
Terms for subject United Nations containing change of climate | all forms
Agricultural Impact Assessment of Climate Change气候变化对农业影响的评价
Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change联合国气候变化框架公约缔约方会议
Guidelines on the Role of National Meteorologies and Hydrological Services in the Implementation of Agenda 21 and the Framework Convention on Climate Change国家气象、水文机构在执行21世纪议程和气候变化框架公约中的作用的指导方针
limitation of climate change气候变化的限度
magnitude of climate change气候变化的大小
mitigation of climate change减少气候变化
modelling of climate change模拟气候变化
modelling of climate change建立气候变化模式
rate of climate change气候变化率
rate of climate change气候变化速度
Specialized Conference for the Negotiation of a Framework Convention on Climate Change谈判气候变化框架公约的专题会议
Technical Cooperation Trust Fund to Provide Experts to UNEP to Assist in the Development and Implementation of Policy Response Options related to Climate Change向环境规划署提供专家协助拟定并执行有关气候变化的对策选择技术合作信托基金
Workshop on Climate Change, Energy and Preparations for the Ninth Session of the Commission on Sustainable Development气候变化、能源、可持续发展委员会第九届会议筹备工作讲习班
Workshop on Impacts of Climate Change气候变化的影响讲习班