
Terms containing center-line | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
econ.a center line中心线
avia.air vehicle center line飞行器中心线
tech.arch center line拱中心线
tech.arch center line拱的中线
tech.arch center line拱轴线
textileback center line后背中心线
textileback center line后片中心线
textileback center line后中心线
textileback center seam line后中缝线
textileback center seam line背缝中心线
gen.be sloped transversely each way from the center line从中心线向两侧倾斜
tech.beam center line梁轴线
tech.beam center line梁的中心线
tech.built-in center line砌入路面中央分道线
auto.bumper to center line of the front axle保险杠至前轴中心线的距离
textilecenter back line后背中心线
textilecenter back line of hood风帽帽顶线
textilecenter back seam line背缝线
textilecenter back seam line后中缝线
textilecenter front back line后中线
textilecenter front back line后身中线
textilecenter front line前中线
textilecenter front line中心线
textilecenter front line前身中线
telecom.center line中央通信线
oilcenter line轴线
geophys., mech.center line中心线
sport, bask.center line中线
expl.center line巷道中线在平面上指示井巷施工的方向线
agric., stat.center line轴心线
tech.center line线
tech.center line道路中心标线
tech.center line芯线
tech.center line中心墨线
tech.center line几何轴线
tech.center line笔画中线
badm.center line中线
tech.center line average算术平均值
tech.center line average中线平均值
mech.center line average中心线平均法 (method)
mech.center line average method平均高度法英美公认的光洁度参数
el.center line average平均高度表面粗糙度平均值
el.center line average中线[算术]平均值
avia.center line average平均中心线
tech.center line average method算术平均法
auto.center line average value算术平均值
avia.center line bend中心线弯曲
tech.center line bulkhead中纵舱壁
tech.center line concentration中心线浓度
tech.center line dilution中心线稀释度
tech.center line erection中线安装
tech.center line grade中线坡度
tech.center line grade elevation道路中线坡度标高
tech.center line grade elevation中线红色标高
tech.center line ground elevation中线地面标高
tech.center line ground elevation中线黑色标高
tenn.center line judge发球中线裁判
wind.center line keel beam中央龙骨
tech.center line keelson中心内龙骨
tech.center line knot中心线节
tech.center line marker中线标划机
tech.center line marking标划路中线
tech.center line marking of road标划道路中线
tech.center line method中线法
steel.center line mill stand中线轧机机座
tech.center line mount中线安装
railw.center line of arch拱轴线
avia.center line of bend弯曲中心线
shipb.center line of berth船台中心线
tech.center line of bridge桥梁中线
tech.center line of main channel主航道中心线
tech.center line of plume烟羽中心线
tech.center line of road道路中心线
tech.center line of support悬挂中心线
tech.center line of survey路线测量中心线
swim.center line of the body身体中线
tech.center line of track线路中线
tech.center line of tunnel隧道中线
tech.center line of ventilation adit风道中线
tech.center line of wall墙身中心线
tech.center line of wave波浪中心线
tech.center line peg中线木钉
tech.center line peg中线木桩
tech.center line platform中线平台
railw.center line post中桩
tech.center line radius中心线半径
tech.center line rudder中舵
tech.center line runway lights跑道中线灯
tech.center line shrinkage轴线缩孔
tech.center line shrinkage cavity心线收缩
tech.center line shrinkage cavity轴线缩孔
tech.center line slope中线坡度
bridg.constr.center line stake中线桩
tech.center line stake中心桩【测】
tech.center line stake leveling中线桩高程测量中平
tech.center line stake levelling中线桩高程测量中平
auto.center line steering中心线转向直行时,转向盘偏离中心线在±3°内
spacecenter line survey线路中线测量
tech.center line survey中线测量
tech.center line surveying线路中线测量
tech.center line surveying中线测量
tech.center line through plate中纵通板
tech.center line track主线轨道
tech.center line tunnel主线隧道
tech.center line velocity中心线流速
tech.center of gravity line重心线
geophys.center section line中心剖面线
earth.sc.Center Section Line中间剖面线
tenn.center service line发球中线
tenn.center service line中线
el.mach.center-line average平均峰谷高度
el.mach.center-line average平均粗糙高度
oilcenter-line fault中心线断层
archit.center-line grade中线坡度
shipb.center-line propeller中线螺旋桨
archit.center-line stake中线桩
refrig.center-line velocity中心线速度
earth.sc.Center-line Velocity Index中泓流速指教
shipb.center-line vertical keel中内龙骨
oilcenter-line waterflood中央行列注水
shipb.check center line positioning for shaft system before boring镗孔前检查轴系中心线定位
shipb.check center-line positioning for shaft system before boring镗孔前检查轴系中心线定位
auto.C.L.= center line中心线
auto.C/L center line中心线
tech.clearance between gage line of guard rail and frog center护轨与心轨查照间隔
tech.clearance between gauge line of guard rail and frog center护轨与心轨查照间隔
textilecollar deviates from the front center line绱领偏斜
tech.column center line柱中线
railw.coupler center line车钩中心线
auto.crankshaft center line曲轴轴线
expl.cross line of shaft center立井断面的几何中心通过立井中心,在水平面上互相垂直的两条方向线,其中一条应垂直于提升绞车的主轴
expl.cross line of shaft center立井十字中线
voll.cross the center line越位
voll.cross the center line越过中线
nautic., tech.deck center line甲板中线
nautic., tech.deck line at center甲板中线
archit.door center line门轴线
tech.element center line构件中心线
tech.elevation of center-line中线标高
voll.first line center三号队员
voll.first line center前排中
busin.first-line industrial center最重要的产业中心
auto.flow center line气体/液体流体中线
textilefront center line前中心线
avia.fuselage symmetrical center line机身对称中心线
tenn.half-court center line中线
oilhemp center wire line麻芯钢丝绳
el.horizontal center line水平中线
geophys.horizontal center line水平中心线
tech.horizontal center line水平中线
shipb.inspecting center line positioning for shaft and rudder system before boring镗孔前检查轴舵系中心线定位
shipb.inspecting center-line positioning for shaft and rudder system before boring镗孔前检查轴舵系中心线定位
shipb.inspection of shipbuilding berth center line船台中心线检测
shipb.inspection of shipbuilding berth center-line检测造船台中心线
tech.knuckle pin center line转向销轴线
tech.line center谱线中心
commun., railw.Line Center computer线路中央计算机系统
tech.line of arch center拱中心线
el.line of center中心线
tech.line of centers中心联线
plast.line of centers中心线
hydroel.st.line of centers中心连线
tech.line of centers中心轨迹线
tech.line of centers拱的中心轨迹线
telecom.line service center线路维护中心
avia.line service center线路服务中心
el.line test and service center线路测试与服务中心
tech.line through center中心连线
tech.location center line定位中心线
railw.location of center line中线位置
tech.longitudinal center line纵向中线
tech.longitudinal center line纵向中缝
tech.longitudinal center line轴向中心线
auto.machine center line机床中心线
tech.masonry wall center line圬工墙中心线
tech.member center line构件的中心线
mil., air.def.missile center line导弹中心线
steel.move the work rolls as to rolling center line根据轧制中心线移动工作辊
el.on-line computer library center联机计算机图书馆中心
telecom.On-line Computer Library Center计算机联机图书馆中心
el.on-line trust center在线信任中心
voll.passing center line过中线
bridg.constr.perpendicular direction to the center line of bridge横桥方向
auto.piston-pin center line to open end活塞销孔中心线至裙部下沿距离
tech.planning center line规划中线
tech.plume center line烟缕中线
tech.power takeoff shaft center line动力输出轴轴心线
el.private line service center专线服务中心
steel.rolling center line轧制中心线
avia.runway center line跑道中心线
avia.runway center line light距道中线灯
avia.runway center line light system〔客〕跑道中心线灯光系统
avia.runway center line lights跑道中心线灯
avia.runway center line marking跑道中心线标志
avia.runway center line system跑道中心线系统
tech.search line center搜索航线中心
voll.second line center六号位
voll.second line center二排中
tab.tenn.service center line发球区中线
tech.setting-out of building center line建筑轴线测量
expl.setting-out of center line of roadway巷道中线标定将巷道中线的设计方向标定于实地
tech.setting-out of center line of tunnel隧道中线标定
tech.setting-out of cross line through shaft center井筒十字中线标定
shipb.shafting center line轴系中线
tech.shell center line薄壳中线
sport, bask.shoot from the center line中线投篮
textilesleeve center line袖中线
tech.spring seat center line弹簧座中心线
tech.square crossing center line十字形交叉中心线
tech.staking out center line中桩测设
telecom.stroke center line笔划中线
tech.stroke center line笔画中线
tech.system center line系统中心线
oiltanker center line bulkhead油轮中线隔板
avia.taxiway center line light滑行道中线灯
railw.track center line线路中心线
railw.track center line轨道中心线
tech.transverse center line横向中心线
tech.tunnel center line隧道主轴线
tech.tunnel center line隧道中心线
tech.vault center line拱顶中心线
tech.vault center line拱顶轴线
navig.vertical center line垂直中心线
oilwellbore path center line井眼轨迹中心线
auto.wheel center line车轮中心旋转轴线
tech.window center line中腰窗
compr.work center line工作中心线
tech.work center line工件中心线