
Terms for subject Project management containing change | all forms | exact matches only
absolute change绝对数值变更
approved change批准的变更
approved change order批准的变更命令
authorized change批准的变更
change clause变更条款
change control变更控制
change directory更改当前目录
change file变更记录文件
change in cost费用变更
change instruction变更指令
change log变更日志
change of destination变更目的地
change of domicile迁册
change order log变更命令记录簿
change order log改变订单日志
change order procedure改变订单程序
change proposals变更建议书
change to estimates修订预算
change to the approved estimates of expenditure核准开支预算的变动
Click the connector icon whose settings you want to change单击你想改变设置的连接器图标
Consequently, for wired connections, this event indicates change in the connection between the computer and a hub因此对于有线连接、此事件将指明计算机和集线器之间连接的更改
construction change directive施工变更指示
constructive change可推定的工程变更
constructive change order可推定的工程变更指令
contract change合同变更
Criminal responsibilities shall be affixed on those who fabricate, change and transfer the business license of a commercial bank伪造、变造、转让商业银行经营许可证的、依法追究刑事责任
engineering change proposal设计变更建议书 (ECP)
If you multiply a color vector by the identity matrix, the color vector does not change如果用单位矩阵乘以颜色矢量、则颜色矢量不会发生改变
integrated change control综合变更控制
It is in the correct mode by using it to change channels on your set-top box请使用它遥控器来更改机顶盒上的频道以确保其处于正确模式
mandatory change强制性变更
minor change in the work较小的工程变更
model change改型设计
Motherboard specifications are subject to change without notice主板规格如有变更恕不另行通知
notice of change变更通知
order for minor change in the work较小的工程变更命令
request for change变更申请 (RFC)
subject to change without notice条件或规格的改变不另通知
To change the chart type, click the Chart Type icon in the toolbar若要更改图表类型、请单击工具栏上的"图表类型"图标
To delete such items, you must undo the current pending change using the undo command要删除这些项、必须使用 undo 命令撤销当前挂起的更改