
Terms for subject Engineering geology containing cast-in place | all forms | in specified order only
Benoto cast-in-place pile贝诺特灌注桩
bored cast-in-place pile钻孔桩
bored cast-in-place pile鑽孔場鑄樁
bored cast-in-place pile钻孔灌注桩
cast-in-place anchor现浇锚固
cast-in-place cased concrete pile现浇混凝土管柱桩
cast-in-place concrete pile rig灌注桩钻孔机
cast-in-place diaphragm wall場鑄連續壁
cast-in-place diaphragm wall就地灌注地下连续墙
cast-in-place mortar pile灌注砂浆桩
cast-in-place pile灌注樁
cast-in-place pile现浇桩
cast-in-place pile钻孔灌注桩
cast-in-place pile underpinning灌注桩托换
cast-in-place shellless pile就地灌注无壳桩
driven and cast-in-place Franki pile冲孔法法兰基灌注桩
driven and cast-in-place pile冲孔法就地灌注桩
driven cast-in-place pile就地灌注樁留管
driven cast-in-place pile場鑄樁
driven cast-in-place pile沉管灌注桩