
Terms containing cargos | all forms | exact matches only
busin.aggregation of marine cargoes综合海洋货运
interntl.trade.aggregation of marine cargoes集中海洋运输货物
interntl.trade.aggregation of marine cargoes集中运输海运货物
tech.aggregation of marine cargoes集中海洋货物
commer.barge cargoes驳船货
tech.barge for hot cargoes危险品运输船
commer.cargoes afloat per SS Hero"英雄"号轮承运的路货2免于困难
textilecargoes and parcels散装及件货
interntl.trade.cargoes and parcels货物
interntl.trade.cargoes and parcels散货及件货
busin.cargoes and parcels散货和件货
shipb.cargoes handling and transportation货物装卸与运输
textilecargoes imported and exported进出口货量
interntl.trade.cargoes imported and exported进出口货物
interntl.trade.cargoes imported and exported进出 口货物
shipb.cargoes imported and exported进出口的货物
busin.cargoes in package包件货物
interntl.trade.cargoes in packages件货
interntl.trade.cargoes in packages包装货物
shipb.cargoes in packages有包装的货物
shipb.cargoes incompatible list忌装货物目录
shipb.cargoes incompatible list货物忌装目录
textilecargoes inward and outward进出货量
econ.cargoes inward and outward港口吞吐量
textilecargoes inward and outward货物进出口量
textilecargoes inward and outward港口吞吐量
econ.cargoes inward and outward进出口货量
interntl.trade.cargoes loaded and unloaded装卸的货物
interntl.trade.cargoes loaded and unloaded货物装卸量
tech.cargoes proportion of general average共同海损货物分摊额
nautic., tech.cargoes which may liquefy可流态货物
econ.cargos proportion of general average共同海损货物应分摊的比例
tech.clause for cargoes shipped on deck甲板货物条款
nautic., tech.code for solid bulk cargoes固体散装货物规则
tech.collecting and dispatching capacity of port for cargoes and passengers港口集疏运能力
tech.collecting and dispatching capacity of port for cargoes and passengers港口客货集疏运能力
busin.congestion of cargoes货物拥挤
interntl.trade.contact with other cargoes被其它货物感染
el.containerizable cargoes适合集装箱的货物
textilecontainerized cargoes已并装货物
textilecontainerized cargoes集装箱化货物
interntl.trade.containerized cargoes集装箱化的货物
busin.containerized cargoes集装货物
shipb.damage through contact with other cargoes与其他货物接触受损
shipb.damage through contact with other cargos与其他货物接触受损
commer.discharge cargoes at Hong Kong在香港卸货
commer.disembark the cargoes from the vessel从船上卸货
logist.distribution of cargoes货物分拨配送
commer.embarkation of cargoes货物装载
China, lawengage in storing of cargoes仓储经营
commer.exceptional cargoes运费率除外货物
interntl.trade.export cargoes吐量
interntl.trade.export cargoes出口货物
interntl.trade.export cargoes at all harbors海港出口 货物量
busin.export cargos出口货物
busin.export cargos吐量
busin.export of cargos货物出口
shipb.exported cargoes出口货
nautic., tech.flammable cargoes易燃货物
commer.general cargoes杂货
busin.heavy cargos特重货物
interntl.trade.homogeneous cargoes同种类货物
interntl.trade.homogeneous cargoes同质货物
interntl.trade.import cargoes吞量
interntl.trade.import cargoes进口货物
interntl.trade.import cargoes at all harbors海港进口 货物量
textileimport cargoes insurance进口货物保险
shipb.imported cargoes进口货
shipb.import-export cargoes进出口货物
commer.lift the cargoes into the hold把货物吊入船舱
commer.lighter cargoes驳船货
commer.loading and unloading cargoes装卸货物
fin.lumber cargoes insurance木材货物保险
interntl.trade.marginal containerizable cargoes临界集装箱货物
busin.mixed cargoes混装货物
nautic., tech.non-cohesive cargoes非黏性货物
interntl.trade.on deck cargoes舱面货
interntl.trade.on deck cargoes甲板货
interntl.trade.prime containerizable cargoes最适合集装箱装运的货物
busin.pseudo cargoes伪劣品
busin.pseudo cargoes冒牌货
commer.put too high a valuation on cargoes对货物估价太高
commer.re-exports of imported cargoes进口货物复出口
commer.refrigerated cargoes冷冻货物
China, lawregulate the flow of passengers and cargos疏港
nautic., tech.safe loading and unloading of cargos manual安全装卸货物手册
busin.salable cargoes畅销品
shipb.separated mat of cargoes货物分隔席
shipb.separated net of cargoes货物分隔网
shipb.separated net of cargoes分隔网
shipb.separation of cargoes货物分隔
busin.stock of cargoes存货
el.storage of cargoes货物储藏库
busin.storage of cargoes物品保管
el.stowage plans for cargoes货物堆放图
interntl.trade.stowage plans for cargoes货物积载图
logist.stowage plans of cargoes货物积载图
nautic., tech.strengthened for heavy cargoes重货加强
nautic., tech.strengthened for heavy cargos重货加强
tech.Subcommittee on Containers and Cargoes集装箱和货物分委员会
nautic., tech.Sub-committee on Dangerous Goods Solid Cargos and Container危险品、固体货物和集装箱运输分委员会
busin.substandard cargoes残次品
busin.substitute cargoes代用品
interntl.trade.suitable containerizable cargoes适合集装箱货物
textilesupply of cargoes货物供应
textilesupply of cargoes物品供应
busin.supply of cargoes货源
auto.tallying of cargoes理货
econ.the aggregation of marine cargoes集中海运货物
commer.the captioned cargoes标题项下的货物
commer.The seller is liable for the carriage on and from the quay to the ultimate place of destination of the cargoes卖方负担从码头至最终目的地货物的运费
commer.These cargoes must be shipped on a steamer with cold storage这些货物必须由有冷藏设备的船只装运
commer.These damaged cargoes are realizable for only half of the original value残损货物仅可变卖原价值的一半
shipb.total mass of cargoes货物总重
shipb.total weight of cargoes货物总重
busin.transfer of cargoes货物转让
interntl.trade.under deck cargoes舱内货
interntl.trade.underdeck cargoes舱内货
econ.under-deck cargoes甲板下吨位
econ.under-deck cargoes舱内货物
interntl.trade.unitized cargoes成组货物
interntl.trade.unitized cargoes成组货载
interntl.trade.unitized cargoes单位化货物
econ.unitized cargoes成组化货物
econ.unitized cargoes单元化货物
commer.We have to make two loads of the cargoes我们必须把这些货物分两船装运
econ.We hope that these cargoes are delivered in one shipment我们希望这些货一次运送
agric.wheat cargoes小麦销售量
econ.You can single out any item for acceptance among the three cargoes for remedy你可从这三批货中任选接受一项作为补偿