
Terms for subject Business containing case | all forms | exact matches only
ambiguous case分歧事例
ambiguous case歧例
analogy with case examples案例类推法
ascertained case已査明案件
binding case账目及信件箱
borderline case两可情况
c/ case
c/ case
capital mobility case资本自由移动情况
card case名片盒
cargo in case箱装货
case analysis案例分析
case and effect diagram因果分析图
case at bar审理中的案件
case board stained by moisture纸板受潮
case book案例记录簿
case broken, content unknown箱子破裂、内货不详
case broken, content unknown货箱破裂,内货不明
case by case screening逐个筛选
case by case screening逐个检查
case by-case approach逐案审查法
case crushed箱子压坏
case crushed箱压坏
case discussion approach个案讨论方法
case fatality rate疾病致死率
case free货箱免费
case hardened表面硬化的
case hardening steel表面硬化钢
case involving the swindling of property诈骗财产案
case like construction盒子结构工程
case mark货箱标记
case mark货件标志
case mark箱印
case method个案分析法
case number案号
case of first impression无先例案件
case of gross violation情节严重案件
case of injustice冤案
case of need需要时的代理
case of need需要时
case of need急需时
case of need委托代理收款的需要
case plank broken箱板破裂
case plank bulged箱板凸出
case plank split箱板裂损
case-rate discount按箱折扣
case-rate discount掀箱折扣率即按订货箱或件数计算的折扣率
case records案例记录
case specific death rate原因别死亡率
case study method案例研究法
case study school案例研究学派
case survey案情调查
case survey个案调查
case transfigured箱变形
case upside down箱倒置
case without any clue无头案件
case work个案调查工作
cite a case引用案例
cite a case举个例子
close down case停业状态
closed case密封包装箱
commercial case商务案例
consecutive case number连续箱号
contentious case诉讼案件
Convention on the Jurisdiction of the Selected Forum in the Case of International Sales of Goods The Hague, 1958关于国际货物买卖上选择法院管辖权的公约海牙,1958年
copyright infringement case侵犯版权案件
court seized of the case受理案件法院
criminal case刑事案件
decision of a case断案
decision of a case定案
despatch case公文递送箱
dismissal of law case案件驳回
doubtful case疑案
drawee in case of need预备付款人需要付款人
equicorrelated case等相关情况
established case个案
established case案例
exceptional case特殊案例
exemplary case典型案例
exemplary case专案
extraordinary case特殊案例
extreme case极端案例
fibre board case纤维板箱
foreign case涉外案件
harden case表面掺碳硬化的
hardened case表面掺碳硬化的
heater case加热器箱
import-export case进出口案例
in accordance with the seriousness of the case视情节轻重
in case of万一…
in case of如果…
individual case个案
individual case estimate method个案估计法
individual case estimation个案估计
individual country case study国别案例研究
integrated case study综合案例研究
international case-law国际判案法
jurisdiction of economic dispute case经济纠纷案管辖
just identified case正确认别情形
Lerner case勒纳实例
license on a case-by-case basis逐项核发的许可证
loss in case of failure完不成任务损失
major case要案
major case大案
major criminal case重要刑事案
major criminal case要案
metal case金属壳
multiparameter case多参数情况
multiple phase case多相事例
no case to answer无须答复
no charge for case免费事例
note case钱包
operation case作业案例
packing case垫料箱
packing case装货箱
parallel case同样案例
particular case个案
plywood case胶合板箱
random case随机情形
referee in case of need需要受托人即汇票出票人或背书人,可在汇票上加注一人姓名或单位名称,当汇票遭拒付,可向此人或某单位请付,称需要受托人,或预备付款人
referee in case of need必需时受托处理人
representation in case of need紧急情况下的代理
same case同样情况
secondhand case旧箱
settling-up case结案
show case货柜
show case展览
show case商品陈列柜
single-phase case单相事例
special case特殊案例
stair-case chart统计阶形图
stair-case curve统计阶形曲线
state the case阐明案由
statement of the case案由陈述
study of case案例研究
such being the case事实既然如此
supposed case假定场合
suspense case悬案
Taylor Worst Case泰勒最坏条件
typical case典型案例
underidentified case不完全识别情形
unfavorable case不利场合
unidentified case未识别情况
unsolved case未了案件
unstated case未了案件
winding-up case结案
worst case approach最坏情况评价法
worst case conditions最坏情况条件
worst case criterion最不利情况判定
worst case decision最坏情况决策
worst case designed circuit最坏情况下的设计电路
worst case limit最坏情况界限
worst case technique最坏情况法
writing case文具盒