
Terms for subject China containing change | all forms | exact matches only
a fundamental change根本性变革 (in)
cancellation or change撤销或者变更
change arbitrarily擅自改变
change confirmation way变更确认方式
change in a disguised form变相改变
change of market price行市变化
change or revoke变更或者解除
change over to转入
change the beneficiary变更受益人
change the business scope改变经营范围
change the content变更内容
change the domicile变更住所
change the limit of the mining area变更矿区范围
change the original concrete administrative action改变原具体行政行为
change the route改航
change to be made变更内容
either remain or change to予以保留或改为
examining and approving formalities for the change of land use农用地转用审批手续
foreign change work对外交往
illegally change非法变更
new legal person that result from the change变更后的法人
particulars of any change变动情况
register the change变更登记手续
substantial change实质性变更
The Kyoto Protocol to the Convention on Climate Change《气候变化公约》京都议定书
training to facilitate change of occupation转业培训
truly change our approach to development切实转变发展思路