
Terms for subject Technology containing capital costs | all forms | in specified order only
annual cost capital recovery资金回收年成本
capital and running cost资本费用和经营费用
capital construction cost基本建设费 (用)
capital cost基本投资
capital cost基建费 (用)
capital cost基本费用
capital cost投资费 (用)
capital cost投资性成本
capital cost动态投资
capital cost主要费用
capital cost基本建设费 (用)
capital cost基建投资费 (用)
capital cost analysis资本费用分析
capital cost of reactor plant反应堆装置投资
capital recovery cost资本还原成本
capital recovery cost收回投资费
capital recovery cost收回基建费
capital recovery cost投资还原成本
capital recovery cost还本付价
capital wastage cost curve资本损耗成本曲线
carrying cost of capital资本的附加费用
cost of capital investment基建投资费 (用)
estimation of capital cost估算基建投资
fixed capital cost固定投资费
fixed capital cost固定资本值
initial capital cost创办资本
marginal cost of capital边际资本成本
original capital cost原始投资
overall cost of capital综合资本成本
weighted cost of capital加权资本成本