
Terms for subject Economy containing change | all forms | exact matches only
a change of registration变更登记 (注册)
a function change功能交换
a model change改型
a model change产品更新
ability to change改变能力
accelerated rate of technical change技术变革的加速率
accidental price change偶然价格变动
adjustment of economy to monetary change使经济适应币制改革
advance drawing change notice图纸更改的预先通知
advanced change notice更改预通知
an odd change找零
Any change in the terms of the agreement during its execution would upset our plan协议执行中对其条款作任何变动,都会打乱我们的计划
basic law of price change价格变化的基本规律
bill of change汇票
cardinal change重大变化
change agent打开新局面者
change bank notes for coin纸币兑现
change bank notes for coin以票兑币
change exchange兑换
change exchange交易
change fund找换备用金
change hands财产易手
change hands转手买卖
change hands改变所有权
change hands转手 (指买卖)
change in accounting principles and practice会计原则和手续的变更
change in cost成本的变动
change in demand需求的变动
change in demand for capital goods对资本财需求的变动
change in design设计更改
change in design clause变换设计条款
change in determinants of general equilibrium一般均衡决定因素的变动
change in factor demand需求要素的变动
change in general price level一般物价的变动
change in interest level利率水准的变动
change in market value改成市价
change in market value市价的变动
change in market values市价的变更
change in monetary parity金融的变动
change in national income国民收入的变动
change in nature of risk风险性质变更
change in relations between supply and demand商品供求关系的变化
change in selected resources选定货源变更
change in sequence改变顺序
change in specific commodities特种商品价格变动
change in wages工资的变动
change in wording文字改动
change in working capital流通资本的变化
change francs into法郎兑换成 (Renminbi, 人民币)
change notice更改通知
change of base基本变换
change of contract合同修改
change of denominations证券面额变动
change of destined port of discharge clause更改目的港卸货条款
change of foreign exchange risk汇价变动险
change of long-run cost长期成本变动
change of management保单自动失效
change of management船舶变更管理权
change of ownership改变所有权
change of population人 口变动
change of positions to think over换位思考
change of registration变更登记 (注册)
change of route改变航线
change of sailing course航路变动
change of sailing course航线更动
change of scale变更尺度 (范围)
change of schedule voyage变更预订航程
change of tugs换拖
change of voyage变更航程 (航次)
change order变动顺序
change order更改定
change over更换汽车式样
change over转而
change over改变为…
change over掉期
change plane换飞机 (flight, 航班)
change one's position改业
change one's position改行
change the line of production转产
contact change noice合同更改通知书
contract change analysis合同更改分析
contract change authorization合同更改核准
contract change proposal更改合同建议
customer originated change由买主引起的更改
cyclical change行情等的周期性波动
daily limit of price change每日价格变动限幅
design change设计更改
design change authorization修改设计批准
design change notice修改设计通知
design change proposal更改设计建议
discretionary change of budget人为因素造成的预算变动
drawing change图纸更改
drawing change list图纸更改一览表
economic change经济变革
economic change经济变动
economic development and cultural change经济发展与文化变迁
embodiment of technological change技术变革的体现
employer identification change雇主识别【码、号】修改
engineering change工程变更
engineering change information工程变更信息
engineering change notice工程修改通知
engineering change order工程修改指令
engineering change proposal work statement工程修改建议书工作说明
engineering change request工程修改请求
engineering design change工程设计更改
engineering design drawing change工程设计图纸修改
equipment change request设备修改申请
exchange ex. ;change外汇
exchange ex. ;change汇兑业务
exchange ex. ;change交换
function change功能变换
general price-level change总物价水平变动
high change商业最旺盛时期
income effect of price change价格变动的所得效果
income effect of wage change工资变动的所得效果
industrial change工业变革
infinite change of identical assets同类型资产的无限更新
instantaneous rate of change瞬息改变率
institutional change perspective制度变迁观点
job change analysis作业变化分析
job change request工作变更申请
loose change辅币
loose change零钱
maintenance engineering change request维修工程变更要求
master change主记账卡
Master Change万能卡
Master Change美国万事达信用卡
myriad of change千变万化
net change净变交易所当日与前一日收盘价之差
net change净变 (交易所当日与前一日收盘价差)
net change兑换净额
no change无变化
notice of change更改通知
offer subject to change without notice不通知受盘人即可变更的报盘
offset uncertainty and change消除不确定与分变化
partial quality change部分质变
participative change cycle参与性的改变周期
Party A shall inform party B of any change in carrying out the contract, and vice甲方在执行该合同中发生任何变动应通知乙方,反之亦然
planning change request计划修改申请
Please examine your change before you leave the counter离开柜台前请点清您找回的零钱
price change有价证券行市变化
price change物价变化
program change decision方案修改决策
program change proposal方案修改建议
purchase order change notice订货单更改通知
quality change (化)
quantitative change (化)
rate of change变化速度
rate-of-change curve chart变率曲线图
register the change变更登记 (in one's registration)
resources change资源变动
secular change长期性变动
short change少找钱
small change辅币
sociological change社会变革
Sometimes a change in a project requires addition or diminution in engineering services有时工程的一项变动会导致增加或缩减工程服务
specific price change index个别价格变动 (指数)
specification change notice规范修改通知
speed change变速
standard change notice标准修改通知
subcontract change notice转包合同
subcontract change notice更改通知
subcontract change notice转包更改通知
subcontractor specification change notice转包人规范更改通知
subject to change without notice不另通知
subject to change without notice可随时更改
subject to change without notice不另行通知
subject to change without notice随时调整
task change proposal任务更改建议
technical change技术转变
technical change技术变革
technical change proposal技术更改建议
technical facility change procedure技术设施更改手续
technological change技术变革
temporary change procedure临时更改步骤
the benefit for the change of job调职补助金
the change of route改变航线
The company has not suffered much by a change of ownership该公司并没有因所有权的变化而蒙受太大损失
The decision of the shareholders would lead to the change in the ratio of conversion股东的决定将导致兑换率的变动
the embodiment of technological change技术改革的体现
the mitigation of change in the scale减少比额的变动
The new change of the market has restored confidence in better economic situation市场的新变化恢复了人们对经济形势好转的信心
the once-and-for-all change一次性变化
The resale price maintenance is a system where the price for an item is fixed by the producer and the dealer is not allowed to change it维护转售价格制是商品价格由生产者制定,不允许零售商改变的一种制度
the sample change样品变更
the secular change长期性变动
the speed change变速
The sudden change in the situation has caused the company to suffer a reversal in the Middle East形势的突变使该公司在中东由赢利变为亏损
theory of economic change经济变动理论
They had to change their flight as they were double-booked他们不得不换乘另一航班的飞机,因为他们的票与人定重了
They will keep us informed of any change in the situation他们会随时告知我们情况的变化
to offset uncertainty and change消除不确定性与变化
uniform change in par values平价统一变动
value engineering change proposalVE的设计变更建议
We shall not change the prices on the goods in subsequent transactions在以后的交易中我们不会改变这批货物的价格
You are entitled to change or entirely cancel the classification of the contract if you have the signature of all the people involved如你有所有有关人员的签名,你有权改变或取消合同的密级
You should keep us informed from time to time of any change你应将任何变动随时通知我们