
Terms for subject Technology containing chance | all forms | exact matches only
a chance occurrence偶发事件
chance cause机遇因素
chance coincidence偶然一致
chance coincidence偶然重合
Chance cone agitator浅司型重介质锥形分选机的搅拌器
chance cone silt skimmer漏斗式钻粉取样器
chance correlation偶然相关
chance distribution随机分布
chance error概率误差
chance error机误
chance event不确定结点
chance event偶然事件
chance factor机遇因素
chance failure意外事故
chance failure偶然故障
chance machine概率计算机
chance mutation随机突变
chance of acceptance接受机会
chance of occurrence出现概
chance rate概率
chance sample随机样本
chance sample任意取样
chance sampling随机抽样
chance sampling随机采样
chance sampling随机取样
chance seedling机油实生苗
chance variation机会变差
earning chance赚钱机会
employment chance就业机会
equal chance均等机会
game of chance机会对策
gravity chance重力作业区
inward chance variation内向机会变差
law of chance随机定律
law of chance随机率
law of chance机遇率
mathematic chance极小机会
mathematical chance极小机会
one chance pursuit game一次追击机会对策
take a chance on wrenching bits out of round拧管时把丝扣拧坏
theoretic chance理论机遇
theoretical chance理论机遇
theory of chances变革理论
unobservable chance factor不可观察的随机因子