
Terms for subject Finances containing change | all forms | exact matches only
accelerate the change of the growth model加快转变经济发展方式
action to address climate change应对气候变化行动
chance for incremental change渐进式变化的机会
change during year merchandise was sold销货年度控制权变动
change during year subsequent to year of sale销货以后年度控制成数变动
change fund找换金
change fund换钱
change in financial position财务状况变动
change in general price level一般物价水平的变动
change in interest rate level利率水平的变动
change in profit and loss ratio损益分配率之变换 (income division ratio)
change in working capital and causes流动资金之变化及其原因
change the development model改变发展模式
effect of change in exchange rate on cash汇率变动对现金的影响额
general price-level change accounting一般物价水平变动会计
gigantic change巨变
interest-change effect利息变化效应
interest change for carrying证券收领展期息
master change record主要更改记录
post-change functional currency变更后的记账本位币
promote development while working for change在转变中谋发展
rate of change analysis变动率分析
rate of change curve chart变动率曲线图
restless pace of change时刻不停地变化步伐
risk of change of flavor变味险
Shanghai United Assets and Equity change上海联合产权交易所
spot exchange rate of the current date of the change变更当日的即期汇率
spur change in the course of pursuing development在发展中促转变
statement of change in cash现金变动表
statement of change in net assets净资产变动表
statement of change in retained earnings留存收益变动表
statement of change in surplus盈余变动表
statement of change in working capital运用资本变动表
statement of working capital change营运资本变动表
summary of balance sheet change资产负债变动汇总表
valuation change计价变化
value change价值变动