
Terms containing castle | all forms | exact matches only
gen.a castle in the air空想
gen.a castle in the air不切实际的计划
gen.a castle in the air空中楼阁
gen.a castle in the in Spain空想
gen.a castle in the in Spain不切实际的计划
gen.a castle in the in Spain空中楼阁
tech.after castle船尾楼
tech.air castle空中楼阁
tech.Baroque castle巴洛克式城堡
archit.break of fore castle首楼后端
tech.brickwork castle砖砌城堡
busin.card castle即将失败的计划
tech.castle architecture宫殿建筑艺术
tech.castle architecture城堡建筑
tech.castle building宫殿建筑
tech.castle building城堡建筑
tech.castle church城堡教堂
tech.castle circular nut六角圆顶螺母
footb.castle game御城棋
tech.castle garden城堡园指由城堡围起来的庭园
tech.castle garden城堡花园
exhib.castle hotel城堡式旅馆
tech.castle-like town城堡式市镇
tech.castle manipulator双柱窝式机械手
tech.castle manipulator高架式机械手
avia.castle nut带槽螺母
wind.castle nut槽形螺母
dril.castle nut蝶形螺母
oilcastle nut槽顶螺母
el.mach.castle nut有槽螺母
dril.castle nut槽顶螺帽
avia.castle nut六角槽形螺母
tech.castle nut开花螺帽
tech.castle nut开花螺母
mech.eng.castle nut槽顶 〔槽形〕螺母
mech.eng.castle nut堞形〔槽顶〕 螺帽
avia.castle nut碟形螺母
tech.castle remains park城堡遗址公园
tech.castle ruin废古城堡
anim.husb.Castle's extrinsic factor卡斯尔氏外源因子
anim.husb.Castle's extrinsic factor维生素 B₁₂旧名
anim.husb.Castle's factor内因子
chem.castle's intrinsic factor卡斯尔氏造血内因子
tech.Castle's intrinsic factor内源因素
tech.Castle's intrinsical factor内源因素
auto.castle section槽形断面
tech.castle set in artificial lake位于人工湖上的城堡
textileCastle silk辑里丝
tech.castle site on high-lying ground位于高地上的城堡
tech.castle sited on low-lying ground位于低地上的城堡
tech.castle-wheel system塔型轮系
agric.Castle-Wright formula卡斯托-莱特二氏公式计算数量性状遗传
gen.castles in Spain白日梦
gen.castles in Spain架空的计划
gen.castles in Spain空想
tech.centre castle船中部上层建筑
geogr.Clare Castle克莱尔堡爱 (尔兰,N52°49' W8°57')
gen.cloud castle空想
tech.country house 'castle'乡村城堡住宅
tech.crusader castle十字军城堡
tech.Downton Castle Sandstone当唐堡砂岩
tech.electoral castle选帝后的宫殿
tech.fortress castle城堡
tech.fortress castle architecture城堡建筑
tech.fortress castle-chapel城堡式礼拜堂
tech.fortress castle-chapel城堡式小教堂
tech.fortress castle-church城堡式教堂
tech.fortress castle-ditch护城壕
tech.fortress castle-ditch护城河
tech.fortress castle-gate城堡之门
tech.fortress castle-tower城堡塔楼
tech.fortress castle-tower城楼
tech.fortress castle wall城堡墙
tech.fulcrum pin castle nut支销槽顶螺母
compr.hexagon castle nut六角槽顶螺母
avia.hexagon castle nut六角槽形螺母
textileIrene Castle bob艾琳・卡斯尔短发
tech.keep and bailey castle带望楼外墙的城堡
tech.keep and bailey castle带主塔楼城堡
tech.keep of castle城堡主垒
chem.lead castle铅室
tech.lead castle铅堡
tech.Master of the King's Masons to Windsor Castle温莎堡皇家建筑工匠长
tech.motte castle丘陵城堡
tech.mound castle护堤城堡
tech.mound castle护堤船楼
anim.husb.New castle disease virus新城疫病毒
gen.New Swan Stone Castle新天鹅堡
tech.old castle古堡
tech.royal castle皇宫
el.shielding castle屏蔽箱【核】
construct.shielding castle防护容器
tech.shielding castle屏蔽容器
tech.small castle小城堡
gen.Viewing from New Swan Stone Castle, we appreciate the expanding scene among Alps and Viersen从新天鹅堡远眺,眼前是由阿尔卑斯山和菲森组成的广袤风景
gen.we need only what are called castle nuts我们只需要所谓的槽顶螺母
gen.what is required is some castle nuts所需要的是些槽顶螺母
oilwind-eroded castle风蚀城堡