
Terms for subject Business containing care | all forms | exact matches only
better prenatal care优生
care and maintenance维修与保养
care and maintenance basis维修制度
care custody and control精心监护
care duplication注意重复
care mark小心标志提醒装卸搬运工语
care of由…转交
cargo care mark货物注意标志
child care儿童保险
child care and disabled dependent care儿童及残疾亲属抚养费
child care expenses儿童抚养费
don't care condition自由选取条件
due professional care职业应有注意
duty of care保管责任
duty of care监护责任
duty of care谨慎的职责
handle with great care小心轻放
handle with great care特别当心轻放
health care financing administration医疗融资管理
measures for safety in welding and health care焊按安全与卫生防护措施
medical care expense医疗费
medical care expense for employee's direct dependents雇员供养直系亲属医疗费
medical care expense for personnel retired due job injury因公负伤退休人员护理费
on-scene care现场维护
personal health care expenditure人员保健开支
right side up with care正面朝上
right side up with care小心
standard of care维护标准
standard of care管理标准
take care注意
take care小心
take care of负…责任
take care of管理
transport, wages, maintenance and care交通费、工资、伙食费、及照看费
want of care懈怠
want of care疏忽
with care小心
with every care and attention兢兢业业