿蜒河道
unstable channel动床
unstable channel不稳定河槽
unstable channel不稳定河床
upper approach channel上游引航道
variable channel变化河槽
variable-grade channel变坡渠槽
variable-grade channel变坡渠道
wandering channel游移河槽
wandering channel迁徙河槽
wandering channel游荡河槽
wash channel冲沙渠道
waste channel弃水渠
waste channel退水渠
water channel水渠
water channel水道
widened channel拓宽河段
widened channel加宽河段