
Terms for subject Logistics containing cargo | all forms | exact matches only
abc air cargo guide空运货物指南
additional cargo list加载货物清单
all-cargo aircraft货运飞机
all-cargo aircraft全货运飞
awkward and lengthy cargo重大件货物
bale cargo捆包运输的大件货物
base cargo起运货量
Beneficial Cargo Owner直接货主
Beneficial Cargo Owner货物所有者权益
bottom cargo压仓货
break breakbulk cargo零担货物
break breakbulk cargo开舱卸货
break breakbulk cargo散装
break bulk cargo开舱卸货
break bulk cargo零担货物
break bulk cargo散装
breakbulk cargo散装杂货
bulk cargo散装批量
cancelled cargo list取消货载清单
Cargo Accounts Settlement System〔空〕货物运费结算系统
cargo agent空运货运代理
cargo aircraft空运货物
Cargo Aircraft Only仅限货机
cargo assembly货物集配
cargo bogie铁路货物转向架
cargo booking advice〔空〕货物订舱预审单
Cargo Charges Correction Advice〔空〕货物运费更改通知
cargo damage survey货损鉴定
cargo delivery notice货通知
cargo description货描
cargo disassembly货物拆卸
cargo IMP国际航协开发的货物中转信息程序
cargo interchange message procedures国际航协开发的货物中转信息程序
cargo manifest客货运舱单
cargo manifest载货清单货物舱单
cargo measurement and weight货载衡重
cargo, N.O.S.未列项目货物
Cargo Not Otherwise Enumerated未列明货物
cargo on deck甲板舱面
cargo plan货物船舶积载图
cargo preference货载优先
Cargo Receipt供港运输的承运货物收据
cargo reservation货载保留
cargo segregation货物分票
cargo share货载份额
cargo status货物动态
cargo survey for general average积货鉴定
cargo survey for general average共同海损鉴定
cargo terminal〔空〕货运站
cargo tracer货物查询单
Cargo Traffic Procedures Committee国际航协的货物运价程序委员会
Cargo Transfer Manifest〔空〕转运舱单
cargo unclaimed无主货
cargo under customs supervision海关监管货物
cargo under deck舱内货
cargo unmanifested未列人舱单货
cargo worthiness适货性
cargo worthiness适货
charge for fumigation of cargo货物熏蒸费
Consolidated Cargo Service拼箱集运服务
container load cargo集装箱装载货物适箱货
contractual cargo契约货物
contributory value of cargo〔共同海损〕货方分摊价值
damaged by other cargo触及它货受损
damaged cargo report货损报告
dangerous cargo list危险货物单
Dangerous Cargo Safe Stowage Certificate危险货物安全装载书
dead weight cargo笨重商品
deadweight weight cargo
deadweight cargo capacity载货量
deadweight cargo tonnage净载重吨
deck cargo甲板
deck cargo甲板舱面
declaration of ship's deadweight tonnage of cargo船舶宣载通知书
delivery of cargo a ship交货
designated cargo指定货物
distribution of cargoes货物分拨配送
dry cargo freight, van container干杂货集装箱
dry cargo time charter干货租期船
dry cargo time charter freight rate干货租期船运价
efficiency of cargo discharging/loading装卸效率
express cargo快运货物
fine cargo清洁货
floating cargo在途货物
found cargo〔空〕多收货物
general cargo〔海〕件杂货 (generals)
general cargo〔空〕普通货物 (generals)
general cargo vessels普通货船
hatch and damage cargo survey载货鉴定
hatch cargo舱内货物
Heavy and Lengthy Cargo List重大件货物清单
heavy cargo, 150kgs and over per piece〔空〕 单件 150 千克以上的重货
heavy lift cargo超重货物
heavy weight cargo特重货物
high density cargo高密度货物
high value low weight cargo价值高重量低的货物
homogeneous cargo同种货物
hygroscopic cargo吸湿货物
inspection certificate on damage cargo货物残损检验证书
Institute Cargo Clause〔伦敦保险协会〕货物保险条款
integrated cargo service综合运输服务
integrated cargo service集运服务
inward cargo进港货物
lien on cargo对货物的留置权
low density cargo轻泡货物
marginal containerizable cargo边缘临界集装箱化货物
measurement rated cargo按体积计费的货物
mislabeled cargo〔空〕贴错标签货物
missing cargo〔空〕少收货物
multi-purpose cargo ship多用途货船
multi-purpose cargo vessel多用途货船
multi-purpose general cargo vessels多用途杂货船
mutual repellency of cargo货物互抵性
nominated cargo指定货物
non-contractual cargo非契约货物
nude cargo裸装船
obnoxious cargo易刺激货物
one-cargo vessel单一货船
optional cargo选港货
outward cargo出港货物
Over Dimension Cargo大件货物运输
overheight cargo超高货物
overlanded and shortlanded cargo list货物溢短单
overlength cargo超长货物
overwidth cargo超宽货物
palletized cargo托盘装运的货物
perishable cargo鲜活易腐货物
port-of-origin air cargo clearance起始港空运货物结关
prime containerizable cargo最适合集装箱货物
report on exception of cargo discharge卸货事故报告
sacrifice of cargo货物牺牲
stowage plans of cargoes货物积载图
suitable containerizable cargo适合集装箱货物适箱货
The Air Cargo Tariff〔IATA〕航空货物运价本
through cargo manifest过境货物载货清单
tonnage of cargo stored货物堆存量
tonnages of cargo handled货物操作量
tonnages of cargo transferred货物装卸量
top stow cargo堆顶货
traffic capacity of railway siding for cargo work铁路装卸线的通过能力
transit cargo〔海关用语〕过境货物
transshipment cargo〔海关〕转运货物
transshipment cargo中转货物
unmanifested cargo未列人载货清单的货物
unsuitable containerizable cargo不适合集装箱货物
Very Important Cargo重要货物