
Terms for subject Earth sciences containing change | all forms | exact matches only
adaptive forecasting and estimation using change detection改良检波的自适应预报和估计
advance drawing change notice〔有关〕图纸更改的先期通知
analyzing biospheric change生物界演变分析
Canadian Global Change Program加拿大全球气候变化响应计划
change-energy-mass spectrometer变能质谱仪
change land registration变更土地登记
change of land right土地权利变更 【土】
change of land-use right土地使用权变更【土】
change-of-moment method矩变换法
change over倒向
continuous countercurrent ion-ex. change连续逆流离子交换
diurnal component of temperature change日气温变化分量
eco-environmental change生态环境变化
framework convention on climate change气候变化框架协定
generalized-change of moment method广义矩变换法
geophysical monitoring for climate change地球物理技术监测气候变化计划
global change and ecological complexity全球气候变迁与生物组合
global change and terrestrial ecosystems全球气候变迁与陆生生态系统
global change expedition全球气候变迁考察
global change master directory全球气候变迁主目录地球和空间科学数据集
global change research全球气候变迁研究
global climate change response program全球气候变化响应计划
global climatic change全球气候变迁
high-water full and change朔望潮候时差
high-water full and change平均月潮高潮间隙
intergovernmental panel on climate change政府间气候变迁小组委员会
land use change土地利用变化【土】
lunar orbit plane change月球轨道平面变化
moment to change one centimeter trim厘米纵倾力矩
not much change in temperature温度无多大变化
panel of experts on climate change气候变迁研究专家小组委员会
program change directive计划〔程序〕更改批示
quick ram change快速换装闸门型防喷器
zero point of change零点变化