
Terms for subject Business containing change | all forms | exact matches only
ability for orderly change序变能力
accelerated rate of technical change技术变革加速率
actual change实际变化
adapt oneself to change conditions随机应变
adjustability of cost in response to change in output产量变化引起成本的可调整性
advance change notice更改预先通知
advanced drawing change notice图纸更改先期通知
afternoon change交易所午后行市
afternoon change交易所下午行情
age change人寿险保险计龄变换
agent de change股票经纪人
agent de change股票交易所经纪人
amount of change变化量
amount of change scale等差尺度
analysis of change in financial position财务状况变动分析
assets change statement资产变动表
balance change余额变化
behavior change行为变动
behavioral change行为变化
bureau de change汇兑局
buy and change gold, silver and foreign currencies收兑金银外币
capacity change cost能力改变成本
change a bill换成零钱
change a bill换零钱
change agent变革者
change agent交换媒介
Change Alley伦敦证卷交易所
change bills换钱
change book notes for coin以钞票换硬币
change control board交换控制板
change course改变航向
change dollars换钱
change from being speed-oriented to以速度为中心的转变
change fund零用金
change fund找零准备金
change hand调换主人
change hand转手
change hand易手
change house小客栈
change in accounting estimate会计估计变更
change in accounting principles and practice会计原则和手续变更
change in business inventory企业库存变动
change in cost成本变动
change in demand of capital goods资本货物需求变动
change in design clause变更商品设计条款
change in determinants of general equilibrium—般均衡决定因素变动
change in economic structure经济结构变动
change in employment就业变动
change in failure rate故障率变化
change in general price level一般物价水平变动
change in gold and foreign exchange reserve黄金及外汇储备变动
change in interest rate level利率水准变动
change in level水平变化
change in management船舶变换管理权
change in manufacturing inventories厂商库存变化
change in market value市场价格变动
change in mean effect平均效率变化
change in national income国民收入变动
change in nature of risk险情性质改变
change in organization组织变动
change in ownership变更所有权
change in par value票面价值更动
change in par value变更票面值
change in process工序更换
change in process average工序平均变化
change in product structure产品结构变化
change in quantity supplied供应量变动
change in registration变更注册
change in registration变更登记
change in selected resources选定资源变更
change in sequence顺序改变
change in stocks库存变化
change in tax rates税率变更
change in the price of the products sold产品售价变化
change in the way of enterprise operation企业经营机制转换
change in title权利人名称变更
change in trade inventories商业库存变化
change in variability变异性变化
change in wages工资变动
change in wording条文变更
change in working capital运用资本变化
change inversely逆向变化
change irrational and outdated rules and regulations变革不合理的规章制度
change item修改项目
change management method改变管理方法
change management system改革管理体制
change money换钱
change of address地址变更
change of base基变化
change of base基期变换
change of class voucher改变等级凭单
change of denomination证券面额变动
change of denomination证券面额变更
change of denominations of monetary units货币单位名称变更
change of destination变更目的港
change of employment改行
change of employment转业
change of long run cost长期成本变动
change of management管理权变更
change of origin原差变化
change of ownership所有权变更
change of phase相位变化
change of place场所变动
change of practice principle实际原则改变
change of principle原则变动
change of program方案改变
change of registration注册变更
change of response响应变化
change of scale变化尺度
change of scale范围变动
change of state情况变化
change of state说明书更改
change of trade转业
change of trade改行
change of trade name商号名称变更
change of trade name商号变更
change of variable method变量更换方法
change of variables变元
change of variables变数更换
change of-basis method换基法
change one's profession转业
change-over掉汇指在外汇市场上买进或卖出即期外汇, 同时又卖出或买进同种货币的远期外汇,称为换汇或掉期,其目的为了套利
change over cost转换成本
change-over cost掉期费用见 change-over
change-over cost换汇费用
change over procedures转换过程
change-over time过渡期
change-over to manufacture on imported model仿造外国机器
change part更换部件
change positively正向变化
change production转产
change production plan改变生产计划
change rate factor改变率因子
change schedule chart变更计划图表
change technology改造技术
change the date改变日期
change the name of the owner in a register过户
change ways变换方法
change ways to cater to market demands适应市场需求
compensated price change补偿性价格变动
component change rate元件更换率
consolidation statement of change in financial position综合财政状况变动表
continuous change连续变动
Contract Change Authorization合同变更审定
contract change request合同更改请求
control change控制功能改变
counter change交换
counter change交易
cyclic change周期性变化
daily limit of price change每日价格变动幅度
degree of change变动度
design change authorization设计修改审定
design change notice设计更改通知书
design change specification设计更改规范
design change work order设计更改操作指令
design concept change设计概念更改
discretionary change任意变动
drawing change request图纸更改要求
drawing change specification图纸更改规范
drawing data required for change需要修改的图纸数据
embodiment of technological change技术改进体现
empiric rational change strategy经验理性的变革策略
empirical rational change strategy经验理性的变革策略
endogenous change内在变化
engineering change notice工程更改通知
engineering change order工程更改通知单
engineering change proposal工程设计修改建议
engineering change proposal work statement工程更改建议说明
engineering design change proposal工程设计更改建议
equal rates of change等变化费率
exogenous change外生变动
exponential voltage change按指数变化的电压
foreboding change征兆变化
fortuitous change意外变化
function change功能转变
function change职务变迁
fund for the change of trade转变业务基金
general price level change一般物价水平变动
group change成群〔成组〕改变
group change成群改变
high change商业兴隆期
impending change逼近变动
income change收入变动
infinitesimal change无穷小变化
institutional change机构改革
inter-change of data数据交换
inter-change of information信息交流
international telegram change a/c国际电报费科目
inventory change储量变化
Job schedule change request工作计划改变申请
labor augmenting technical change劳动力增加型技术变化
level change value位级切换值
managed change technique管理改进技术
managed change technique管理变革法
manufacturing change point制造更改要点
manufacturing change request加工更改申请书
materials change rate材料变换率
mean change rate平均变动率
mechanism of change变动方法
mitigation of change in the scale减少比额变动
model change产品样式更换
model change-over模型交换
net change净变
neutral technological change中立化技术变动
no change不改变
no change in work in process生产工序不变
norm change定额变动
notice of change employment人事调动通知
occupational change职业变更
odd change找头
odd change零钱
offer subject to change without notice有变化而勿须通知的报盘
once-and-for-all change一次性变化
organizational change组织变迁
organization-centered approach to change组织导向变革法
participative change cycle参与性改变周期
period-to-period value change各期间价值变化
permanent change of assignment正式调职
plan for building change or construction厂房改建与建造计划
plan for change应变计划
planning change notice计划更改通知
planning change request计划更改申请
power-coercive change strategy权力强制变革战略
process of behavior change行为变革过程
process sheet change notice工艺过程卡更改通知
processes of resource change资源变动过程
program change程序变更
program change decision计划改变决策
program change directive程序更改指令
Program Change Proposal计划改变建议
program change proposal计划修改建议
program change request计划改变申请
proportional change比例变化
purchase order change notice订货更改通知
radical change根本改变
range of price change变价幅度
rate of change in the process程序改变速率
rate-of-change cure chart变率曲线图
real ratio of international ex change国际汇兑实际比率
renewal or change of the lease租约更新或变更
report of change in financial condition财务状况变动报告书
request for engineering change工程更改申请
risk of change of flavor串味险
schedule of net working capital change运用资本净额变动明细表
significant design change显著设计变化
small change小额货币
small change找零头
Specification Change Notice规格更改通知
sporadic change偶发性变化
sporadic change分散变化
strategic change战略性变化
subcontractor specification change notice转包者规范更改通知
swift change突变
system-centered approach of change体制导向变革法
tactic change战术改变
technical change技术改造
technical change技术变动
technological change技术改造
uniform change in par value平价的统一变动
value on change交易所价
wage change工资变动
year-to-year proportionate change逐年按比例变化
zero change extrapolation零变化外推
zero change prediction零变化预测