
Terms for subject Commerce containing change | all forms | exact matches only
All quotations are subject to change without notice所有报价可随时更改不另通知
at the change of season换季时
change M by ɛ使 M 变化 ɛ
change in economic relationships经济关系变化
change in economic structure经济结构变化
change in management管理的改变
change in market value市价变动
change in plan计划的变更
change in product structure产品结构变动
change irrational rules and regulations改革不合理的规章制度
change of ownership所有权变动
change of sailing船期变动
change of voyage clause航程变动条款
change over外汇交易换期 (用于 hedging, swap transaction)
change package identification改变包装标记
change schedule chart进度变化表
change shillings for pounds把先令换为英镑
change the package of the goods改变货物包装
compensated price change补偿价格变动
customer-originated change买主引起的更改
data change proposal更改数据建议
desired change预期变化
economic change for the better经济好转
engineering design change工程设计改变
initiate a change着手进行改革
It caused a sudden change of feeling in financial circles这使金融界的情绪骤然发生变化
It is rather inconvenient for us to make such a change in packing包装方面的这一改变对我们相当不便
lettre de change汇票
make a change in a schedule更改时间表
make a change in the system of management在管理体制上作一番改革
model change产品型号更新
no change没有变化
notify a change of address通知改变地址
office de change外汇局
planned change有计划的变动
price change价格调整
purchase order change notice定货单更改通知
rate of change curve chart变化率曲线图
strategic change战略改变
task change proposal任务更改计划
taux du change汇率
temporary change procedure暂时更改程序
The schedule is subject to change without notice不另行通知
The schedule is subject to change without notice本时间表可随时更改
There is a favourable change in the market市场情况好转